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SUMMATIVE EVALUATION. Evaluation of Non-Tenured Teaching Staff. 18A:27-3.1 Evaluation of Performance of Nontenure Teacher. All nontenure teaching staff must be observed and evaluated in the performance of his or her duties at least three times per year At least once each semester
18A:27-3.1 Evaluation of Performance of Nontenure Teacher All nontenure teaching staff must be observed and evaluated in the performance of his or her duties at least three times per year At least once each semester Completed before April 30th Each evaluation shall be followed by a conference Purpose is to recommend as to reemployment, identify any deficiencies, extend assistance for their correction, and improve professional competence
Title 6 6A:32-4.5 Evaluation of nontenured teaching staff members (e) The purposes of this procedure for the observation and evaluation of nontenured teaching staff members shall be to improve professional competence, identify deficiencies, extend assistance for the correction of such deficiencies, provide a basis for recommendations regarding reemployment, and improve the quality of instruction received by the pupils served by the public schools.
Title 6 6:32-4.4 Evaluation of tenured teaching staff members (b) The purpose of the annual evaluation shall be to: 1. Promote professional excellence and improve the skills of teaching staff members; 2. Improve student learning and growth; and 3. Provide a basis for the review of performance of tenured teaching staff members.
6A:32-4.4(C) • The policies and procedures shall be developed under the direction of the school district’s chief school administrator in consultation with tenured teaching staff members….
Annual Written Performance Report Shall be prepared by a certified supervisor who has participated in the evaluation of the teaching staff member and shall include but not be limited to: performance areas of strength; performance areas in need of improvement based upon the job description; a summary of available indicators of student progress and growth and a statement of how these indicators relate to the effectiveness of the overall program and the performance of the individual teaching staff member, and an individual professional development plan developed by the supervisor and the teaching staff member. Provisions for performance data, which have not been included in the report prepared by the supervisor, to be entered into the record by the evaluatee within 10 working days after the signing of the report
Annual Summary Conference Shall be held before the written performance report is filed and shall include but not be limited to: Review of the teaching staff member’s performance based on the job description Review of the teaching staff member’s progress toward the objectives of the individual development plan developed at the previous annual conference Review of the available indicators of student progress and growth toward the program objectives, and Review of the annual written performance report and the signing of said report within 5 working days of the review
Descriptors of Good Teaching The descriptors of good teaching presented below portray a professional function that is complex and difficult, requiring a broad range of knowledge, attitudes and techniques. The descriptors are only a framework; they require that local districts examine them and give them specific meaning. For organizational purposes, the descriptors are listed in three area: academics, pedagogy and professionalism.
I. AcademicsA. The teacher communicates a positive regard for students and their learning.B. In interacting with students, the teacher clearly communicates expectations which are challenging and stimulating.
C.Teaching reflects a keen understanding of subject matter.D. Teaching reflects thoughtful planning.E. Instructional materials reflect the goals, objectives and content of the curriculum or student's IEP.
II. PedagogyA. The teacher evaluates outcomes of instruction for the achievement of stated goals, as well as goals which emerge as teaching unfolds.B . The teacher is able to identify the significant aspects of his/her own instructional practice which promote student learning.
c . The teacher provides opportunities for students to be creative, analytical, and evaluative.D . Teaching reflects an understanding of the students' developmental learning needs.
E. The teacher acts as a decision maker who takes charge of instruction, reflects on practice, and makes appropriate choices as teaching proceeds.F . The teacher believes what he/she teaches is important and exciting and communicates that enthusiasm to the students.
G . The teacher knows about, chooses from, and implements different approaches to teaching.H . Tasks provided for students are challenging and interesting, yet within their capabilities.
III. ProfessionalismA. Teaching practice is consistent with the ethical standards of the profession.B . The teacher interacts with colleagues about teaching problems and practices, offering and receiving help.
C. The teacher is sensitive to minority, gender and social issues.D. The teacher demonstrates a commitment to the continuing development of teaching skills.
E. Interacting with students, the teacher develops a sense of community, characterized bya common commitment to work together and a shared responsibility for making classroom life productive and meaningful.
I. Academics In interacting with students, the teacher clearly communicates expectations, which are stimulating and challenging 1. by challenging the ability of each student in using a variety of prepared and original materials at appropriate levels. 2. by insuring that students are actively engaged in appropriate learning activities throughout the period.
Academics Teacher possesses and exhibits a keen knowledge and understanding of subject matter 1. by giving appropriate responses to students’ questions. 2. by addressing appropriate objectives in the planning and delivery of subject matter. 3. by remaining current in the area(s) of assignment (i.e., taking course work, reading journals, attending workshops and visiting other programs, etc.) 4. by maximizing meaning for learners through relevant examples.
Teacher exhibits thoughtful and effective planning 1. by writing plans that are consistent with approved district curriculum and providing appropriate time allocations for implementation. 2. by planning to address the varying student aptitudes and interest. 3. by having instructional materials that relate to the planned activities on hand and ready to be used. 4. by selecting appropriate methods and materials for content to be taught. 5. by planning activities to make the most effective use of academic learning time.
Instruction reflects the goals, objectives and content of the curriculum or student's IEP 1. by using the approved district textbooks, materials, tests and management systems. 2. by using prepared and teacher made supplementary materials matching appropriate program goals and objectives. 3. by educating students in a manner consistent with the goals and objectives of the curriculum 4. by teaching to the intended objective.
II. Pedagogy The teacher communicates a positive regard for students and their learning 1. by establishing an appropriate rapport with the students and encouraging an atmosphere conducive to learning. 2. by providing positive feedback, reinforcement and praise for student success. 3. by honoring incorrect responses and helping the student to reach the correct answer. 4. by working to facilitate the success of each student.
The teacher evaluates outcomes of instruction for the achievement of stated goals and demonstrates the ability to monitor and adjust 1. by utilizing periodic testing, composed of items that measure the objectives in the curriculum being taught. • by employing a variety of evaluation techniques. • by monitoring the learning and adjusting instruction to address the multiple learning styles of students.
The teacher is able to identify the significant aspects of his/her own instructional practices that promote student learning 1. by reflectively planning lessons based upon prior successes. 2. by active participation in post-observation conference.
The teacher provides opportunities for students to be creative, analytical, and evaluative 1. by designing activities that focus on the higher level thinking skills. 2. by including, as appropriate, activities that encourage student creativity.
Teaching reflects an understanding of the students’ developmental learning needs • by developing lesson plans, delivering instruction and providing activities that are appropriate to the developmental age of the students. • by adjusting instruction to meet the needs of special students.
The teacher believes what he/she teaches is important and exciting and communicates that enthusiasm to the students 1. by creating an environment that promotes student motivation. 2. by modeling enthusiasm for the subject being taught. 3. by relating the learning to the lives of the students where appropriate.
The teacher knows about, chooses from, and implements different approaches to teaching 1. by designing activities that actively involve the student in the learning during the lesson. 2. by providing remedial materials and enrichment materials as required by the needs of the individual students.
Tasks provided for students are challenging and interesting, and at the correct level of difficulty 1. by selecting learning activities that are relevant to the intended objective. 2. by selecting learning activities that promote student success. 3. by providing learning activities that tend to be motivating to the student.
III. Professionalism Teaching practice is consistent with the ethical standards of the profession 1. by adhering to district and school policies and regulations. 2. by performing those duties listed in the job description. 3. by adhering to the teacher code of ethics promulgated by the National Education Association.
The teacher interacts with colleagues about teaching problems and practices, offering and receiving help 1. by active participation on building and district committees. 2 by working constructively toward meeting school district objectives. 3. by actively participating in activities of the school in addition to assigned classroom duties. 4. by assisting colleagues, by sharing ideas, materials and methodology. 5. by constructive participation in the process of finding solutions to school and district-related problems. by demonstrating a positive attitude toward the school, the district and the profession.
The teacher is sensitive to minority, gender and social issues and the individual needs of students 1. by treating each student without regard to race, religion or gender. 2. by planning activities which group students without regard to religion, race or gender. 3. by actively participating in affirmative action workshops and activities of the school district. 4. by accommodating the special needs of students.
The teacher demonstrates a commitment to the continuing development of teaching skills 1. by taking advantage of in-service, staff development and educational opportunities provided by the school district. 2. by pursuing activities outside of the school district which would result in enhancing competence and currency.
The teacher develops a sense of community, characterized by a common commitment to work together and a shared responsibility for making classroom life productive and meaningful 1. by developing a shared sense of purpose with the students in the classroom. 2. by providing a classroom environment that is well managed and conducive to learning. 3. by expressing a genuine concern for the success of the students.
6:32-4.4 Evaluation of Tenured Teaching Staff Members (f) The annual written performance report … shall include, but not be limited to: 1. Performance areas of strength; 2. Performance areas needing improvement based upon the job description; 3. An individual professional improvement plan developed by the supervisor and the teaching staff member; 4. A summary of available indicators of pupil progress and growth …