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Pronuncing Standard American American English. Part 4 Practicing Specific Consonant Sounds [ l ] and [ r ]. The [ l ] Sound.
Pronuncing Standard American American English Part 4 Practicing Specific Consonant Sounds [l] and [r]
The [l] Sound • In English all L sounds are written with the same IPA symbol. So, we don‘t really teach a lightL and a darkL, but in practice there are two l sounds depending on the position of the l sound in the word. 所有英文L的發音都用相同的國際音標符號書寫,所以我們並不是真的要教lightL和 darkL兩種發音,但實際上根據L在字中的位置有兩種發音。
The [l] Sound • How to make the [l] sound 如何發[l] 音? • To make the sound, place the tip of your tongue lightly against the tooth ridge where it touches the gum. Lower both sides of your tongue, and let the voiced breath spread escape over the sides of the tongue. This sound is called a lateral because the sound escapes from the mouth on each side of the tongue.把你的舌尖輕輕地抵在你的齒齦上,把你舌頭的兩側放低,讓聲音從舌頭的兩邊發出去,這種聲音稱為有聲子音的邊(側)音,因為這聲音是從舌頭兩側發出的。 • The phonetic symbol for this sound is the same as the alphabet letter [l] and /l/. [l]在語音學上的符號是跟字母一樣的。
Making the [l] Sound • The letter L actually has two sounds. They are L as in “love,” the more common of the two, and L as in “milk.” The difference between the two is basically where you put the tip of your tongue. With the more common L sound. Put the tip of your tongue directly behind your upper front teeth. Can you feel the bump behind your teeth? Your tongue tip should be with the space between that bump and your forefront teeth. The tip of your tongue is all that should be touching anything. Now pull your tongue back and say “LLLA.”字母L實際上有兩個音,一個是“love”的L,(這是比較常發的音)另一個是“milk”的L,這兩個不同的發音基本上在舌尖的擺放位置, 常發的L是把你的舌尖放在你上排牙齒的後面,你可以感受到你牙齒後面的凸塊嗎?你的舌尖應該在你的凸塊跟前排牙齒之間,那你的舌尖應該可以碰觸任何位置,現在把你的舌頭捲到後面,然後說“LLLA”。
The [l] Sound • Tongue position to make the [l] Sound 舌頭的位置與[l]的發音 http://www.uiowa.edu/~acadtech/phonetics/#
[l] Sound • Here‘s the tip. There are two mistakes that you might be making with the L sound. You may not be bringing your tongue all the way up to touch the roof of your mouth. This causes the L to sound a little like the R. The other is that you may be bringing your lips together, rather than keeping them open. This will make the L sound more like a W. Watch yourself in the mirror to be sure that your mouth does not move, as you say L.訣竅,你在發L音的時候可能會犯兩種錯誤,一種是你可能沒有讓你的舌頭一直碰到你的上顎,這樣的話就會把L音發成有點像R的音;另一種是你可能合起你的雙唇,而沒有讓它們保持開著,這樣就會讓L音發成像W。你可以自己對著鏡子觀看,確定當你說L時,你的嘴巴沒有動。
The [l] Sound • Listen to the following words; then repeat them. Pay special attention to the [l] sound in various positions in the words. 聽一下下面的字,然後跟著念。注意[l] 字母在不同位置的發音。 Initial字首Medial中間Final字尾 low light asleep only tell ball look last belong sole meal full love leave black follow will tale load letter silent yellow doll school lung low filed filled file fill
The [l] Sound C. The middle of the tongue should be low in the mouth and the tip of the tongue touches the upper tooth-gum ridge. 舌頭的中央部分要放低,舌尖要去碰上排牙齦。 left long asleep all table lamp last love belong ball lick little look loss hello doll lame ball litter alive only girl bottle filed live lad yellow will solo lawn letter let release tell well large
The [l] Sound B. Listen to and repeat the following sentences.聽下面的句子,然後跟著念。 • Lee was building a glass table. • The people of a Lick village called Larry to lead them. • The lake was still and peaceful. • The little girl helped look for the bicycle. • The small child lost her blanket. • Ellen’s living room was large and light.
The [l] Sound 1. Billy Hill made jelly almost all day. 2. Lily was lovely in lilac and lace. 3. Shelly followed the swallows to their nesting place. 4. Po Ling couldn’t believe the election results that flashed on the flat screen TV. 5. Let’s look for a relaxing place to eat lunch. 6. Flowers grew all along the beautiful boulevard.
The [l] Sound 1. Lucy left Camille’s lunch on the table for her. 2. July was cool, and Charlie loved sleeping late. 3. The little girl laughed as she played with her lifeless dolls. 4. Lana studied geology, Latin, English, algebra, and hospitality. 5. Eleven elves lived in the jungle near the lake. 6. Lonnie’s laptop was light and strong.
The [l] Sound • Richard wrote a thorough report before he left for Los Angeles. • William spilled the fresh milk on the floor. • It was too late for Lyra to catch the falling balloon. • The loop the leader was using to show the students was tangled. • Larry left early for the late show.
The [l] Sound • Luke, luck, licks, lakes, lend, look, laugh • Lillian lingered longer laughing lightly. • Three fleas flew while the breeze blew. • Lola from Lima learned about lightning and electricity in her environmental science class.
Light and Dark [l] Sounds • Now, there are exceptions of course, to everything in English, but: the light L would be at the beginning of a word or a syllable, or whenever it is linked to another consonant, like, for example, in the word ‘flash.’ F and L are linked together, those two consonant sounds, so that would be a light L. Dark L then would be, an L that comes at the end of a syllable or a word. light L通常在一個字或音節的最前面,例如like,或是它會連著一個子音例如‘flash’,F跟L兩個子音連在一起。Dark L則是在一個字或音節的最後面。
Light and Dark [l] Sounds The word 'feel.' Fff-eeee-uuhh-ll. there is a sound uuhh before the tongue comes up to finish off the L. Now what exactly is that sound? It's not written in IPA. It's similar in sound to the schwa, but the tongue does a lot more work than in the schwa where it's neutral. In this sound, the tongue fattens up in the middle. It's similar to when we cough. The tongue comes up out of the throat a little bit, and it fattens and thickens in the back and in the center. So the sides, if the tongue was like this on the schwa, it comes more like this in the sound before the L in the dark L. Uuhh, uuhh. And the tip of the tongue is not touching anything. It does come up then, to finish the L sound by touching the roof of the mouth. Uuhh-ll, uuhh-ll.
Light and Dark [l] Sounds Words with the light L:let. There is no vowel sound before it. Last, live, land, like, flash, flew. More complicated words where it‘s not the beginning sound, but rather the beginning of a syllable within the word itself: conflict, replace, reliable, relationship. light L一定在母音的前面。即使L不是第一個音也不是在第一個音節。 The dark L: In some cases, like the word feel, the vowel sound that comes before the dark L is very obvious. It's longer. In some words, it's not as long, but it is still that different coloring. Tell, fall, stole, forceful, false, title. dark L L在母音後面,像feel等
Dark [l] Sounds Don’t bring the tongue to the roof of the mouth to finish the sound, so the sound will end with that uuhh sound. Tell, fall, stole, forceful, false, title.
Light and Dark [l] Sounds You can work on the dark L when comparing ‘word’ with ‘world’. 你可以比較‘word’和‘world’的’dark L’。
The Dark L Sound Many people pronounce the dark L without ever bringing the tip of the tongue up. In other words, they don‘t actually finish the dark sound. Feel, they might finish it fee-uuhh, in which the tongue doesn’t come up, the tongue is staying in the middle of the mouth with the thickened back and middle. 很多人發’dark L’沒有把舌頭上揚,換句話說並沒有把整個音發完,舌頭仍然保持在口腔的中央,而未把舌頭上揚 。
The Light [l] Sound • The other L sound is less common. You can hear this L in the word “well.” In the first L, your tongue touches between your upper front teeth and the bump behind them. In this L, the tongue tip needs to point straight up, touching slightly behind that bump. Try the word “milk.” Notice that this L sound usually comes at the end of a word. Let‘s try some more examples:light L舌頭微彎,舌尖是放在牙齦的後面,dark L是舌頭平平的上移到牙齦後面。
The [r] Sound Now let's move on to the consonant R. R is another commonly mispronounced sound. Listen to these examples: river, arrow, rise, right, bigger, reach, car. R也是很容易發音錯誤,仔細聽這些例字。 http://www.uiowa.edu/~acadtech/phonetics/#
[r] Sound There are two important things to remember when pronouncing R. Your tongue should be pulled to the back of your mouth, like when you open your mouth for a big yawn. Yawn, and look in the mirror. Your tongue is flattened between your teeth and the back of your mouth. Now keep your tongue in that position, but round your lips. Shape your mouth like the beginning of a kiss. 發R音時要記住兩件事,一你的舌頭必須拉到你的口腔後方,好像你張嘴打個大哈欠,二你的舌頭平坦於牙齒與口腔的後方。現在舌頭保持不動,把嘴唇變圓,嘴型像要開始接吻的樣子。
The [r] Sound • Now try: river, rope, barron, far, arrow, rise, right, bigger, reach, try, car. • Notice that your tongue isn‘t touching anything when you pronounce the R. 發R音時 注意舌頭不要碰到任何東西。 • Try a few more examples: Shirley, brought, pretty, bird, her, girl, friend, Carla, birthday, party, farmer, Fred, wore, dirty, green, shirt, work, Friday, afternoon.
The [r] Sound • The curly red-haired girl stressed that her younger brothers were resting. • Ariel ground the green grapes from the marsh. • Argentina’s resources include Argon, Radon, Silver, and Sulphur.
Contrasting the [r] and [l] Sounds For many people, L and R sound alike. Let‘s try contrasing the L and R sounds to hear the differences: 對很多人來說,L與R的發音相似,讓我們試著做個對比,聽出它們的不同。 learned, learning, release, religious, familiar • Charlie could hardly believe she could read the words easily. • The floor the builder worked on was larger than forty feet square.