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Presentation Three. Role of Religion on Climate Change. Dedicated to Pope John Paul II.
Presentation Three Role of Religion on Climate Change
Dedicated to Pope John Paul II “The environment is a great repository of natural wealth, belonging to all humanity, present and future, freely and equally. Each generation takes the natural environment on loan, and must return it after use in as well or better condition as when it was first borrowed.” Centesimus Annus 107
Religion - A Powerful Tool • Today, all religions are addressing more consistently and faithfully how to protect God's creation and the environment that sustains the human family and all the earth.
Crusades • First Crusade launched by Pope Urban II, Nov. 27, 1095, at the Council of Clermont • Pope urban marketed the crusades so brilliantly. Some 60,000 men offered to risk their lives. • On July 15, 1099 the First Crusade captured Jerusalem
What Religion Can Do?Martin Luther King Jr. Obama the President
Edward O. Wilson “The predisposition to religious belief is the most complex and powerful force in the human mind in all probability an ineradicable part of human nature” Edward O. Wilson
St. Francis of Assisi • Make me a channel of your peace • Where there is hatred le me bring your love • Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord
880 Billion Tons of Carbon • Safety Line 935 billion tons – 55 bt to go • 8 bt per year – 4 bt depleted by carbon sinks • 10 to 13 years
A Sense of Awareness and Urgency Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don't know how to interpret this present time? (Luke 12: 59)
Sustainable development Man-Centered Anthropocentric motives Capitalism Consumption Sustainable retreat Nature-Centered Anthropocentric denials Egalitarian Existence Conservation We Need Paradigm Shift
Three Paradigm Shifts • 1. Axial Age 500 BC to 100 BC • 2. Jesus Christ 1 AD to 45 AD • 3. Renaissance and Reformation (1300 – 1500) • 4. Second Axial Age (Present) • Religions was the major player
First Shift – The Axial Age (Divergence of Religions) -Confucius, Mencius, Lao Tzu, Gautama, Mahavir, Zoroaster, Prophets, Pythagoras, Socrates
2nd Shift - Jesus Christ • The Kingdom of God based on Justice and Peace • a kingdom of truth and life, a kingdom of holiness and grace, a kingdom of justice, love, and peace.
3rd Shift - Crusades, Feudal Europe, Renaissance 1300 and Reformation 1517
Modern World: Colonization, Slavery, Industrial Revolution, World Wars, Holocaust, Global Warming
Homo scientificus – Science and Technology , Globalization, Yet, We are not Happier
Mater et Magistra, 198 “We are sick at heart. We are shown the fearful specter of want and misery which threatens to extinguish human life, and on the other hand we find scientific discoveries, technical inventions and economic resources being used to provide terrible instruments of ruin and death. “Mother and Teacher” (1961) • Technological Society Destroys • disaster struck, stone tools, Neolithic Farming, Steam Engines, Nuclear Energy, Cellphones
4th ShiftConvergence of All Religions and politics (second axial age)A Generational Mission • Human Achievements: not science and technology, but becoming compassionate, humble, simple • Becoming Human is Generational Mission • Moving Toward a Golden Age of Humanity
The Second Axial Age – The Generational Mission Convergence of All Religions against First Axial Age
Earth Summit, 1992 • In 1992 more than 100 heads of the state met in Rio de Janeiro, First International Earth Summit • Environmental protection and socioeconomic development • Leaders signed the Convention on Biological Diversity
Kyoto Protocol, 1997 • Global Warming • Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases • Substantial Outcome
Copenhagen, 2009 - Politics Failed Only One Option: Religion
Durban, South Africa, 2011 • Sustainable Development • First, no more than 2 degrees C out of 4 C • Second, for the first time will require the big emerging economies China, India and Brazil, to make legally binding commitments (Mitigation) • Third, established a new Green Climate Fund will provide vital support to the poor countries to reduce their emissions and adapt to the climate change they are already experiencing. (Adaptation)
Economic sustainability Technological sustainability Social sustainability Environmental sustainability Value sustainability Products are matched to market demand Technologies should be upgradable Bring positive change Should mitigate greenhouse gases Guided by moral values Sustainable Development
The Power of Religions • 2 Billion Christians • 1 Billion Plus Muslims • 1 Billion Hindus • 350 Million Buddhists • 20 Million Sikhs • 4 Million Jews
Rerum novarum Gaudium et Spes Populorum progressio Mater et magistra Octogesima adveniens Justicia in mundo Redemptor hominis Laborem excercens Sollicitudo rei socialis Centesimus annus Caritas in veritate Justice and peace-Integrity of creation Local efforts in dioceses Social Teachings
Ecoparish - A Centre for Compassion and Conservation • Reduce • Reuse • Recycle • Reject
Holy Quran • Appeals to Compassion and Conservation • If Islamic world choose to stop oil export, this world will be a better place
Hindu-Jain-Buddha-Sikh-Farsi • Vedas, Upanishad • Ramayana, Mahabharata • Bhagawad Gita • But ‘Rush to Riches,’ to technology and development puts pressure on land, water, air and life
Every Year 18 Million added to fragile Earth – 1.25 Billion and Still Growing
China • Non-believers also can use the human resources of Compassion and Conservation • Compassion and Conservation can be a driving force behind economic progress
Can Religions Stop GW? • Temperatures will increase 2 to 4 degrees Celsius at the end of this century (IPCC) • Politics can cut 2 degrees Celsius • All other Religions 2 degrees Celsius
Eliminate Domination in All its Forms • Society marked by inequalities, hierarchies, discrimination, slavery, exploitation will treat environment in same way • Decent, sane, egalitarian society will treat environment it inhabits sane & respectful way • The way humanity treats the environment influences the way it treats itself, and vice versa. This invites contemporary society to a serious review of its lifestyle. CV 4, 51
Return to Mother-What Women can do! • Mothers Speak when the “Mother Principle is Crucified.” • Hildegard of Bingen – Cosmic Awareness • Mechtild of Magdeburg - Panentheism • Julian of Norwich – Motherhood of God • Meister Eckhart – Goodness of Creation
Religion Can Give Head Start • Sustainable Development to Sustainable Retreat • Environmental Revolution (collectively) • Mutiny (individually)
Anthropocentrism Steward Greed Consumption Rationalism Democracy Dominion Capitalism Biocentrism Servant Need Compassion Mysticism Cosmic Democracy Creation-Centered Spirituality Egalitarianism Environmental Revolution by Religions
Agricultural revolution, population increase IR, steam engine driven by technological advances IR, shift toward fossil fuel IR, a shift toward Consumption ER will dramatically alter population trends ER use of new technologies, so economy does not destroy earth ER shift away from fossil fuels ER is shift away from Consumption Environmental Revolution Versus AR and IR
Creation Mutiny of Individuals • Mutiny against Consumption • Mutiny against Domination in all its Forms • Mutiny against Greed, Corruption, Violence • Mutiny against Carnivorous Habits
Geo-Engineering and Climate Engineering • Reduce albedo effect = reflecting the sunlight to space • Playing with clouds - atomise sea water (Flettner ships) • A Parasol in space – shade the planet (mirror clouds) • Fertiliser for the sea – growth of plankton (zooplankton) • Sulphur dioxide mist – transport by hose to staratosphere, also by jumbo jets