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Learn when and how to use the bare infinitive form in English grammar. Practice exercises and examples included for easy understanding.
Grammar & Usage Unit 5 The bare infinitive 5.1 Introduction 5.2 When it is used Grammar Practice Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Language Practice Part A Part B
5.1 Not all infinitives are preceded by ‘to’. Those that are not are commonly known as ‘bare infinitives’. She may come tomorrow. Compare:She wishes to come tomorrow. Teacher’s notes P.38
5.2 When it is used P.38
Situation Examples after verbs of perception e.g.see, watch, notice, hear, listen, feel, smell, etc. One of the witnesses saw the robbers runout of the bank. In the passive, the infinitive after these verbs takes to. The robbers were seen to runout of the bank. P.38
Situation Examples after verbs that take the form verb + object + bare infinitive e.g.let, make, have, etc. Lethim comein now. His description madethe story sound believable. The passive of make is followed by a to-infinitive. I was made to payfull price because I forgot my concession card. P.38
In Unit 4, we noted that the infinitive can appear in different forms. One of these is the perfect form, which shows that an action took place earlier than the action of the main verb. This form is often used with must, can’t, may, might, should, needn’t, seem, appear, etc. for past actions or states. Note that after these modals, the perfect form (must have gone, may have shown, etc.) does not take to. P.38
This is John’s umbrella. He may have been here in the morning. (= I think that he was here in the morning.) You look tired. You must have gone to bed late last night. (= I’m sure that you went to bed late last night.) You’ve broken the vase. You should have been more careful. (= You were not careful/You were careless.) P.38
Grammar Practice Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. The first one has been done for you. P.39
make 1 I’m sorry I couldn’t ________________ (make) it to your birthday party last night. 2 You needn’t ________________ (wash) the dishes. I’ll do them later. 3 We cannot help but ________________ (feel) sorry for him. 4 ‘Would you like ________________ (go) on a walk?’ she asked. wash feel to go P.39
try 5 ‘Please let me ________________ (try)’, the boy said to his brother. 6 Betty has gone home. I saw her _________________ (leave) at 6.15 p.m. 7 Why not ________________ (take) a bus? 8 It’s late. We’d better ________________ (leave) now. leave take leave P.39
9 He wrote ________________ (tell) us that he was coming to Hong Kong for Christmas. 10 The zoo-keeper warned the visitors __________________ (not/feed) the zoo animals. to tell not to feed P.39
Some of the underlined words in the following sentences are incorrect. Write the correction above the word(s). If the sentence is correct, put a ‘’ at the end of the sentence. The first two have been done for you. P.39
1I tried, but I couldn’t fix the broken chair. 2 The news made us felt sad. 3 It’s very hot. I’d rather stayed at home. 4 They didn’t see her came in. 5 I’ve heard her tell the story before. feel stay come P.39
fly 6 They watched the helicopter flew over the hill. 7 Did they knew you were there last night? 8 ‘You may be right,’ he said. 9 I invited John to have had dinner with us that evening. 10 The forecast for today is sunny. We needn’t take an umbrella when we go out. know have P.39
Complete the following conversation by choosing appropriate verbs from the box and using them in their correct form. You can use the verbs more than once. The first one has been done for you. Teacher’s notes P.40
to see Ann Morning, Bob. Nice (1)you again. Bob And you! Hey, before I forget, have you finished the book Tony lent you? Ann You mean The Da Vinci Code? No, I haven’t even started (2)it. Bob Ah, well Tony asked if he could have it back by the end of this week. (1) ____________ (2) ____________ to read/ reading P.40 BOX
Ann No problem. I’ll (3)it on Saturday. Bob Seriously? That book is more than 600 pages long! Can you really (4)it in just a couple of days? Ann Probably. Bob Why don’t you ask Tony (5)you (6)the book for a few more days. I’m sure he won’t (7). (3) ____________ (4) ____________ (5) ____________ (6) ____________ (7) ____________ return finish to let borrow mind P.40 BOX
Ann I’ll (8)how I get on. By the way, did you (9)your uncle and aunt to Lam Tsuen yesterday? Bob Yes, but they were a bit disappointed because no one was allowed (10) paper wishes and oranges into the Wishing Tree. (8) ____________ (9) ____________ (10) ____________ see take to throw P.40 BOX
Ann The ban was put in place (11)the tree. Anyway, I’d better (12)now. My grandma’s coming to dinner and I promised (13)prepare the meal. See you! (11) ____________ (12) ____________ (13) ____________ to protect go to help P.40 BOX
Rewrite the sentences below following the instructions given in brackets. The first one has been done for you. P.41
1 It’s not necessary for you to collect the prize in person. (Begin with the given words.) You needn’t _____________________________________ ________________________________________________ 2 Mr Lee had to give up his job because of his health. (Use could do nothing but.) Mr Lee _________________________________________ ________________________________________________ collect the prize in person. could do nothing but give up his job because of his health. P.41
3 Her mother wouldn’t let her go camping with us. (Use allow.) Her mother ______________________________________ ________________________________________________ 4 He didn’t pass his driving test. (Use failed.) He _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________ wouldn’t allow her to go camping with us. failed his driving test. P.41
5 People are advised to wear masks if they have a cough. (Use should.) People __________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 6 What caused the flowers to die? (Use made.) What ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________ should wear masks if they have a cough. made the flowers die? P.41
7 We’re sure he’ll be back by next Thursday. (Begin with the given words.) He’s expected ____________________________________ ________________________________________________ 8 I’m afraid I can’t go to your party tomorrow. (Use able.) I’m afraid I ______________________________________ ________________________________________________ to be back by next Thursday. won’t be able to go to your party tomorrow. P.41
9 She is scared to ask. (Use dare.) She ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 10 More people may leave because of the district’s increasing noise pollution. (Use might.) More people _____________________________________ ________________________________________________ dare not ask. might leave because of the district’s increasing noise pollution. P.41
Some of the following sentences contain mistakes. Correct any mistakes using the following: P.42
incorrect word/form - underline the incorrect word, then write the correct form of the word above it missing word - mark the position of the missing word with a ‘^’ sign, then write the missing word above it extra word - put a cross ‘’ on the word you wish to cross out no mistake - put a tick ‘’ at the end of each sentence P.42
know The first four have been completed as examples. 1 He didn’t knew you liked it. 2 I’m sorry hear your brother has lost his job. 3 Do you think he will let us to try? 4 I don’t want you to be unhappy. to ^ P.42
5 You are not allowed bring dogs into the park. 6 How did you manage to persuade her to come? 7 ‘What made her changed her mind?’ he asked. 8 Will you been a little more considerate and turn down your music? 9 Did she agree to help us? change be to ^ P.42
been 10 You need not to worry about us. 11 Catherine should have be more careful. 12 ‘Should I change into trains at North Point?’ the man asked. 13 The temple is said to have built hundreds of years ago. 14 They don’t allow residents keep pets. been ^ to ^ P.42
Language Practice Complete the following sentences using your own words. The first one has been done for you. P.43
to have been here 1 You’re late. You ought ______________________ half an hour ago. 2 Today’s Air Pollution Index is very high. People with respiratory problems should ______________________ . 3 She told you her secret because she trusted you. You shouldn’t ______________________________________ . 4 You look tired. You’d better ______________________ . stay indoors have told anyone else/other people get some rest P.43
were watching it to get along well 5 I’m sorry I turned off the TV. I didn’t know you _________ ___________________ . 6 That box looks heavy. Let me ______________________ . 7 Melinda likes her new school. She seems ______________ __________________ with her classmates. 8 ‘Where will you stay when you go to Shanghai?’ ‘I might ___________________________ but I’m not sure yet.’ help you carry it stay at a youth hostel/hotel P.43
Read the following news report, then fill in each blank in Jennifer’s diary with a suitable word. Make sure your answers are grammatically correct. The first one has been done for you. Teacher’s notes P.43
R ecent tests conducted by the Consumer Council have shown that 50 out of the 73 packaged foods tested contained excessive salt. Ten items contained two or three times the recommended amounts. The World Health Organisation advises people to consume no more than 5 g of salt (about a teaspoonful), or 2,000 mg of sodium, each day. Eating too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, strokes and heart disease. ‘Consumers should read the labels on food packaging to make sure items do not contain too much salt,’ Dr Ng, chairman of the Council’s Publicity and Community Relations Committee, warned. P.43
Feb 16 I was shocked to (1) from today’s newspaper that most of my favourite snacks (2) too much salt. Even the cereal that I (3) for breakfast is not within safe limits. (1) ____________ (2) ____________ (3) ____________ learn contain/have eat/have P.44 NEWS REPORT
I’m not sure what is safe to (4) now. We have (5) scares about (6) chicken, fish, pork and beef. The only remaining thing that seems (7) to eat is tofu. The only problem is I don’t particularly (8) it! (4) ____________ (5) ____________ (6) ____________ (7) ____________ (8) ____________ eat had eating safe like P.44 NEWS REPORT
I (9) to Belinda on the phone this evening. ‘Let’s not (10) too much,’ she said. ‘Just eat a balanced diet and (11) plenty of exercise. Your health (12) improve, and you will be able to (13) life!’ Belinda might (14) right after all. (9) ____________ (10) ____________ (11) ____________ (12) ____________ (13) ____________ (14) ____________ spoke/talked worry take/get/do will enjoy be P.44 NEWS REPORT