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Brand Promotion

Brand Promotion<br>1. How important is the Trust Factor in an Effective PR?<br>Trust factor is very important in PR since, mutual trust helps in creating a good relationship. Trustworthiness, proficiency and honesty appear to be the most important factors contributing to credibility and acceptance.<br><br>2. Developing the Right Strategies are Important for Brand Promotions<br>Efficient adoption of the right strategies lays the foundation for developing the plan to promote the brand. If the foundation is not strong enough, the promotion of the brand can never be done effectively.<br><br>3. Is Creation of a Logo Important for a Brand to Promote itself?<br>The creation of a logo creates a print in the minds of the consumer. A logo also helps the customer in identifying and recognizing the brand and thus attracting them to the brand.<br><br>4. Branding and PR , Both go Hand in Hand<br>Neither branding, nor PR can ever grow or foster alone. Branding is promotion of a term, whereas PR is associated with advertising and marketing performances.<br><br>5. Tools of PR are very essential to Earn Belief<br>The tools of PR are essential to gain trust over the customers and gain their undivided attention. The oral as well as written communication helps to gain deeper understanding about the brand.<br><br>6. Blogs are the Trendiest way to increase the Brand Recognition<br>Blogs written and posted over social media are very effective as the target and influence a large number of audience. Blogs give a voice to the brand and thus, creating an esteemed market standing.<br><br>7. How does Positioning of the Brand impact its captured Audience<br>Distinctive positioning of the Brand requires targeting a certain category of audience. Thus, this boosts the morale of the consumers and motivates them to make repeated purchases.<br><br>8. While Promoting a Brand, PR thinks about creating Long Term Perspective<br>Long term perspective with the brand as well as the customers. This shall create better corporate image, good market standing and loyal customers. This shall motivate the customers and build an esteemed reputation.<br><br>9. What is the difference between Advertising and PR?<br>Advertising is a paid form of communication to promote the brand through increased sales whereas PR is an effective form of communication strategy which seeks to build a reputation of the brand among its target audience.<br><br>10. Is Brand Building necessary?<br>Brand Building is a very essential process as it creates a value to the customers. The final consumer shall only be attracted to the brand only and if it has good corporate image.<br><br>11. Teamwork is very essential for Building a Brand<br>A brand can never be developed single- handed. A proper PR, Advertising and Promotion techniques must be undertaken which can never be managed alone.<br><br>12. The Process of Personalising your Brand is Never Obligatory<br>Each new brand must have a personalized touch when coming in the market as this is how the upcoming brand shall differentiate from the existing ones. Personalising shall also help the captured market to relate to brand effectively. <br><br>13. How needful are Special Events in PR?<br>It is an important ritual for the PR to perform the special events as it shall attract the attention of the media. This shall enhance the reach of the consumers.<br><br>14. Feedback is the Key for Growth and Expansion<br>Constructive reviews and feedbacks leads to two-way flow of communication. This shall help the brand to work on it shortcomings.<br><br>15. How does Efficient Branding take place?<br>Effective branding takes place through several tools of promotion like PR, advertising, publicity, marketing etc. This increases the scope of the brand to succeed.<br><br>16. What is Marketing Mix?<br>Marketing Mix refers to the several strategies and methods taken by a company to promote and increase the recognition of its brand or company. They are basically the 4 P’s of Marketing.<br><br>17. List the 4 P’s of Marketing without which Survival of Market is difficult<br> The 4 P’s of Marketing are – Product, Price , Place and Promotion<br><br>18. Various Strategies adopted by a PR to Increase Capture Markets<br>Several strategies are adopted by PR are : Social Media Marketing, Print Marketing, Press Releases, Messaging and identification of target audience<br><br>19. Consumer is the King<br>The main reason for Branding is to increase sales. This satisfying and catering to the needs of the final consumers is mandate. Consumer is the one to increase sales.<br><br>20. Satisfied Consumers are Best Gift for a PR<br>Content customers are a blessing. A satisfied customer shall make repeated purchases and shall create a favourable image of the brand.<br><br>21. PR is more Effective and Ethical than Advertising or Marketing<br>Adverting seeks to promote the brand irrespective of the fact that it might not be as beneficial to the customer but its not the same case with PR. <br>

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Brand Promotion

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