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About Arabia and Islam. By: Ethan Cua Antonio Brown Thomas Luu. Table of Contents. Title Geography of Arabia Muhammad's Timeline The 5 Pillars of Faith Teachings of Islam Comparison of Religions Empires of Arabia The Achievements of Arabia Sunni and Shia Comparison Islam Today
About Arabia and Islam By: Ethan Cua Antonio Brown Thomas Luu
Table of Contents Title Geography of Arabia Muhammad's Timeline The 5 Pillars of Faith Teachings of Islam Comparison of Religions Empires of Arabia The Achievements of Arabia Sunni and Shia Comparison Islam Today Role of Women in Islam Society Credits Slide # 3-5 6-7 8 9 10-12 13-15 16-19 20 21 22 23
My life in Arabia Map of Arabia Dear R’ Khablii, Life in Arabia is hot and dry. It’s so very hard to stay cool all times of the year here. I wonder how you are doing running that new caravan business brother. Mother and father want me to stay here in Mecca, until I am old enough to venture out into the desert and see new places. How is Asia though? I’ve always wanted to go there. Send a letter back as soon as you can! Sincerely, Ali The Geography of Arabia
My life in Arabia (cont.) Dear R’ Khablii, Today I went to the local souk with mother. The foods here taste so bland, but we don’t have salt to flavor it. Will you bring us some salt back from Africa? Me and father also went to an oasis nearby to get some fresh dates. The sand dunes I saw on the way there were also spectacular. Do you have any dunes where you are currently? Well, be safe! Sincerely, Ali The Geography of Arabia (Cont.)
My life in Arabia (cont.) R’ Khablii, A person named Muhammad came to our city with some very socially awkward ideas about our community. I heard the richer men finally ran him out, but his beliefs are true. I do think that we should help those less fortunate than us. Anyways, father got lost in the desert. I fear for the worst that he has died to dehydration or starvation. I hope you are okay, though. Sincerely. Ali The Geography of Arabia (cont.)
The Five Pillars of Faith Hajj Salat Shahadah Zakat Sawn Zakat is the third pillar of faith. It tells Muslims to give to the poor and needy. This is a duty of all Muslims. Sawm is the fourth pillar of faith. This tells Muslims to fast during the holy month of Ramadan. Young children usually don’t have to fast but all the adults do. At the end of Ramadan. Muslims have a feast. Hajj is the last pillar of faith. All Muslims capable must take a trip, or “pilgrimage,” to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. This is a heavy spiritual duty of all Muslims capable Shahadah is the first pillar of faith. This pillar has all Muslims say there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet. This is a declaration of faith. All Muslims had to say this in order to become a Muslim. Salat is the second pillar of faith. This requires all Muslims to pray five times a day. Before sunrise, at midday, in late afternoon, right after sunset, and before going to bed.
Islam is a widely known religion, believed in by around 1/5 of the world’s population! That’s near 2 billion people! These are the teachings and religious laws that all Muslim people follow: • The Qur'an: This is the holy book of Islam, like the Bible is to the Christians, and the Old Testament is to Jewish people • Shariah: This is another word for the Islamic law. This is basically everything that Muslims have to follow to be good people… or get a good reward. • Jihad: This is an Arabic word meaning “To make an effort”. I can kind of see how they make an effort, never being able to eat a burger and following all those rules. • Sunnah: This is everything important about the way Mohammed lived until he died. Basically, it teaches Muslims how they should live. This is the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam. The Teachings of Islam
Comparison of Religions: Islam In Islam people worship only one God which they call “Allah.” The holy book of Islam is called the Qur’an unlike Christians and Jews who have the Bible and the Torah. Muslims believe an angel came to Muhammad and Muhammad spread Islam to Arabia and to the rest of the world.
Comparison of Religions: Christianity In Christianity there are many prophets and saints. It is a monotheistic religion where they believe in one God. Christians also believe that Jesus was the so of God. Their holy book is called the bible which contains the word of God. Christians worship God in a church while Muslims worship in a mosque. The food restrictions are during one special week they cannot eat meat. Fish is okay. Christians have many special holy days. Christmas, Easter, and many others.
Comparison of Religions: Judaism Judaism is a monotheistic religion which means they believe in only one God. The holy book of Judaism is called the Torah. Even though Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all believe in one God, not all of their beliefs about God are the same.
Empires The Ottoman Empire: Geography: The Ottoman Empire contains Egypt, Anatolia, Syria, and Balkans. The Ottoman cities were: Cairo, Mecca, Medina, Damascus, Jerusalem, Cairo, Tripoli, Algiers, Belgrade, Constantinople, Baghdad. Religion: The main religion of the Ottoman Empire was Islam. It was an Islamic Empire. It’s government and law was strictly based on Islamic law. Religion was EXTREMELY important in the Ottoman Empire. Achievements: Conquering many countries and cities. The Ottoman empire was almost as big as the Roman Empire. Politics: The Empire was ruled by a Sultan, or Ottoman ruler. The Sultan Economy: Rich society. Social structure: Ottoman society was divided into two classes: Judges and other people who advised the Sultan on legal and military matters were part of the ruling class. People who weren't made up the other class. Many were Christians and Jews from conquered Ottoman lands. They made communities, or millets within the empire. Each had it’s own laws and leaders. Ottoman society greatly effected women. Women usually had to live apart from men in an area of household called harem. By doing so this kept women out of public life. Wealthy women on the other hand could own property or businesses. Some used their own money to build schools or mosques. Sometimes hospitals
Empires The Safavid empire: Geography: The Safavid Empire contains two major countries: Persia and part of Afghanistan. The cities it contains are Tabriz, Shiraz, Bander Abbas, Mashhad, and the capital Esfahan. It’s cities that contained battles were Chaldiran, Merv, Heret. The Caspian sea borders the Plateau of Iran. The Persian gulf borders Shiraz. Religion:The Main religion was Muslim however it was split into two groups: The Shia and Sunni. The Shia believed that only members of Muhammad's family could be caliphs. The Sunni thought that anyone could be caliph as long as they were good Muslims and strong leaders. Religious differences eventually developed between the two groups. Achievements: In 1588 the greatest leader , “Abbas," became Shah. The Empire became wealthy and powerful under his rule. After observing the Ottomans he began to copy their ideas by training foreign slave boys to be his soldiers. The Empire defeated the Uzbeks and took back Ottoman lands. The economy and culture also flourished under his rule. Politics: The Empire was lead by a Shah. It’s government was very religious. Economy: The Safavids mixed Persian and Muslim culture and traditions. The Empire built many mosques at their capital city. Culture played a huge role in the economy because the Abbas encouraged the building of traditional items such as Hand-woven carpets, silk, and velvet which were all made in large workshops. The Savafids also made metal works. All this trade made the economy rich. Social structure: Their was a king or “shah” who lead the empire. The first shah was Esma’li when he conquered Persia.
Empires The Mughal Empire: Geography: The Mughal Empire took over practically all of India. It’s main cities were Kabul, Lahore, Delhi, Agra, Calcutta, Hyderabad, Bombay, Goa, and Calicut. The Taj Mahal that was built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan is located in Agra. Religion: The Mughals were Turkish Muslims who came from central Asia. It was a large Muslim empire. Achievements: A very large conflict of cultures led to the end of the empire. Though throughout the history of the empire Muslims and Hindus were able to live in peace. Persian people and Indian people worked together in the same community. When their cultures blended together it created a culture unique to the Mughal Empire. The empire is greatly know for it’s architecture. Politics: The founder of the empire was Babur (BAH-boohr) which means “tiger.” In the 1600s the empire expanded to take most of a India. Economy: All non-Muslims had to pay a special tax to the emperor. One persecuted group formed a religious group called the Sikhs. After protest and revolts the empire soon fell apart. Social structure: The empire was first ruled by and founded by Babur and later ruled by Akbar. There was a large mix of different cultures in society. There were Muslims, Hindus, Persians, and Indians. These people had to work together in communities in society.
The Arabic Advances in Mathematics: The Arabian Empires were great empires, stretching vast distances, across Africa and Europe, and Asia. While they existed, Arabian scholars have made different advances in many different fields of the world today, and some are still even used up to now! This culture has made a lot of lasting achievements, even learned by kindergarteners today as Arabic Numerals, or just plain numbers used today. The Arab scholar al-Khwarizmi combined Indian and Greek math sciences and made a textbook called al-jabr, more commonly known as Algebra. This is still being taught and used by students (like us) all around the world. The Achievements of Arabia
The Arabic Advances in Astronomy: The Arabic Advances in Geography: Arabic people greatly improved the Greek astrolabe, making it more accurate and readable. It was mainly improved so people could always face Mecca when praying. It later became an important exploration tool. When people learned how to calculate their location, they began exploring. Ibn Battutah travelled to many different places because of travel advances too. Muslim Geographers also developed better ways to calculate distances, and more accurate maps. A geographer, al-Idrisi, made a geography textbook, and a very accurate one at that. He got trained geographers to take exact locations of everything and proved many different things about the lands Muslims lives in, like the discovery that the Indian Ocean isn’t surrounded by land. This is an example of an astrolabe. The Achievements of Arabia (cont.)
The Arabic Advances in Medicine: The Arabic Advances in Philosophy: The Muslims did a lot of things in the field of medicine, like make tests for qualified doctors and wrote encyclopedias of drugs and diseases. Some doctors, like Ar-Razi, found how to cure diseases, like he did with smallpox. Ibn-Sina was another famous doctor that made a great textbook that was famous in Europe in the 1600’s, and is possibly the most famous medical book ever recorded. Muslim scientists and doctors studied Greek philosophy, but Muslim philosophy grew as well. They eventually created a Sufism movement, which taught people to live simple lives and not be concerned about their worldly possessions This is the Mandrake Plant, which was used by Muslim doctors to treat pain and illnesses. The Achievements of Arabia (cont.)
The Arabian Advances in Literature: The Arabic Advances in Architecture: As Sufism spread, its ideas spread into literature. One writer, Omar Khayyam, wrote a famous book of poetry called “The Rubaiyat”, which was a book of happy and sad poems.Muslims also made many short stories, one of the most famous of these books being “The Thousand and One Nights”. Europeans added other stories to this later. Architecture was one of the most important forms of Muslim art. Their best works of Architecture were their mosques, which inspired followers to worship god. Over time, rulers began to construct great mosques, especially in holy or big cities like Mecca. The Arabic Advances in Art: The Muslims thought that only Allah could make images of people or animals, so they didn’t create nature images. Instead, they created calligraphy, which turned writing into decorative art. The Achievements of Arabia (cont.) This is the Rubaiyat, by Omar Khayyam
Sunni And Shia Sunni Shia Same The Shia thought that only Muhammad ‘s family could become caliphs The Sunni didn’t think caliphs had to be related to Muhammad. Same God, Allah Same Prophets, Muhammad Same holy book, Qur’an. The current population of the Sunni is about 940 million people. The current population of the Shia is 120 million people. The Sunni is 90% of Muslims and the Shia is 10% of Muslims.
Israeli and Palestinian Conflict • Today, Islam is in turmoil. • The Palestinians and Jews are fighting about the holy city, Jerusalem. • The Jews have been invading into the Palestinian land. • The WWII was around this time, so this had a lot of effect on the Jews.
Islam Today • They are portrayed as terrorists and poor peasants. • They are only important because they have a steady supply of oil in their country. • American troops think they are a threat to our nation.
The Qur’an states that women and men are equal. * Women have the right to refuse a husband. * The Qur’an also states that women have rights if they are divorced by their husband. * Women have a right to divorce in certain cases. * Women have the right to own or inherit property. Role Of Women in Islam
http://www.thenagain.info/webchron/islam/mohammadlife.html http://wikiislam.net/wiki/The_Timeline_of_Muhammad http://4molnars.blogspot.com/2009/01/next-week-calculus.html dandelionsalad.wordpress.com Travelblog.org Travel.state.gov Iasos.com Cityknown.com Ucg.org Shutterstock.com Answers.com Math.pppst.com Astrolabes.org En.wikipedia.org Ebooksarchive.wordpresworldreligionswiki7.wikispaces.com ottoman-traders.com paradoxplace.com groundnotes.wordpress.com youth.com.pk kids.britannica.com worldofjudaica.com en.wikipedia.org uhs.net lasvegastattoodesigns.weebly.com commons.wikimedia.org thehackernews.com etftrends.com new-muslims.info lifeofmuslim.com theheartlinknetwork.com bikyamasr.com in-islam.com Picture Credits