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You’re watching. RNN Ram News Network. Announcements. The drama club members who are participating actors in the regional competition play need to meet Monday through Wednesday in the cafeteria on stage. 3:30-5:00. Announcements. Congrats to Homecoming Nominees:
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Announcements The drama club members who are participating actors in the regional competition play need to meet Monday through Wednesday in the cafeteria on stage. 3:30-5:00.
Announcements Congrats to Homecoming Nominees: Freshmen girls – Alexis Young, Shykia Marshall, Sahoni Marlin-Banks, Andrea Williams Freshmen boys – Markees Jones, Nylemius Brown, Seth Newell, Eddie Souter, QuintavisTukes
Announcements Congrats to: Sophomore girls – Deanna Toomer, Anya Moore, Alexis Collins, India Harris. Sophomore boys – Zytavious Anderson, Brandon Moore, Tripp Goff, Trent Hobby
Announcements Congrats – Junior girls – LaurinGiddens, Courtney Hamilton, Brandi Johnson, Cambria Rushing. Junior boys – Jamon Moore, QuentaviousAikens, Patrick Thomas, Keith Apperson, Khionvei Fulton
Announcements Congrats to the Homecoming Nominees! Seniors girls – Nastassja Lawson, JamiyaBrockington, Diamond Hooks, Savannah Young, Marandia Buford, Teriney Gaines, Leticia Prates, Taylor Dupriest, LakendraBoggan, Elizabeth Yoder, Alexis Hill
Announcements Congrats to the Homecoming Nominees! Seniors boys – Dontate Cooper, Rakedrick Farley, Hunter Jenkins, Greg Clark, Jaquarius Hamilton, Rakeem Farley, MontecoBussey, Nigel Adams, AnthonieIudiciani, Thomas Lewis, Jataviuos Curry
Announcements Homecoming voting will take place Oct. 7-11 during both lunches on stage in the cafeteria. If you leave early, see Mrs. Robison in the media center to vote. Seniors will vote on 10/7. Juniors vote on 10/8. Sophomores vote on 10/9. Freshmen vote on 10/10.
Announcements No signs or posters may be placed on any glass doors or windows. Theme: “Ram Masquerade…who’s the hero behind the mask… a Ram.”
Announcements 9th graders interested in working on the Homecoming float need to stay after school Wednesday, Oct. 2, from 3:15-3:30. We will meet in Ms. Couch's room (room 190). Please be on time and have a ride available for pick up at 3:30.
Announcements FCA's Friday Ignite Bible Study will begin October 4 at 7:30 am in the Multipurpose room. Bible studies are student led with occasional guest speakers and will be held every Friday at 7:30 in the multipurpose room.
Announcements Buy a senior ad! Get a form and template example from Mr. Holt in room 149. Deadline to order is Oct. 7!
Announcements Attention Seniors: Jostens will be here to take Announcement, Cap and Gown, and Class Ring orders on Friday, October 11 during lunch in the cafeteria. Please bring a $100 down payment and a completed order form to place your order.
Announcements Ram Radio will be on the air Oct. 11 at 7 p.m. as the football team hosts Cairo. Check out www.TheRamRadio.com or www.TheRamTV.com.
Announcements Attention Juniors: This is your last chance to pick up the ring you ordered last spring. Any Junior who has not picked up his/her class ring may pay the remaining balance on Friday, October 11 during lunch. No checks will be accepted. You may pay with cash or money order, or you may pay online or by phone with a credit or debit card up until 12 noon on Thursday, October 10.
Announcements The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is proud to announce that Coach Jason Tone will be the speaker at the first club meeting. FCA is club rotation 3, so hurry and pay your $5 membership dues to Mrs. Jones in room 148 so you won't miss this event! Remember, you must be on the FCA roster to attend club meetings during Ram Day schedule, so join today!
Announcements Any young man interested in playing basketball needs to sign up with Coach Davis in ISS. All paperwork needs to completed and turned in by Oct. 18. Conditioning will start on Oct. 21.
Announcements Tickets for the Homecoming Dance go on sale October 7. (CASH ONLY) If you purchase your ticket early, you pay only $15. The cost at the door is $20. Last day to purchase early tickets is Oct. 23. REMINDER: CASH ONLY!
Announcements Students need to be reminded that if you are elected to Homecoming Court and your behavior is anything but THE BEST, you will be excused from your duties as a court member. Behavior period begins 10/24 and ends 10/26 at Midnight.
Announcements Homecoming Week October 21st - 26th Monday ----- Mardigras Day Tuesday ----- Tacky Day Wednesday ---- Character Day Thursday ---- Throwback Day Friday ----- RAM Spirit Day RAM Homecoming Parade Saturday ---- Homecoming Dance 8 p.m. to Midnight
Announcements Join SkillsUSA! Dues are $20. See Mr. Holt in room 149 (south wing).
Announcements Any student interested in joining FBLA should see Mrs. Davis in Room 102 to sign up. Dues are $10.
Announcements Sign up for DECA now. Dues are $15 and can be paid to Ms. Nees in Room 140 in the Bus Loop. Don't forget to friend Worth DECA on Facebook to receive all the latest information.
Announcements Saturday School, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. During Saturday School, students may make-up absences for three class periods, complete missing assignments, work on Credit Recovery or receive math tutoring. Saturday School registration forms are in Mrs. Patterson's office.
Announcements There will be no Saturday Detention on: November 30, December 21, December 28, January 4, February 22, April 12. The last day of Saturday Detention is May 24.
Announcements Math tutoring will be held each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 3:20-4:20. Tuesdays: Dodd: Coordinate Algebra and Analytic Geometry Dorminey: Math 3 and Math 4 Thursdays: Souter: Coordinate Algebra and Analytic Geometry Woodall: Math 3 and Math 4
Announcements Buy a yearbook now for $60! Get an order form in room 149 from Mr. Holt on the south wing. Books will be $80 in May, so buy now!
Announcements During testing, cell phones are NOT allowed in the testing room. Leave it in your locker or vehicle.
Announcements Follow us on twitter @wchsrams
Announcements If you missed senior pictures, call Lifetouch at 1-800-308-0014. Choose your senior formal picture for yearbook by Sept. 30.
Important Phone Numbers:Jostens (graduation, rings): 229-435-1809 Lifetouch.com (pictures): 1-800-308-0014 Announcements
Follow us on Announcements WCHSRams.com FM 93.5 @wchsrams Youtube.com/wchsRamTV