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Standards & Accreditation: Methodology for Development, Excellence & Accountability

Standards & Accreditation: Methodology for Development, Excellence & Accountability. Emergency Management Accreditation Program --Building safer communities through standards of excellence--. EMAP Mission.

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Standards & Accreditation: Methodology for Development, Excellence & Accountability

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  1. Standards & Accreditation: Methodology for Development, Excellence & Accountability Emergency Management Accreditation Program --Building safer communities through standards of excellence--

  2. EMAP Mission EMAP, as an independent non-profit organization, fosters excellence and accountability in emergency management and homeland security programs by establishing credible standards applied in a peer review accreditation process.

  3. EMAP is… • A voluntary accreditation process based on collaboratively developed national standards • For programs responsible for preventing, preparing for, mitigating against, and coordinating response and recovery to disasters

  4. EMAP Approach • EMAP looks at the entire program • Assesses strengths as well as areas for improvement • Strengthens nation’s emergency management system through • Self-assessment • Documentation • Independent peer review

  5. Steps in EMAP Process • Requesting Information • Program Subscription • Self-Assessment • Application for Accreditation • Preparation for On-site Assessment • On-site Assessment and Report • Committee Review and Recommendation • Commission Consideration • Accreditation Maintenance • Reaccreditation

  6. Applications of EMAP • State & territorial baseline assessments and state & local accreditation efforts • Federal agency pilot assessments • Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) guidance requires work toward compliance with EMAP standards • Regional organizations beginning to use standards to structure preparedness efforts • Relevant to preparedness programs in any type of entity, including private sector and universities

  7. EMAP – How it Started • Accreditation Feasibility Study, 1998 • NFPA 1600 Standard, began 1991 (recommended practices published 1995) • First NFPA 1600 Standard, Feb. 2000 • EMAP Commission seated, Jan. 2002 • EMAP Standard published, April 2002 • State and Local Pilot Tests, 2001-2003 • Opened for state and local program accreditation applications in late 2003

  8. EMAP - Milestones • Open for program accreditation applications in late 2003 • First Accredited Program , 2004 • Emergency Management Standard by EMAP published, September 2007 • EMAP becomes ANSI Accredited, June 2008 • DHS/FEMA 2nd round Baseline Assessment, 2008 – 2010

  9. EMAP Milestones (cont.) • Thirty programs are currently accredited • Baseline assessments completed for 52 states & territories • Assessor training – More than 300 state and local officials • Completed first regional/multi-jurisdictional assessment • Looking at International, Academic and Private Sector pilots in the near future

  10. What Is The Standard? • Standards promote consistency and set benchmarks for quality programs • Standards utilize an objective process to measure compliance • The Emergency Management Standard by EMAP lays out what a comprehensive Emergency Management Program must do, not how! • The Standard is developed and maintained by EM professionals from around the nation

  11. What Is The Standard? • Developed by state & local EM professionals • EMAP standards are scalable • Identify components for a quality Program • Do not prescribe HOW • Viewed as the framework for a comprehensive Program.

  12. Emergency Management Standard 3 Program Management 4.1 Administration and Finance 4.2 Laws and Authorities 4.3 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Consequence Analysis 4.4 Hazard Mitigation 4.5 Prevention 4.6 Operational Planning 4.7 Incident Management 4.8 Resource Management and Logistics 4.9 Mutual Aid 4.10 Communications and Warning 4.11 Operations and Procedures 4.12 Facilities 4.13 Training 4.14 Exercises, Evaluations and Corrective Actions 4.15 Crisis Communications, Public Education & Information

  13. Program= The entire system that provides for management and coordination of prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery activities for all hazards. The system encompasses all organizations, agencies and individuals responsible for emergency management and homeland security functions.

  14. Chapter 3: Emergency Program Management 3.1: Emergency Management Program Administration, Plans and Evaluation • 3.1.1: The jurisdiction has a documented program that includes an executive policy or vision statement for emergency management, a multi year strategic plan, developed in coordination with program stakeholders that defines the mission, goals, objectives, and milestones for the emergency management program and includes a method for implementation

  15. Chapter 4.3: Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Consequence Analysis 4.3.1: The program shall identify the natural and human-caused hazards that potentially impact the jurisdiction using broad range of sources. The program shall assess the risk and vulnerability of people, property, the environment and the program / entity operations from these hazards.

  16. What does “compliance” meanFor purposes of EMAP accreditation, a program must be in accordance with all standards and subparts of standards. Determining Compliance

  17. Determining Compliance • Who determines “compliance”? • The Candidate Program • An EMAP Assessment Team • The EMAP Program Review Committee • The EMAP Commission – Final decision rests here

  18. Determining Compliance There are three types of “proofs of compliance”: • Written Documentation (primary; required for compliance) • Interviews (supplementary; to clarify & verify) • Direct Observation (supplementary; to clarify & verify)

  19. Determining Compliance • Reports • Files • Financial reports • Ledgers • Budgets • Training records • Photographs • After action reports • Operational forms • Plans • Databases • Policies • Procedures • Rules • Laws • Regulations • Directives • Orders • Memoranda • Records • Logs • Grants

  20. Emergency Management Standards and the Assessment Process • Program Benefits • National Benefits • Standard Benefits

  21. Program Benefits • Provides opportunity for jurisdictions to assess their program against established national standards. • Demonstrates discipline and accountability in regularly reviewing, maintaining and documenting compliance with standards and best practices.

  22. National Benefits • Provides a common structure for review and analysis among state and local government programs nationwide. • Allows for a holistic view of the nations Emergency Management and preparedness network

  23. Benefits for the Standard • Provides a continual process by which to assess the clarity and appropriate application of the standard. • Allows the EMAP Technical Committee real world evidence when considering changes and additions to the standard

  24. EMAP Future • State and territorial baseline assessments • Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Regional baseline assessments • Pre-Assessment program • Best Practice & Model Plans workshop • Standards Proficiency and Review webinars

  25. Resources & Tools • Emergency Management Standard by EMAP • Candidate’s Guide to Accreditation • EMAP Program Assessment Tool • Accreditation Process Guide • EMAP website, www.emaponline.org • Paid Baseline Assessment Program

  26. Questions / Discussion Emergency Management Accreditation ProgramP.O. Box 119102760 Research Park DriveLexington, KY 40578P: (859) 244-8222F: (859) 244-8239 www.emaponline.org

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