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Dive into the fundamental questions of faith and existence across six engaging themes for each school year. Uncover the beliefs, teachings, and practices of major religions while reflecting on personal values and understanding life's mysteries.
Autumn term 1 RE assessment criteria Assessment criteria for schools using the model RE curriculum map
Year R:Big question: Who made the wonderful world and why ?Week 1: What is precious to you?Week 2: How do Christians believe the world began?Week 3: What is special about the natural world?Week 4: What makes us unique?Week 5: What and who do Christians believe are precious to God?Week 6: Why is harvest important?
Year 1:Big question: What responsibility has God given people for taking care of creation?Week 1: What does the story of creation teach us about the world ?Week 2: How do people treat God’s creation? Week 3: How should Christians follow God’s instructions for taking care of creation?Week 4: What would you like to ask God about creation?Week 5: What does it mean for a Christian to be made in God’s image?Week 6: How do Christians care for the people God created?
Year 2:Big question: Why did Jesus teach the Lord’s prayer as the way to pray?Week 1: How do we talk to our friends?Week 2: What do you need to live?Week 3: Why do we forgive and why do we need to forgive?Week 4: How do Christians believe the Lord’s Prayer helps them with ‘What would Jesus do?’Week 5: Why and how do Christians believe they should praise God?Week 6: What does the Lord’s prayer mean to Christians?
Year 3:Big question: What is the Bible’s big story and what does it reveal about having a faith in God? Week 1: How did the Bible come into being?Week 2: Does the Bible have many plots or one plot?Week 3: Why is the Bible sometimes referred to as the map for Christian life?Week 4: What does the Bible teach about faith and what faith means to us?Week 5: How do people in the Bible show they have faith?Week 6: How have Christians shown faith and show faith today in spreading the good news.?
Year 4:Big question: How does belief in God affect the actions of people in the Old Testament?Week 1: How did Abra(ha)m demonstrate his faith in God?Week 2: How did Moses follow God’s ‘calling’for his life?Week 3: How did Ruth demonstrate faith in God through selflessness (sacrifice)?Week 4: How did David’s faith make him strong?Week 5: What can Christians learn from the wisdom of Solomon?Week 6: How did Jonah and Daniel respond to God?
Year 5:Big question: What do the miracles of Jesus teach? Week 1: What is a miracle?Week 2: Magic versus miracles? What is the difference?Week 3: Who performs miracles?Week 4: Which miracle of Jesus means the most for you and why?Week 5: Do people have to visit specific places for miracles to happen or is it a question of faith?Week 6: What do the miracles of Jesus’ ministry teach Christians about being the people of God?
Year 6 : Big question: The journey of life and deathWeek 1: How is life like a journey? Week 2: How do we feel when people leave us?Week 3: What do Christians believe happens after we die? How does the Christian community respond to bereavement?Week 4/5: What do other religions believe happens after we die? How do they respond to bereavement? Week 6: How do we remember people who have died?