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Excellence in Action (EIA) Sharing 1 November 2012 (Thursday ). A SAP School of Distinction that celebrates thinking, learning and each child’s potential and talent. Mission. Confident, Creative, Cultured, Passion for Learning. Bi-cultural,
Excellence in Action (EIA) Sharing 1November 2012 (Thursday)
A SAP School of Distinction that celebrates thinking, learning and each child’s potential and talent Mission Confident, Creative, Cultured, Passion for Learning Bi-cultural, Tradition & Values, Global Outlook SAP mission Vision Realising Student Character, Talent & Leadership Pursuing Academic Excellence Developing Staff Capacity Enhancing Administrative Performance Strategic Thrusts Intensifying Effective Partnership Loyalty 忠 Filial Piety 孝 Humanity 仁 Love 爱 School Values Courtesy 礼 Sense of Shame 耻 Righteousness 义 Integrity 廉
A SAP School of Distinction that celebrates thinking, learning and each child’s potential and talent Mission Confident, Creative, Cultured, Passion for Learning Bi-cultural, Tradition & Values, Global Outlook SAP mission Vision Strategic Thrusts Partnership Vision To build up a strong network of stakeholders so as to leverage on their resources to create meaningful learning opportunities for our students and staff Realising Student Character, Talent & Leadership Pursuing Academic Excellence Developing Staff Capacity Enhancing Administrative Performance Intensifying Effective Partnership Loyalty 忠 Filial Piety 孝 Humanity 仁 Love 爱 School Values Courtesy 礼 Sense of Shame 耻 Righteousness 义 Integrity 廉
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Intensifying Effective Partnership Effective partnership to enhance school experience
School’s Partnership Journey Organising level, initiating collaborations with national / international entities 2010 onwards Co-organising level, projects/events with national involvement 2004 - 2009 PSG formed, supporting level, projects/events with district involvement 2001 - 2003 SAC, Alumni, participating level, school-based projects/ events Before 2000
Hosting Delegates Hosting Students Joint competitions Joint Project Work Hosting Overseas Students and Teachers (HOST) Overseas students from China, HK, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Japan Overseas delegates/ principals/ teachers Joint Competitions Joint PW
Partnership Model Service providers Govt Institutions Higher Institutions Service Community, NGOs MOE Research Institutions Cluster Alumni Parents & PSG NHHS HOD/ Community Relations Other Schools Community Clubs, CDC, CCC, RC, etc Overseas Institutions SAC Professional Orgs/ Union Companies
School Management Committee Chairman Partnership Committee Partnership Publication IIP (in-bound) Environment/ National/Global Education Marketing Secondary Stakeholders Primary Stakeholders Business/Industry (Service Providers) School Advisory Committee (SAC) Professional Organisations Parents Support Group (PSG) Community Institutes of Higher Learning Alumni Other Ministries Partnership Committee
Processes of Partnership Strategic Planning • Criteria • In line with School’s Vision, Mission and Values • Emerging trends Partnership Model Selection for Partners Identification of areas of common interest & Explore possible collaborations Communicate Expectations Cease partnership Positive Plan Collaborations Communicate to staff Negative Implementation of Projects Monitor and Assess collaborations Review Partnership System Review
UNIQUE Features of Nan Hua High’s Partnership Key Features Integration Impact Influence Win-Win Collaborations Incubation Innovation
Strategies for Effective Partnership Equally important is to understand where we are and where we are heading Know potential partners - strengths/ weaknesses - what they can offer - attitudes/ motives Feasibility of partnerhip • FIT • matching to strategic objectives • cultural compatibility Partner Selection
Understanding each other’s needs/ objective • aware of own strengths • what we can offer • partner’s motivation/ objectives Win-Win Collaboration • How to develop and maximise benefits for all • clarity of obligations • promptness of feedback • institutionalisation of reciprocity Partnership Relationship
Common characteristics - organisationalbuy-in - ground rules - dedicated partnership manager Managing Partnership Evaluation - efficiency - results/ outcomes - perception of value - intangible benefits Partnership Effectiveness
Partners with professional expertise Pursuing Academic Excellence • Distinguished Speaker Series • Research Mentorship on Contemporary Modern China with East Asia Institute • Research mentorship with Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology • Research mentorship with • DrAdrain Yeo, Water Membrane Technology Centre
Leveraging on Partners NHHS students Other students NHHS teachers Other teachers COE for CL LANGUAGE & CULTURE From Cluster W1 PUBLICATIONS to § SAP Schools PUBLICATIONS
Partners who can provide authentic platforms Realising Student Character, Talent and Leadership • Environment Leadership • Environment Facilities • Overseas Joint Concerts / performances • ACE II (District/ CCC meetings, workshops, community projects) • School Environment Standards • Joint competitions and projects • Self-Initiated VIA projects • Care for the Elderly
Leveraging on Partners School Total Environment Education Programme (STEEP) School Level District Level National Level International Level Environment Curriculum Environment Leadership Environment Facilities School Environment Standard
Active Community Engagement (ACE) Participation Supporting Co-organising Organising / Initiating Concerned Citizen Active Contributor ACE I Meet The People Session ACE II CCC/District meetings workshops, community projects
Developing Staff Capacity Enhancing Administrative Practices
Partners who can develop our staff Developing Staff Capacity • Joint research with ETD • Professional exchange in pedagogies and school leadership with twinning schools Enhancing Administrative Practices • National Video competition on pedagogy with NIE • Learning journeys to Tea Chapter, Siong Leng Musical Association, Qianhu Corporation • Chinese Language Pedagogy Seminar- keynote speaker from Wuhan University
Teachers worked as teams with regular training sessions and support from NIE Benchmarking / Learning Journeys
Collaboration with Wuhan University, China Legein Society, Taiwan Huafan University, Taiwan
A SAP Sch of Distinction: celebrates thinking, learning and each child’s potential and talent Nan Hua Vision Role of SAP School Bi-cultural, Tradition & Values, Global Outlook Confident, creative and cultured passion for learning Mission Partnership Vision To build up a strong network of stakeholders so as to leverage on their resources to create meaningful learning opportunities for our students and staff