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Teaching Soaring Weather

Teaching Soaring Weather. Soaring Safety Foundation FIRC Rich Carlson. Basic Principles. Obtain the basic weather data Know how the atmosphere works Use some simple calculations to see if soaring is possible Graphs and pictures improve student understanding

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Teaching Soaring Weather

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  1. Teaching Soaring Weather Soaring Safety Foundation FIRC Rich Carlson

  2. Basic Principles • Obtain the basic weather data • Know how the atmosphere works • Use some simple calculations to see if soaring is possible • Graphs and pictures improve student understanding • Weather analysis continues throughout the flight

  3. Obtaining Weather Data • Look Outside • Local sounding • Flight Service Station (1-800-WXBrief) • National Weather Service • Duat • 3rd party service provider • Internet (email and Web)

  4. Atmospheric Assumptions • Pressure lapse rate 1” hg/1000 ft • Dry adiabatic lapse rate 5.4o (3c)/1000 ft • Wet adiabatic lapse rate less than dry • Dew point decreases 1o / 1000 ft

  5. Soaring Calculations • Thermal Index (TI) • measured - adiabatic (minus is better) • Cloud base • (max surface - dewpoint)/4 (in 1000’s of ft)

  6. Obtaining a Weather Briefing • FSS call 1-800-992-7433 (WXBrief) • Identify yourself as a glider pilot • Give Aircraft ‘N’ number • Say type of flight and location • Ask for standard briefing • Ask for surface reports • Ask for winds aloft forecast • Ask for Soaring forecast • Ask for other pertinent data (Notams, TFR’s)

  7. Pseudo-Adiabatic plot Src: Soaring Flight Manual

  8. Typical FSS Soaring Forecast • T.I. at 5000 ft -5 • T.I. at 10,000 ft +2 • Height of -3 7200 • Top of Lift 8500 • Max Expected Temp 89 • Morning Low* 50

  9. Step 1, draw the adiabatic line

  10. Step 2, add the T.I. dots

  11. Step 3 Draw the sounding

  12. Internet Sources • Kevin Ford - http://www.soarforecast.com • NOAA-FSL, Forecast Systems Laboratory - http://www-frd.fsl.noaa.gov/mab/soundings/java/ • Aviation Digital Data Service - http://adds.aviationweather.noaa.gov • Dr Jack BLIPMAP - http://www.drjack.info/BLIP/index.html

  13. Kevin Ford Plots • === Interpolations (temps in deg. F, altitudes in feet MSL) === • MSL *TI* Wdir@kts trig VirT 1.2 degrees/division ("`": Dry Adiabatic) • ----- ---- -------- ---- . ---- ----------------------------------------- • 10000 12.4 40 | -9.8 ` : • 9500 11.6 39 | -8.6 ` : • 9000 10.7 280 27 37 | -7.5 ` : • 8500 9.8 35 | -6.5 ` : • 8000 8.8 290 25 34 | -5.5 ` : • 7500 7.9 32 | -4.5 ` : • 7000 6.9 295 24 30 | -3.5 ` : • 6500 6.0 29 | -2.6 ` : • 6000 3.7 300 27 25 | -4.0 ` : • 5500 3.6 24 | -1.5 ` : • 5000 3.5 24 | 0.9 ` : • 4500 3.3 24 | 3.3 ` : • 4000 2.1 22 | 3.7 ` : • 3500 0.8 19 | 4.1 `: • 3000 -0.5 18 | 4.4 :` • 2500 -1.8 16 | 4.8 : ` • 2000 -2.1 15 | 7.0 : ` • 1500 -2.1 15 | 9.7 : ` • 1000 -2.1 15 | 12.3 : `

  14. NOAA Forecast Plot


  16. Dr Jack BLIPMAP

  17. Local factors • Terrain features • Ridges • Mountains • Rivers • Lakes • Towns

  18. Local factors • Ridge conditions • Calculations • Predictions • 90O +/- 30O to ridge line • 10 - 15 kts • Ridges • Lift extends 2 – 3 times the ridge height • Ridge length should be several miles

  19. Ridge Lift Zones

  20. Local factors • Wave conditions • Calculations • Predictions • Wind at peak • 15 – 20 kts • Wind 2000 m above peak • Same direction • 20 – 25 kts higher

  21. Mountain Wave System

  22. Transition pilot wave sketch

  23. Some rotor research in progress

  24. Some rotor research in progress

  25. Thermal Predictors/Indicators • Negative Thermal Index values at alt. • Forecast plots • Clouds • Birds/Gliders circling • Dirt, crops, houses, animals rising before your eyes

  26. Go/No-Go Decision Making • Use realistic scenarios • Storms forecast for later in the day/evening • Effect of strong x-wind • Local vs X-C flight • Pilot experience level

  27. Continuing Weather Analysis • Obtaining enroute weather data • Flight Watch (122.0 Mhz) • Airport automated weather services • Obtaining end-of-flight weather data • Wind direction for landing • Current Altimeter setting

  28. En Route Flight Advisory Service (Flight Watch) • AIM section 7-1-5 • Real-time weather advisories • National coverage above 5000 ft on 122.0 • Available 6:00 am to 10:00 pm • State ARTCC facility, N number, & nearest VOR name

  29. Types of Fronts • Cold • Good soaring conditions • squall lines 50 - 300 miles ahead • Warm • temperature inversion • broad cloud system precedes front • Occluded • both warm & cold cloud patterns

  30. Cold Front Src: Aviation Weather AC 00-6A

  31. Warm Front Src: Aviation Weather AC 00-6A

  32. Cold-Occlusion Front Src: Aviation Weather AC 00-6A

  33. Warm-Occlusion Front Src: Aviation Weather AC 00-6A

  34. Seasonal Weather Operations • Density Altitude • Thunderstorms • Frost, Snow Ice • Temperature extremes • Wind shear • Microbursts

  35. Determining When to Land • What effect does the wind have on landing?

  36. 27 9 Effect of 20 Kt wind Time on Downwind: More, Less, no Change? Altitude loss: More, Less, no Change? 20 Kts

  37. 27 9 Effect of 20 Kt wind Time on base: More, Less, no Change? Altitude loss: More, Less, no Change? 20 Kts

  38. 27 9 Effect of 20 Kt wind Time on Final: More, Less, no Change? Altitude loss: More, Less, no Change? 20 Kts

  39. 27 9 Effect of 20 Kt wind Which path is your student likely to fly? Which path do you want them to fly? 4 20 Kts 3 1 2

  40. Final Approach(No wind) 60 kts @ 500 ft/m decent rate 12:1 glide slope 24 seconds 200 2400

  41. Final Approach(20 Kt Head Wind) 60 kts @ 500 ft/m decent rate 8:1 glide slope 24 seconds 200 2400 1600

  42. Final Approach(20 kt wind shear) 60 kts @ 500 ft/m decent rate Maintain constant speed during approach How much time remains? 200 20 kts 0 kts X Y 2400 1600

  43. Decision Time • With a 20 kt shear, are you likely to • overshoot (into area Y) • undershoot (into area X) • Said another way, what actions do you need to take to reach your intended touchdown point • close the spoilers to extend (undershooting) • open the spoilers to sink faster (overshooting) • Another variation, what will the aim spot do? • move up on the canopy (undershooting) • move down on the canopy (overshooting)

  44. Glide Distance

  45. How much Altitude does it take to regain original airspeed? ?

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