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1 st Six Weeks CBA Review

1 st Six Weeks CBA Review. World Geography. Geography is…. The study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features on the earth. 5 Themes of Geography. Location (#1 Theme) “Where is it?” Relative Location Around the corner, take a left

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1 st Six Weeks CBA Review

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  1. 1st Six Weeks CBA Review World Geography

  2. Geography is… • The study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features on the earth.

  3. 5 Themes of Geography • Location (#1 Theme) • “Where is it?” • Relative Location • Around the corner, take a left • I live next to the Kroger on 518. • Absolute Location • Coordinates – 29° 59' N, 95° 22' W • 1324 Illinois Street • Latitude – run parallel to the equator • Longitude – go around the earth over the poles

  4. The grid system • Latitude – run parallel to the equator, measure distances north and south, called parallels • Longitude – go around the earth over the poles, measure distances east and west, 24 imaginary lines X 15° apart = 360°, called meridians

  5. Place (#2 Theme) • “What is it like?” • All the physical and cultural characteristics of a place http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Fuji http://www.coara.or.jp/~mieko/39gold.htm

  6. Region • “How are places similar or different?” • Formal • Functional • Perceptual

  7. Human Environment Interaction • “How do people relate to the physical world?” • Learn to use what the environment offers • Change the environment to meet our needs http://www.skagitriverhistory.com/Photo_Gallery/Flood%20Fight%2011-6-06%20(10).JPG

  8. Movement • “How do people, goods, and ideas move from one location to another?” • Linear distance • Time distance • Email – instantaneous

  9. Geographer’s Tools • Globe – 3-D representation of earth • Map – 2-D representation of earth • Political map • Defines borders • Human-created features • Physical map • Shows landforms/bodies of water • Nature-created features http://www.mapsofworld.com/usa-map.html

  10. Relief • The difference in elevation of a landform from its lowest point to its highest point • Mountains • Hills • Plains • Plateaus • As elevation increases, temperatures decrease

  11. Contour Lines • Lines on a map that show elevation above sea level http://raider.muc.edu/~mcnaugma/Topographic%20Maps/contour.htm

  12. Topography • The physical features of the earth’s surface Topographic map with Contour lines http://www.compassdude.com/topographic-maps.shtml

  13. Structure of the Earth • Atmosphere – layer of gases surrounding the earth • Hydrosphere – all the water elements on the earth • Lithosphere – solid rock portion of the earth’s surface including crust and uppermost mantle • Biosphere – atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere combine to create habitat where animals and plants live

  14. Ocean Currents • Ocean currents help determine • Temperatures in a climate • Precipitation in a climate • Ocean currents are caused by • Rotation of the earth • Wind/air currents • Differences in water temperature

  15. Pangaea – the Supercontinent http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pangaea http://www.platetectonics.com/book/page_7.asp

  16. Tectonic Plates http://www.moorlandschool.co.uk/earth/tectonic.htm

  17. Pacific Ring of Fire – about 80% of all earthquakes happen HERE http://www.wnet.org/savageearth/hellscrust/html/sb3-ringfire.html

  18. Landforms http://www.fas.org/irp/imint/docs/rst/Sect2/Sect2_1a.html

  19. Precipitation

  20. Typhoons • Extreme weather • Happen in Asia • Equal to American hurricanes http://www.solar.ifa.hawaii.edu/Tropical/Gif/nwp.latest.gif

  21. Seasons Seasons are caused by the way Earth is tilted and how it revolves around the sun. Seasons are opposite in the northern and southern hemispheres.

  22. Southern Hemisphere • While the northern hemisphere celebrates summer, it is winter in the southern hemisphere. • In December (summer at the South Pole) in Antarctica, the days are very long. • It is still very cold, despite the long hours of sunlight.

  23. Continents

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