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TACOS. Cartoon Analysis Time Action Caption Objects Summary. Time. When was the cartoon created? Is there a date or something that could give you a hint? What else was happening historically at this time?. Action. What is going on in the cartoon?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TACOS Cartoon Analysis Time Action Caption Objects Summary

  2. Time • When was the cartoon created? • Is there a date or something that could give you a hint? • What else was happening historically at this time?

  3. Action • What is going on in the cartoon? • What are the characters doing?

  4. Caption • What does the cartoon label say? • What do you think it means? • Does the caption support the action? • What is the tone of the writing?

  5. Objects • What familiar objects or people do you recognize in the cartoon? • Are any exaggerated in size or action? • If you see some that you can’t recognize – how could you find out about them?

  6. Summary • What do you think the author was trying to say or get across to the public? • What other information do you see as helpful or important?

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