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1. Giving Meaning to Meaningful Use:Huntsville Hospitals Perspective Stage 1: Can We Get There & How?
Cheri Jackson
GE CUE Virtual Conference
2. Disclaimer
3. Huntsville Hospital Serving the Tennessee Valley since 1895
881 licensed acute care beds
Teaching facility for the University of Alabama-Birmingham
650 physicians on staff who are supported by 5,000+ hospital employees, including nearly 2,000 nurses.
Centricity Enterprise 6.1
5. Stages of Meaningful Use Stage 1: 2011
1) Capturing health information in coded format; 2) using the information to track key clinical conditions; 3) communicating captured information for care coordination purposes; 4) reporting of quality measures and public health information.
Stage 2: 2013
Criteria would likely expand on upon Stage 1 criteria in the areas of disease management, clinical decision support, medication management, support for patient access to health information, transitions in care, quality measures, research, and bi-directional communication with public health agencies. CMS may consider applying the criteria more broadly to both the inpatient and outpatient hospital settings.
Stage 3: 2015
Would focus on achieving improvements in quality, safety and efficiency, focusing on decision support for national high priority conditions, patient access to self management tools, access to comprehensive patient data, and improving population health outcomes.
6. Just the Facts, Right? What is ARRA?
The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009, signed into law by President Obama in Feb, 2009. Aimed to stimulate the economy through investments in infrastructure, unemployment benefits, transportation, education, healthcare & to assist providers and other entities in adopting and using health IT.
What is the Purpose of the LAW?
Congress designed the legislation to improve US Healthcare through development of a solid health information infrastructure, while simultaneously stimulating the economy through new investments and job growth.
What are the 5 Broad Goals?
1) Improve quality, safety, efficiency, and reduce health disparity; 2) Engage patients & family; 3) Improve care coordination; 4) Ensure adequate privacy and security protections for PHI; 5) Improve population & public health.
7. Acronyms, Acronyms, Acronyms HITECH
The health IT sections of the ARRA law go under the acronym HITECH.
Meaningful Use-use of health IT to further the five broad goals of the ARRA and to further the goal of information exchange among heath professionals.
EHR-Electronic health record, and then there is a certified EHR (required for MU).
8. What IS Required for MU Two Categories of Requirements for Eligible Hospitals
Eligible Hospital Health IT Functionality
14 Core Set Measures
10 Menu Set Measures
Clinical Quality Measures
15 Measures
Testing Requirements Published by National Institute of Standards and Testing (NIST)- http://healthcare.nist.gov/
2 Certifying Bodies Identified
Drummond Group Inc.
9. How to Meet MU with What You Have- Huntsville Hospitals Perspective HH current plan is to move from GE CE 6.1 to 6.9 to be on Certified MU platform
HH will build out all MU capability possible on 6.1 & implement prior to 6.9 upgrade
HH will complete portions of build that can only be done in 6.9 when upgrade is delivered and implement at go-live of 6.9
10. Core Set Measures: Where We Are Today CPOE- > 30% of unique patients with at least one medication in their medication list
Still Planning- exploring meeting this measure based on pharmacists protocols and modes of modifications to orders in GE CE & implementation of ED CPOE (Wellsoft)
Need to upgrade to 6.9 to meet reporting requirements
Record & Chart Changes in Vital Signs- For > 50% of all unique patients age 2 and over.
GE CE utilizing Flowsheets
GE CE implemented Growth Charts
Need to upgrade to 6.9 to meet reporting requirements
Record Smoking Status for > 50% of unique patients 13 years or older
GE CE utilizing Flowforms
Need to upgrade to 6.9 to meet reporting requirements
11. Core Set Measures: Where We are Today, cont. Implement drug-drug & drug-allergy interaction check
GE CE with SQL Allergy Module
Record demographics > 50% of unique patients (preferred language, gender, race, ethnicity, DOB, date & preliminary cause of death)
Need version 6.9 upgrade to record Ethnicity
GE CE implement charting of preliminary cause of death in flowform
Need to upgrade to 6.9 to meet reporting requirements
Maintain up-to-date Problem List with at least 1 entry on > 80% of unique patients
GE CE- Still planning on how will implement Problem List and who will maintain.
Need to upgrade to 6.9 to meet reporting requirements
12. Core Set Measures: Where We are Today, cont. Maintain an active medication list for > 80% of unique patients
GE CE Order Profile & Medication Worklist Screens
Need a plan for how to document if patient has no active medications- GE suggested Med Order- No Active Medications.
Need to upgrade to 6.9 to meet reporting requirements
Maintain an active medication allergy list for > 80% of unique patients
GE CE utilizing SQL allergy module
Need to upgrade to 6.9 to meet reporting requirements
Implement one clinical decision support rule with the ability to track compliance with rule
GE CE utilizing Blaze Rules
Need to upgrade to 6.9 to meet rule tracking requirements
13. Core Set Measures: Where We are Today, cont. Report hospital quality measures to CMS or State
Need to make sure all data captured in Certified System & system has electronic reporting capability
Need upgrade to 6.9 to accomplish the Quality Measures reporting
Provide >50% of all patients with an electronic copy of the health information, upon request
HH utilizes SLH and Menon PTR for this currently & provides data from these applications on a CD to patient. Rule requires the systems report percentage of compliance. Discussing with vendors their plans for certification.
Provide >50% of all patients with an electronic copy of their discharge instructions, upon request
HH would plan to utilize SLH and Menon PTR for this & provide data from these applications on a CD to patient. Rule requires the systems report percentage of compliance. Discussing with vendors their plans for certification.
Also utilize Care Notes and need to discuss with vendor MU certification plans.
14. Core Set Measures: Where We are Today, cont. Capability to exchange key clinical information among providers of care and patient authorized entities electronically
Potential plan would be to send data from GE CE to one of our community physicians utilizing GE EMR
Need upgrade to 6.9 for capabilities
Protect electronic health information created or maintained by the certified EHR technology through the implementation of appropriate technical capabilities
HH plans to bring in an outside company to perform an assessment on where we are in meeting this measure
15. Menu Set Measures- Where We are Today Implement drug-formulary checks
GE CE utilizing formulary substitutes built in Pharmacy module
Record Advance Directives for >50% of unique patients 65years or older
GE CE utilizing flowforms
Need to upgrade to 6.9 to meet reporting requirements
Incorporate >40% of clinical lab-test results into certified EHR as structured data
GE CE lab results >40% of positive/negative and numeric are sent in via interface from Sunquest as structured data
If LOINC required will need to make changes in Sunquest to incorporate
Generate lists of patients by specific condition
GE CE Cobol reports
Use Certified EHR technology to identify patient-specific education resources and provide to >10% of unique patients
Planning- HCS medication discharge instructions
Future- review Discharge Instructions that are available as new product in GE CE 6.9
16. Menu Set Measures- Where We are Today Medication reconciliation for >50% of transitions of care in which the patient is admitted to the eligible hospital
Complete implementation of HCS on Surgery Units, Pediatrics, and Behavioral Health.
Provides a summary of care record for >50% of transitions of care & referrals
Need upgrade to GE CE 6.9 to provide CCD or CCR
Capability to submit electronic data to immunization registries or Immunization Information Systems and actual submission in accordance with applicable law and practice
HCS- explore options of meeting based on medication give information & reporting from this system for Stage 1.
HH would not be able to meet this measure for Stage 1 with GE CE because we would not be on Enterprise Orders in time to utilize the Immunization Module for this.
Capability to submit electronic data on reportable lab results to public health agencies & actual submission in accordance with applicable law and practice
Sunquest- exploring options to interface between Sunquest lab system and Public Health Department.
Capability to submit electronic syndromic surveillance data to public health agencies & actual submission in accordance with applicable law and practice
Sunquest- exploring options to interface between Sunquest lab system and Public Health Department.
17. Quality Measures- Where We are Today Required
2 ED Measures
7 Stroke Measures
6 VTE Measures
Current State
Some data gathered from Billing information
Some data gathered manually from charts
Some data submitted electronically, but not via Certified systems
Need to implement Problem List in GE CE to capture diagnosis as structured data
Need to make sure all data captured in EHR
Need to look at Blaze Rules required
Need upgrade to GE CE 6.9 to accomplish the Quality Measures reporting
18. Where We Are Today for 2011 Summary of HiTECH Measures-
Core Measure Set
Met in GE CE 6.1 ( some build may be needed)
1 Measure
Met but need MU Version of CE GE for Reporting
6 Measures
Planning Phase
4 Measures
Need GE CE MU Version to accomplish
3 Measures
Menu Measure Set
HH would plan on meeting 7 of 10 on menu set
2 still need more research/ could be added to list to meet
Providing Summary of Care Record
Patient-Specific Education Instructions
1 cannot be met until on Enterprise Orders
Immunization Module
19. Where Are We Headed for 2011-2012 Implement Problem List in GE CE
CPOE Readiness Assessment & Planning
Nursing Optimization Assessment
Upgrade to CEUI
Upgrade to GE CE 6.9
Implement new Perinatal System
Continue to Roll-out HCS for Electronic Medication Reconciliation
Potentially Report Lab Data to Health Department via Sunquest
Broader incorporation of quality data capture into GE CE
3rd Party HIPAA Privacy & Security Assessment & Follow-up
Continue involvement with Professional Associations, Vendors, & Educational Sessions and Government updates
Educating the other Departments in the Organization
Many, many, many other IT related projects
Oh and one more thing- Open a new hospital- Madison, Alabama
20. Just Some of Our Concerns Multiple simultaneous MU related projects in parallel with all other high priority projects
Ability for the hospital in general and nursing in particular to be able to absorb all that is happening in the timeframe outlined
GEs ability to deliver a certified version of Centricity Enterprise within our target date
The need to follow up stage 1 MU rapidly with the opening of Madison Hospital, while beginning our efforts to acquire stage 2 MU, and accomplish the ICD-10 deadline
21. Q & A