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Vasayo CBD One Oil & Cream Scientific Advisory Board Call Feb 26, 2019.

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Vasayo CBD One Oil & Cream Scientific Advisory Board Call Feb 26, 2019.

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  1. Vasayo CBD One Scientific Advisory Board Call February 25 2019 For More Information on CBD One Products Call (818) 305-4669 or Visit CBD1DIRECT.COM Tracy Gibbs: I would like to thank everybody for joining us tonight, especially our brand partners out on the east coast. Staying up until nine P.M for this call. We appreciate it. We've got a great call tonight and it's a call that everybody's been waiting for, it's kind of all things CBD. I'm gonna start off the call with a medical disclaimer however because this is such a controversial topic, a really hot subject, you know the FDA has made their statement quite clear to those people that are selling CBD. That CBD is being sold as a prescription drug and therefor any company that makes claims to treat, diagnose, alleviate, heal, whatever the wordage is, if we make any medical claims whatsoever to CBD they will treat us as if we were a drug and obviously as a dietary supplement company we are not compliant with drug laws. So, please for all of our brand partners as you're talking about the CBD please avoid those claims just as you would any of our other products and for our call tonight this is a scientific advisory board call. Our doctors will be quoting clinical studies perhaps for specific diseases. Those are quotes for clinical studies only coming from a medical doctor and you may not use those or transcribe those as benefits or claims to yourself or any of your customers. This is for science information only. So please be aware of that. But I would like to start the call by introducing Vasayo CBD one. I'm sure everybody's aware of it right now but in case you're sharing this call. We are the one and only patented liposomal CBD and I'm gonna go through our six major sales points. Because what I'm getting is a lot of frequently asked questions about what sets CBD one apart in this huge industry, or soon to become huge industry with hundreds of brands coming out. Why are we the one and only? Why are we CBD one? And I'm gonna go down this list for you. I'm gonna start off right with the fact that we are organic compliant. That in and of itself will answer a lot of the questions that I get on a daily basis. People ask me all of the time, what is your extraction method? We feel that that is proprietary information and we will not disclose our extraction method but if you know that we are organic compliant then the reason why you asked that question will be answered because people want to know if we're using harmful solvents of extraction methods that could leave residues. The fact that we are organic compliant should answer that question that we do not use any of those in organic residues that could build up in your bodies over time. Our second sales point is that we are a non genetically modified organism, or non GMO. We do not use GMO hemp. Our third sales point is that CBD one is a broad spectrum cannabis oil. In other words, it contains four of the five major classifications of the [inaudible 00:03:34] out there including CBG, CBN, TBC, Feb 26 2019 - VASAYO SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD C... (Completed 02/27/19) Page 1 of 10

  2. and CBD. We are THC free from the plant to the package we control and have quality control systems in place and we are 100 percent plant to package, made in the U.S.A. and that's quite important to know. Again, it answers a lot of other frequently asked questions that I get. Where does your CBD come from? I believe most people answer this question because they want to know if we're getting our hemp from Malaysia or China or some country that may or may not be compliant with herbicide and pesticide regulations that we have here in the U.S.A.. This is plant to package, grown and made in the United States of America. Am I going to tell you what state it is from? No. That would be like you asking me, or me asking you, I guess if you had green beans last night, do you know what state those green beans came from? Is it relevant? No. The fact that we are organic compliant, again, plant to package, made in the U.S.A., non GMO should be, or be sufficient for your curiosity as to the quality. And then last but not least, we are a liposomal CBD, which means that our absorption rates cannot compare with a non liposomal CBD. I believe it's quite common knowledge among the CBD industry and you can even Google it, it's on wiki when you type in CBD. That CBD is about, between six percent and 13 percent bio available to the human body. Vasayo is an advanced delivery technology company and so we use an advanced delivery technology even in our CBD. We use the liposomal technology which ensures the bio availability. Finally, we have a patent. We are not patent pending, we are not a proprietary secret formula, we have a patent on our CBD and that patent specifically states that it is an enhanced bio availability with an improvement or increase with [inaudible 00:05:44] and time released. So I guess if you could find me a CBD that can meet all six or seven of those bullet points then we can start talking apples to apples. But if you don't have or cannot find a CBD that has all six of those bullet points, then well that's why we are CBD one. So far we are the only CBD that I have seen that can claim all six of those bullet points. Now to start off our call tonight I'm going to have our scientific advisors join in and participate and I have given them each a topic to speak specifically on as far as what clinical studies are out there on CBD, why it's beneficial, what, you know, all the hype and buzz behind this ingredient, or this specific [inaudible 00:06:43] chemical. And how it can benefit us. I'm gonna start with Dr. Steve Sabo. Dr. Sabo are you online? Dr. Steve Sabo: I am Tracy. Tracy Gibbs: Great thank you. I wanted you to speak a little bit tonight on the sleep benefits. You know one of, I think probably the most frequent or most common benefit that people get from CBD is it helps relax them and allows them to sleep better. Can you touch on that and what studies you found that shows that CBD can actually benefit us? Feb 26 2019 - VASAYO SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD C... (Completed 02/27/19) Page 2 of 10

  3. Dr. Steve Sabo: Sure Tracy, I'm happy to be here tonight and happy to talk about CBD and sleep. You know one of the many uses of CBD is for sleep, it's actually been used for many years as a sleep aid. And, I found a study from January of this year, January of 2019 and they talked a little bit about what Tracy is talking about. That is, people who are anxious in sleep, it's CBD in anxiety and sleep. And what they did is they gave a dosage of most patients of 25 milligrams per day. Some actually were increased to 50 and 75 milligrams, and one schizophrenic patient actually was increased because he wasn't responding. They increased it to 175 milligrams. And, so what they found here is that there was a significant improvement in both anxiety and sleep over the first month. Over the next two months, the last two months of the study, they found help in both anxiety and sleep more sustained in the anxiety group than in the sleep group over those next couple of months. But you know it was kind of a small study, I think they had about 74 patients. Other studies, just to touch base on a couple of things show CBD may help with excessive daytime sleepiness. In other words it helps people become more alert and then when they're more alert during the day they're more apt to sleep at night. Another study showed that CBD appears to increase total sleep time but some of the issues with these studies is that there were differences in the dosage from study to study, some actually were upwards of 600 mg a day and it's really not clear from these studies what the optimal dosage is. It's also not clear what type of CBD was being used. I doubt they used liposomal. I think what's gonna be needed is more studies with larger groups of patients. And another factor as I finish up here, is that many people with chronic pain and anxiety issues also suffer from insomnia. And by helping get their pain and anxiety under control, sleep can be improved. So at Vasayo we're really getting great results with our CBD oil and cream in the short time these products have been released and I believe that for people with sleep problems, I recommend is kind of combining our sleep product in conjunction with the CBD oil and I believe that by putting these two products together it really potentiates their effects on sleep. So I'm gonna [crosstalk 00:10:09], yeah you hit that right on the head, you know CBD has been known and is most commonly used for it's ability to increase cellular communication. Whether that's via neurons, redux pathways, et cetera et cetera. And, when we have a product that already benefits with sleep like our melatonin based product we call sleep, combining CBD actually just makes it work better. And we're getting a lot of testimonials from brand partners that show that, and so we don't have a clinical study. I was actually really intrigued by the first study that you cited, how they started out with doses as low as 25 mg working on up to 175 mg, you can almost guarantee that that's probably wasn't a liposomal CBD that they were using, and so the results using a liposomal CBD could have potentially been much greater, or a much less dose using something that actually gets delivered instead of something that's only 13 percent bio available don't you feel? Feb 26 2019 - VASAYO SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD C... (Completed 02/27/19) Page 3 of 10

  4. Tracy Gibbs: Yes I agree with you. Great. All right thank you Steve. Dr. Galicia, are you online as well? Dr. Galicia: Hello good evening, yes I'm here, good evening. Tracy Gibbs: Great. Thank you, you know, since you specialize in pain and pain management I wanted you to touch on the topic of CBD and pain. And you know this is where I think CBD is most famous for, especially among late stage cancer users. I mean, most people I think in the beginning who are getting, or filling prescriptions for medical marijuana were citing that they needed it for the pain and I think this is it's greatest potential when it comes to opiate reduction use in this country where CBD can play a huge role. So tell us a little bit about CBD and pain management. Dr. Galicia: Yes, thank you. Chronic pain as we very well know represents an emerging public health issue of massive proportions. Particularly in lieu of aging populations plus the fact that people are living longer. Actually the facts and figures are really daunting, can you just imagine here, just alone here in the United States chronic pain affects more than three million people every single year. And the statistics is grim if you don't do anything about it. It can be treated, hence the introduction of CBD as the welcome addition in the pain care [inaudible 00:12:40] and it is a fundamentally different from most prescribed pain killers. It is not euphoric, it is not addictive, it is non toxic, and has very insignificant side effect if any. In fact a study posted in Europe Therapeutics revealed that CBD stops the body from absorbing [inaudible 00:12:58] which is a compound associated with regulating pain. Therefore an increased levels of this [inaudible 00:13:06] in the blood stream may reduce the amount of pain a person feels or perceives. There have been numerous studies which demonstrate that CBD may also limit inflammation in the brain and the nervous system. Which may then benefit people experiencing pain, insomnia, and certain immune system responses. In fact there's also a study in the European Journal of Pain where they look at CBD in arthritis pain management and what they found out that there's a significant reduction in inflammation, and signs of pain without additional side effects. Another area of CBD studies is in the management of multiple sclerosis related symptoms. In fact muscle spasm is one, are one of the most common symptoms of MS. These spasms can be so great and constant in some people that it is so debilitating. One study found that the use of CBD oil could reduce the levels of testability a person can feel. Another double blind placebo controlled study in fact in 2007 concluded that CBD are effective in treating neuropathic pain or nerve related pain in multiple sclerosis. In 2014, a study investigated CBD's therapeutic potential in treating chemo therapy induced neuropathic pain, or nerve pain. And the scientists concluded that a [inaudible 00:14:30] treatment with CBD during chemo therapy may be safe and effective in the prevention and attenuation of chemo therapy induced neuropathic pain. And another study in Feb 26 2019 - VASAYO SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD C... (Completed 02/27/19) Page 4 of 10

  5. 2012 also demonstrated that CBD significantly suppresses chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain without causing tolerance. Unlike a lot of other pain killers. There's also really wonderful study in 2010 that, that study actually looked at the ethicacy and the safety and tolerability of CBD in patients with intractable cancer related pain. And this study showed that it is advantageous for relieving pain in patients with advanced cancer pain. Not fully relieved by strong opiod. CBD has showed effects on clip architecture like Steve has mentioned in patient, in pain management restored sleep is vital in healing. And in normal pain processing signals. The studies have shown that people with insomnia or with any sleep disfunction have pain amplification. With CBD we target both areas. With the war against pain and war against addiction and opiod overdose, we can actually help cure these problems with non opiod products that would help effectively manage pain. The combination of renew and CBD actually targets different pain processes effectively. I think that's what I can share tonight. Tracy Gibbs: Great, thank you Lana, you know I was particularly interested in that MS study that you quoted. I personally know people that suffer from MS and it had many many testimonials from brand partners emailed to me, stating how exactly what you said at the very end. How when they were taking renew that their pain was somewhat managed and they were able to function quite well, but when they added CBD to their renew on a daily basis, their now, well, different wording from different brand partners but some have said it has saved their lives. Another one has told me that it has enhanced their quality of life, another young mother says that she now actually can get down on her hands and knees and roll around and play with her four year old which I, was just you know so touching to me that we actually gave this kid her mom back. Just because of renew and CBD and those combined benefits. So, I know we're citing a lot of studies and it may sound uninteresting just to quote studies but just realize that those studies mean real life experiences for people, and so Lana thank you for sharing that. Dr. Galicia: You're most welcome. Good evening. Tracy Gibbs: Dr. Baker. [crosstalk 00:17:16] Dr. Baker: Yes, I'm here. Tracy Gibbs: I'm excited to hear what you're going to say because again I have read several studies on CBD and what it can do for the cardiovascular system and heart health in general. So, why don't you share a little bit about what you've learned regarding that topic. Dr. Baker: Well thank you Tracy, and I appreciate the opportunity to discuss about cardiovascular benefits of CBD 'cause cardiovascular disease is certainly a Feb 26 2019 - VASAYO SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD C... (Completed 02/27/19) Page 5 of 10

  6. special interest of mine. Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death really here in America, both men and women. There are over 610,000 deaths last year from cardiovascular events. There's accumulating evidence that's really, that suggests that CBD is beneficial to our cardiovascular health and it's usually in general from three different, or, in three different ways. It decreases inflammation, it decreased blood pressure, particularly systolic, and it minimized arithmetic or irregular beating of the heart. There are multiple articles in pub med dot gov, Tracy that shows CBD has direct actions on the arterial wall causing basil relaxation. Or basil dilation. It also increases nitric oxide which is a very important molecule that's a buzz word in medicine right now 'cause it helps protect us from plaquing of our arteries. The National Institute of Health actually showed, they sort of elaborated further on that and said that CBD may also reduce cardiac fibrosis, which is scarring, after a heart attack. Slow down that inflammation, seem to be decreased, and it seemed to decrease muscle disfunction after a heart attack. That to me was very important because what, debilitate most people after heart attacks is congestive heart failure. So that was an amazing benefit that I read. CBD has also been shown to decrease heart attack size, or basically the area of damage of the heart muscle, again, maybe decreasing maybe that risk of congestive heart failure. CBD has also been shown to decrease inflammation of the heart muscle brought on by things like viruses, medications, auto immune diseases. Which I've seen all of these. It's also very important to note it's been seen to decrease abnormal cardiovascular responses to stress. it's now considered, stress is, to be a risk factor for heart attack and stroke so very important that it seems to be showing some benefits in reducing those issues. Another way that CBD's been shown to help the heart is in it's anti arithmetic effects. As I mentioned, that's irregular or extra beating of the heart which can be life threatening. The British journal of pharmacology a couple of years ago showed that especially after having a heart attack there are definitely fewer arithmetic's if a person's been on CBD regularly. There are several studies that have shown CBD's anti inflammatory, antioxidant, as well as neuro protective qualities that help make stroke size smaller as well. These are incredible benefits. The University of Shanghai recently did a study that showed CBD may benefit conditions involved deficiencies in blood flow to the brain such as strokes, TI's, which are near strokes, and other vascular diseases. So again stroke and heart again seems to be, seems to benefit. It's also been shown in several randomized studies on healthy people to lower systolic blood pressure. And once again to help increase that nitric oxide I mentioned earlier in the [inaudible 00:20:58]. Which is very important to our health. As we continue to explore the regular use of CBD and it's potential therapeutic effects, really in multiple medical issues. The evidence strongly points toward significant cardiovascular benefits and I'll end there Tracy, but just again [crosstalk 00:21:18] thank you for letting me discuss a very important topic. Anything that Feb 26 2019 - VASAYO SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD C... (Completed 02/27/19) Page 6 of 10

  7. seems to help us to decrease cardiovascular disease I think is very much worth while. Tracy Gibbs: Yeah for sure. Coronary heart disease is the number one killer in the United States, and I found it particularly interesting when you said that CBD has been shown to be a Nox booster. You know, I remember back when I was really into working out and exercising, you know our coaches were always touting that we need to increase our nitric oxide levels. Not only to protect our heart but to build healthy muscle mass and improve blood flow. So anybody who's on a regular fitness program where kind of pushing your body to limits, a, Dr. Baker said it, as a nox booster this could be just as critical to you as taking your multivitamin everyday. So thank you Dr. Baker for sharing that. Okay you know [crosstalk 00:22:16] Dr. Baker: Thank you. Tracy Gibbs: Dr. Snyder has volunteered to tell us a little bit about CBD in regards to anxiety and depression. Again a huge huge topic, again where CBD is widely prescribed. Again, I have close relationships that have benefited tremendously from CBD and the benefits hav given them with anxiety and then battling depression as well. So Dr. Snyder, can you tell us a little bit about what you've learned regarding CBD, anxiety, and depression? Dr. Snyder: Happy to, hi everybody and Tracy it's interesting and almost embarrassed to state that three months ago I knew nothing about the end of Cannabinoid system and about CBD. So this has been really a lot of fun for me. Personally because I'm learning a whole new set of neuro transmitters and I'm gonna talk mostly about anxiety but depression fits right in. And I thought it was interesting because anxiety is much more prevalent than we really think. In fact, if I had to think about one of the benefits, one of the stated benefits of CBD is that it has the potential for treating anxiety. As most of us know anxiety is fixation on the future. Persistent worrying about an outcome. It's difficulty concentrating, difficulty making decisions, sweating, insomnia, and irrational fears. So I don't know if any of you feel like that, but I know I feel at least five of those almost weekly. So I think all of us struggle with anxiety. In fact probably the best diagnose, definition that I heard was persistent fearful worrying. And I don't know, I know that I grew you up in a family where my mother, she used to call it preventive worrying but she was, you know, she was somebody who really was a worrier. And the problem with that anxiety is that it leads to disability, you know? You end up having anxiety and you could fail a test. You get, you end up bombing a speech or you end up with a poor athletic performance and I think that's sort of like, you get the yips or you choke. It also leads to insomnia relationship breakdown and it also increases the suicide risk. So, the risk of anxiety and I think all of us quite honestly can relate to the fact that we've all had to deal with Feb 26 2019 - VASAYO SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD C... (Completed 02/27/19) Page 7 of 10

  8. anxiety at one time or another and in the United States there's a 29 percent lifetime prevalence, and it's the highest of any mental disorder. So it has a huge social and an economic burden. Now we know that CBD has known therapeutic properties and we've all heard of them. They have the anti pain, they're neuro protective, anti convulsant. But we now know that it is actually an anti- anxiety patient. With potential to help in a very very real way. Now the interesting thing about CBD is that it is well tolerated up to 1,500 mg per day. Now those are huge doses and the reason I bring it up is because we have to know that what we are taking is safe. And a nutrient which is like bio chemical, which is what CBD is, is really like Tracy has always said, it's really concentrated food so we know that it is very very safe and it' very important. Most of the studies showed that you can take up to 1,500 Mg's of this a day and it's well tolerated without any side affects. Now it's interesting the reason why they have found that it happens to be anti anxiety is because it acts on several different receptors. We know it's the CB one and the CB two receptor but it also specifically reacts on one of the serotonin receptors called the 5HT. Now why do I bring that up? Well because most of the anti depressants are actually serotonin released inhibitors. And you may of heard of Zoloft and Prozac and so the CBD actually interacts with the serotonin receptor to actually stimulate it. So that is possibly one of the possibilities for CBD and the Cannabinoids being anti anxiety as well as anti depression. The other reason that it has the potential to be anti depressive is there's been fairly good research which shows that inflammation of the brain through the cytokines can actually be one of the causes of depression. Now the other thing that I wanted to say is, why don't we just smoke pot? And a lot of little bit think, gosh if CBD is so good, well you know you can get this medicinal marijuana and you can probably legally get marijuana in most states but the probably with marijuana is that if you take it in high doses. In other words, the THC actually causes anxiety in high doses. The beautiful thing about CBD is that it has been shown not to cause anxiety. In other words, a little bit of THC may be helpful but a lot of THC can actually reverse and actually cause anxiety. Which is what we absolutely do not want. The good news about CBD is that you read very very low doses for it to have an anti anxiety effect. So that's really very very important. It also has been shown to be effective in treating post traumatic stress disorder. And, I'm sort of gonna close by probably the most interesting thing that I found in my research over the past week was that, why do we have this endo Cannabinoids system? Why do we have all of these receptors, and in fact, I thought to myself when I first started learning, and actually I listened to Tracy teach me about this. We have these receptors all over our body, why? I mean, why are they there if we don't really feed it with they phyto Cannabinoids. Things like CBD oil, well the reality is that the body produces Feb 26 2019 - VASAYO SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD C... (Completed 02/27/19) Page 8 of 10

  9. endo Cannabinoids. In fact we produce them just about every day. And, I think Lana actually mentioned that the Anandamide, Anandamide is one of the feel good chemicals that our body produces and those of you that are runners will know, the reason you get that runners high is because it releases endorphins. And, so we actually produce and Cannabinoid in our body that actually allows for us to feel good when we run or you know, jumping out of an airplane, you're doing eye surgery. I just threw that part in there, but. Anyway, all of these things create high levels of Anandamide and what they have found is that the CBD actually inhibits the breakdown of our endorphins. And what that means is that you will be allowed to keep that runner's high. In other words the natural endorphins will stay in our blood level at a higher level for longer period of time. So we will stay happier longer. And I guess the take home message to that is, you can't be happy and have anxiety at the same time. They really don't mix. So that's where I'm going to end it. Fascinating stuff. There's a lot of research. The fact that I did not know anything about this three months ago really reflects where we have been in medicine. So, the research is yet to come. There is a lot out there, but I'll tell you what, the spigot is just opening up and it's very very exciting so thank you for your attention. Tracy Gibbs: Thank you Dr. Snyder, and you know just like your favorite phyto nutrients [Kurcumin 00:30:48] , CBD is now considered one of the most highly studied, or excuse me, currently in study phytochemical out there. It used to be Curcumin, I mean again thousands of clinical studies on Curcumin and it's affect on the human body but CBD is, will soon surpass Curcumin in it's clinical studies. So I think we're about to discover [crosstalk 00:31:15] Dr. Snyder: Tracy? Tracy Gibbs: [crosstalk 00:31:17] phytochemicals. Dr. Snyder: Don't break my heart. Tracy Gibbs: Sorry yeah, I'm sorry I won't. And I know that it will always remain your phytochemical simply because of the cover up right? Dr. Snyder: You got it, yeah yeah. Tracy Gibbs: No, and if I can just relay one message to everyone, just to put on your scientific caps. You guys, phytochemicals truly are amazing. It's one of the reasons it got me involved in the study, in the field of study that I am in is because our food is incredible. Plants on this planet are incredible and to think that literally in your backyard could be growing the next cure for cancer, just fascinated me in my youth. You know, we don't, the more we learn about these plants, the more we are discovering that we don't know a lot about plants. And I'm, it's really fun to see Dr. Snyder, Dr. Baker, Dr. Sabo and Dr. Galicia learn more and more about phytochemicals as we hold these scientific calls and I'm so thankful for the work Feb 26 2019 - VASAYO SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD C... (Completed 02/27/19) Page 9 of 10

  10. and the time and the effort that they put in to study the ingredients in our products because it's not their field of medicine. They each have their specialties. But the fact that they take their time to learn about each of these new ingredients, shows me that they are true scientists and always open to learning and I appreciate them very much. But everyone, thank you for participating on the call. I'm going to end it just by giving you the three most frequently asked questions on CBD one. So that again, you can share this call with others. These are the most frequently asked questions I get. Number one, isn't CBD safe for pregnant and nursing mothers? And, as with all of our products I do have to give you that disclaimer, that you should always, if you have a general practitioner or a doctor that you're seeing on a regular basis you should consult with them before taking any dietary supplement when you're pregnant or nursing but I have reviewed the clinical studies on the NIH and Pub Med and it shows just as Dr. Snyder said, that up to 1500 Mg's of CBD is safe even among pregnant and, or nursing mothers. The other most frequently asked question I get and again this goes right back to our not being able to make claims but I get people asking all the time, is CBD good for cancer. This is where you have to say, you need to let your fingers do the walking. If I were a, diagnosed, you'd better believe I'd be studying all about my particular type of cancer and what alternatives were out there and I would even get second and third opinions before I begin a treatment program with any oncologist. But please search the NIH and Pub Med and many many other websites, clinical trials dot gov. Have an amazing array of clinical studies on CBD and various types of cancers. So I'm not going to be answering this question whether it comes to me via email, via phone, Facebook messenger. I can not give specific disease related recommendations. You must go ahead and google and then talk with your practitioner regarding that. and then finally, the last, most frequently asked question that I get. It still comes in on a daily basis, how is your CBD extracted and can you give me the exact mg amount. My friends, the exact mg amount of our CBD is written right on the bottle. It is 13 Mg's per dose and the extraction method we consider proprietary information. Now our owners may decide to release that information one day, but I can tell you that right now we're considered a propriety. And maybe someday like I said, we will share that with you. But thank you for participating on this call tonight everyone. Tweet, share this. It will be available in the app as soon as it is downloaded and our good friend who does it all, Peter in the office gets his prepared and ready and screened to post. Share it because it's a very popular topic. Again, thank you for your time tonight. Goodnight. Feb 26 2019 - VASAYO SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD C... (Completed 02/27/19) Page 10 of 10

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