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PRODUCTS CATALOGUE 2007. NoRisk S.r.l. 43100 Parma - italy - Via J.F.Kennedy, 6 Tel. +39 0521 032315 – Fax +39 0521 032316 E-mail: norisk@simulimpresa.com P.IVA e REG. IMPR. 21234550347. Products of: Fire-prevention and protection Dust extinguer pag. 3
PRODUCTS CATALOGUE 2007 NoRisk S.r.l. 43100 Parma - italy - Via J.F.Kennedy, 6 Tel. +39 0521 032315 – Fax +39 0521 032316 E-mail: norisk@simulimpresa.com P.IVA e REG. IMPR. 21234550347
Products of: • Fire-prevention and protection • Dust extinguer pag. 3 • Extinguishers with trolley “ 5 • Accessories for extinguishers “ 8 • Extinguishing “ 9 • Sprinkler’s system “ 9 • Survey fire’s system “ 9 • Fire barrier doors “ 10 • Fireproof forniture “ 11 • Burglar alarm prevention and protection Burglar alarm pag.12 • Accident prevention and security on work • Accident prevention system of signs pag.15 • First-aid “ 15 • Clothes and accessories “ 16 • Risk analysis managementpag.24
Fire-prevention and protection: Portable extinguisher: Dust extinguisher: Kg. 1 € 26,00 Cod.11284 Kg. 2 € 34,00 Cod. 11285 Kg. 3 € 46,00 Cod. 11286 Kg. 4 € 50,00 Cod. 11287 Kg. 6 € 80,00 Cod. 11288 Kg. 9 € 100,00 Cod. 11289 Kg. 12 € 120,00 Cod. 11291 CO2 extinguisher : Kg. 2 € 114,00 Cod. 11290 Kg. 5 € 192,00 Cod. 11292
H2O extinguisher : Cod. 11293 Lt.6 € 84,00 Foam- extinguisher: Cod. 11294 Lt. 9 € 90,00 Automatic extinguisher: Piccolo € 66,00 Cod. 11295 Grande € 77,00 Cod. 11296
Extinguishers with trolley Dust extinguisher : Kg. 30 € 291,00 Cod. 11297 Kg. 50 € 374,00 Cod. 11298 Kg. 100 € 633,00 Cod. 11299 CO2 extinguisher : Kg. 18 € 684,00 Cod. 11301 Kg. 27 € 736,00 Cod. 11302 Kg. 54 € 1420,00 Cod. 11303 Foam- extinguisher: Cod. 11300 Kg. 50 € 516,00
Accessories for extinguishers: Steel bearings extinguisher-holder: PVC Brackets: Cod. 11304 Cod. 11305 € 5,00 € 5,00 Sand bucket diameter 160: Antitheft for extinguisher: Cod. 11306 Cod. 11307 € 25,00 € 35,00 Simple universal standard extinguisher-holder: Universal standard extinguisher-holder with lance and sign: Cod. 11308 Cod. 11311 € 24,00 € 46,00
Steel bearings extinguisher-holder for lorry: Double standard extinguisher: Cod. 11313 Cod. 11314 € 60,00 € 24,00 Fire exinguisher cabinet lock with keyt: Fire extinguisher cabinet lock with seal: Cod. 11315 Cod. 11316 € 80,00 € 80,00 Red painted steel: Inoxidable steel: Cod. 11317 Cod. 11319 € 40,00 € 90,00
ABS fire extinguisher cabinet-red cover: ABS fire extinguisher cabinet-trasparent cover: Cod. 11320 Cod. 11321 € 48,00 € 55,00 ABS fire extnguisher cabinet for lorries: Fire extinguisher cabinet in ABS for lorries: Cod. 11322 Cod. 11324 € 72,00 € 168,00 Slabs “safe crash”: Protective caps: Cod. 11318 Cod. 11323 € 12,00 € 25,00 Aluminium notices: Cod. 11326 € 10,00
Estinguishing: Powder-Sabolite-Foam-CO2: Sack of Powder(25 Kg.) € 10,00 Sabolite in drum of extinguisherd (25 Kg.) € 5,00 Foam in drum for extinguisher (25 Kg.) € 6,00 CO2) in bottle (30 Kg.) € 3,00 Cod. 11327 Cod. 11328 Cod. 11329 Cod. 11330 Sprinkler’ssystem: Cod. 11331 € 2500,00 Survey fire’s system: Cod. 11332 € 2000,00
Fire barrier doors : Cod. 11333 € 2200,00
Fireproof forniture: Fireproof cabinet: Cod. 11334 € 1800,00 Firefroot file: Cod. 11335 € 1200,00 Fireproof case: Cod. 11336 € 500,00
Burglar alarm prevention and protection: Burglar alarm Burglar alarm with wires: Cod. 11337 € 3000,00 Burglar alarm wireless: Cod. 11338 € 3500,00
Control system with closed circuit cameras: Cod. 11339 € 2000,00 Control accesses: Cod. 11340 € 1800,00
Armoured doors: Cod. 14250 € 1000,00 Bars: Cod. 11341 € 300,00
Accident prevention and security on work: Accident prevention system of signs: Cod. 11342 € 10,00 First-aid • Closet first.aid. (6 employed)Dim. cm 46x30x14 € 110,00 • 2) Medicine chest Dim.cm 23x23x13 • € 90,00 • 3) Closet first-aid (25 employed) • € 170,00 2 1 Cod. 14075 Cod. 14077 Cod. 14076 3
Clothing and accessories HRO sole Tip protection Antishock sole Noslip sole Nostating shoes Plate or noholde sole Water resist Welding securityng Sole resistent to mineral oil Waterproof upper Fast take-off Protectional shoes: Cod.11355 € 80,00 Cod.14056 € 55,00
Waterproof boot: Cod. 11344 € 40,00 Work stocking: Cod. 14247 € 15,00
Tecnic jacket : Cod. 14057 € 45,00 Ergonomic slacks: Cod. 14058 € 60,00 Professional salopette: Cod. 14059 € 50,00
Professional overalls: Cod. 14060 € 33,00 Safe knees: Cod. 14061 € 8,00 Professional gilet: Cod. 14062 € 20,00
Professional gown: Cod. 14063 € 38,00 Shirt: Jersey: Cod. 11357 Cod. 11356 € 25,00 € 25,00 Waterproof cloth: Cod. 14064 € 68,00
Protection helmets: Simple helmet € 15,00 Professional helmet € 30,00 Cod. 14072 Cod. 14073 Shroud-earphones: Eyes protection: Cod. 11350 Cod. 11352 Cuffie € 38,00 Auricolari € 12,00 € 55,00 Cod. 11351 Respiratiry tract protection: Cover € 42,00 Paper cover € 4,00 Cod. 14248 Cod. 14249
High visibility overalls: Cod. 14065 € 60,00 High visibilitysalopette: Cod. 14066 € 35,00 High visibilityparka: Cod. 14067 € 60,00
High visibility jacket: Cod. 14069 € 40,00 High visibilityslacks: Cod. 14070 € 40,00 High visibility pectoral: Cod. 14071 € 33,00
Risk analysis management: • Risk analysis € 800.00 • System protection planning € 700.00 • Check from year to year € 500.00
Contac us: Tel: 0521/032315 Fax: 0521/032316 E-mail: norisk@unipr.it Adress: Via Kennedy, 6 Web: www.unipr.it/arpa/facecon/Pavarani/NoRisk/index.htm Condition of sales: Payment with cash order days 15 to invoice C/C Carife n.171711 ABI: 06155 CAB: 13000 CIN: R