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Thu-Anh Pham 1 , Dimech W 1 , Ho A 2 , Jardine D 1 , Walker S 1 , van Drimmelen H 3 and Dax EM 1

An Internet-based application fostering a global collaboration for External Quality Assessment Schemes for Nucleic Acid Testing. Thu-Anh Pham 1 , Dimech W 1 , Ho A 2 , Jardine D 1 , Walker S 1 , van Drimmelen H 3 and Dax EM 1 1 National Serology Reference Laboratory, Australia (NRL)

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Thu-Anh Pham 1 , Dimech W 1 , Ho A 2 , Jardine D 1 , Walker S 1 , van Drimmelen H 3 and Dax EM 1

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  1. An Internet-based application fostering a global collaboration for External Quality Assessment Schemes for Nucleic Acid Testing Thu-Anh Pham1, Dimech W1, Ho A2, Jardine D1, Walker S1, van Drimmelen H3 and Dax EM1 1National Serology Reference Laboratory, Australia (NRL) 2HealthMetrx, Canada 3AcroMetrix, USA/ The Netherlands

  2. NRL EQAS • External Quality Assessment Schemes • EQAS provider for over 15 years • Serology: HIV, HCV, HTLV, HBV, CMV, Syphilis • NAT: HIV, HCV, HBV, CT/NG, Blood Screening (HIV/HCV), Genotyping (HIV/ HCV), HAV, CMV, Parvovirus B19, HSV-1/2, Blood Screening HBV • Aims of EQAS

  3. Fostering Global Collaboration • Aims of Global Collaboration: • Provide well-characterised samples from all over the world • Improve submission of results • Improve turnaround time of reports • Expansion of schemes offered

  4. Facilitating Global Collaboration • (www.acrometrix.com) • Develops and manufactures standards, run controls, proficiency and evaluation panels • HealthMetrx (www.digitalpt.com ) • Leading EQAS provider in Canada • Developed

  5. Results of Global Collaboration Table 1:The number of NRL participants that used DigitalPT in 2005

  6. Results of Global Collaboration Table 2:The number of participants enrolled in NRL NAT EQAS QL: Qualitative VL: Viral Load

  7. Laboratory Gains • Rapid turnaround time of final reports • Each laboratory received individualised results summary • Compare results reported by laboratories • Benchmarking

  8. Summary of Global Collaboration

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