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Continue to Prohibit Steroids in Sports. Steroids led him to a sex change.
Steroids led him to a sex change “Heidi Krieger, the 1986 European women's shot-put champion, became Andreas Krieger after a sex-change operation in 1997. He says he had been fed so many steroids by his coaches without his knowledge that physical and emotional problems began.” (Pleitgen)
Steroids are harmful not only to yourself, but to those around you
Harmful to yourself • Liver abnormalities • Increased risk to HIV & Hepatitis • Tumors • Drug dependency • Cardiac arrhythmia • Drop in blood pressure • Death
Harmful to others • “Roid” Rage • Testosterone & Aggressiveness • Suicide/death
Psychological Illness • “It may unmask an underlying psychiatric disorder that has been basically kept in check until the individual is exposed to this category of drugs. And so what you may be seeing is unmasked psychiatric disorder.” (WebMD)
Counter Arguments • Eliminates the Black Market • Everyone is doing it, it should be legal • Steroid testing is expensive • Sport equipment is used to gain an advantage • Allows all athletes to have equal advantage
PEDs & the Military • Fighter Pilots took speed to keep themselves sharp • War & sports are two completely different things
Sources • Pleitgen, Frederik. Athlete says sports steroids changed him from woman to man,<http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/europe/08/11/sexchange.athlete/index.html> • The Psychological Effects of Anabolic Steroids. The international Journal of Drug Policy, Vol 5, No 1, 1994. <htpp://www.drugtext.org/library/articles/945104.htm> • Facts And Myths About 'RoidRage. June 27, 2007. <htpp://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/06/27/health/webmd/main2989475.shtml> • Benoit, Chris. Was Roid Rage to Blame? <http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/features/roid-rage-14-questions-and-answers> • Mayo Clinic Staff. Performance-enhancing drugs: Are they a risk to your health?Dec. 23, 2008. <http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/perfrmance-enhancing-drugs/hq01105 >