1. Japanese way for Quality Management
2. What do you think about Japan and their products?
3. Japan`s industrial products in the world:
4. Japan`s industrial products in the world:
5. Japan`s History of Quality:
6. Japan`s History of Quality:
7. Japanese leader in Quality : Kaoru Ishikawa
8. Japanese leader in Quality :Masaaki Imai
9. Japanese leader in Quality :Genichi Taguchi
10. Japanese leader in Quality :Shigeru Mizuno and Yoji Akao
11. Japanese Tools for Quality Management
12. Deming Award by JUSE
13. Deming Award by JUSE
14. Deming Award by JUSE
15. Deming Award by JUSE
16. Deming Award compared MBNQA(comment from Prof. N Kano)
17. Deming Award compared MBNQA(comment from Prof. N Kano)
18. Japanese Food Quality Management
19. Food Quality Management System