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Chapter 4 Syntax Analysis

Chapter 4 Syntax Analysis. Topics to cover: Context-Free Grammars: Concepts and Notation Writing and rewriting a grammar Syntax Error Handling and Recovery. Introduction. Why CFG CFG gives a precise syntactic specification of a programming language.

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Chapter 4 Syntax Analysis

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  1. Chapter 4 Syntax Analysis Topics to cover: Context-Free Grammars: Concepts and Notation Writing and rewriting a grammar Syntax Error Handling and Recovery compiler Constreuction

  2. Introduction • Why CFG • CFG gives a precise syntactic specification of a programming language. • Automatic efficient parser generator • Enabling automatic translator generator • Language extension becomes easier • The role of the parser • Taking tokens from scanner, parsing, reporting syntax errors • Not just parsing, in a syntax-directed translator, the parser also conducts type checking, semantic analysis and IR generation. compiler Constreuction

  3. Example of CFG • A C– program is made out of functions, a function out of declarations and blocks, a block out of statements, a statement out of expressions, … etc <program>  <global_decl_list> <global_decl_list>  <global_decl_list><global_decl> | e <global_decl>  <decl_list> <function_decl> <function_decl>  <type> id ( <param_list> ) { <block> } <block>  <decl_list> <statement_list> | e <decl_list>  <decl_list> <decl> | <decl> | e <decl>  <type_decl> | <var_decl> <type>  void | int | float <statement_list>  …. <statement>  { <block> } compiler Constreuction

  4. Notational Conventions • Following symbols are terminals • Lower case letters such as a,b,c. • Operators (+,-, etc) and punctuation symbols (parentheses, commas, etc) • Digits such as 0,1,2,etc • Boldface strings such as id or if compiler Constreuction

  5. Notational Conventions • Nonterminals • Upper case letters such as A,B,C • The letter S – the start symbol • Lower case italic names such as expr or stmt • Grammar symbols • upper case, late in the alphabet, such as X,Y,Z,. • Strings of terminals • lower case letters late in the alphabet, such as u,v,.. z • Strings of grammar symbols • Lower-case Greek letters, such as a,b,g compiler Constreuction

  6. Example expr expr op expr expr  (expr) expr - expr expr  id op  + op  - op  * op  / op  h Using the notational shorthand E  E A E | (E) | -E | id A  + | - | * | / | h Non-terminals: E and A Start symbol: E compiler Constreuction

  7. Derivation • Given a string aAb If A  g is a production, then we can replace aAb by agb, written as aAb  agb • means derives in one-step • + means derive in one or more steps • * means drive in zero or more steps The language L(G) generated by G is the set of terminal strings w such that S + w. The string w is called a sentence of G. If S * a where a may contain nonterminals, we say a is a sentential form of G compiler Constreuction

  8. Exercise • What is a sentence of language L defined by the C++ grammar G? • Is the following string a sentence or a sentential form? int parse(<parameter_list>) {} a C++ program A sentential form compiler Constreuction

  9. Derivation (cont.) Consider the following grammar G0 E  E + E | E * E | (E) | -E | id The string -(id + id) is a sentence of G0 because there is a derivation E  - E  - (E)  - (E+E)  - (id +E)  -(id + id) Leftmost derivation: only the leftmost nonterminal is replaced Rightmost derivation: only the rightmost nonterminal is replaced Exercise: is id-id a sentence of G0? Is –id+id a sentence? Yes No compiler Constreuction

  10. Parse Tree and Derivation A Parse tree can be viewed as a graphical representation for a derivation that ignore replacement order. E  - E  - (E)  - (E+E)  - (id +E)  -(id + id) E - E ( E ) Interior node: non-terminal Leaves: terminal Children: right-hand side E + E id id compiler Constreuction

  11. CFG is more powerful than RE • Every RE can be described by a CFG • Example (a|b)*abb A  aA | bA | abb • Converting a NFA into a CFG • For each state I of the NFA, create a nonterminal symbol Ai • If state i goes to stat j on input a, add production Ai  aAj • Ai Aj if state i goes to j on e • Ai  e if state i is an accepting state compiler Constreuction

  12. Why do we need RE? • RE is sufficiently powerful for lexical rules • RE is more concise and easier to understand • More efficient lexical analyzer can be constructed from RE than from CFG • Separating lexical from nonlexical part has a few advantages such as modularization, easier to port, etc. • Exercise:what if we don’t have token definition? compiler Constreuction

  13. Defects in CFG • Useless nonterminals • S  A | B A  a B  Bb C  c • Ambiguity • Top-Down parsing issues • Left recursion • Left factoring <derives no terminal string> <unreachable> compiler Constreuction

  14. Ambiguity • A grammar is ambiguous if it produces more than one parse tree for some sentences • example 1: A+B+C ( is it (A+B)+C or A+(B+C) ) • Improper production: expr  expr + expr | id • example 2: A+B*C ( is it (A+B)*C or A+(B*C) ) • Improper production: expr  expr + expr | expr * expr • example 3: if E1 then if E2 then S1 else S2 (which then does the else match with) • Improper production: • stmt  if expr then stmt | if expr then stmt else stmt compiler Constreuction

  15. Two parse trees of example 3 stmt stmt if E1 then stmt if E1 then stmt else S2 if E2 then S1 else S2 if E2 then S1 compiler Constreuction

  16. Eliminating Ambiguity • Operator Associativity • expr  expr + term | term • Operator Precedence • expr  expr + term | term term  term * factor | factor • Dangling Else • stmt  matched | unmatched matched if expr then matched else matched unmatched  if expr then stmt | if expr then matched else unmatched compiler Constreuction

  17. Eliminating Left Recursion • Immediate left recursion • Example: A  Aa | b • Transformation A  Aa1 | Aa2 | … | b1 | b2 | … Where no b begins with A, we replace A productions by A  b1A’ | b2A’ | …. A’  a1A’ | a2A’ | … | e compiler Constreuction

  18. Indirect Left Recursion • Example: S  Aa | b A  Ac | Sd | e • Transformation (assuming no cycles A+ A) • Arrange nonterminals in order A1, A2, … An • for i := 1 to n do for j := 1 to i-1 do begin Replace Ai  Ajg by Ai d1g | d2g .. where Aj d1 | d2 | … are current Aj prod end Eliminate the immediate left recursion among Ai end compiler Constreuction

  19. In the above example, S  Aa | b A  Ac | Sd | e A  Sd will be replaced by A  Ac | Aad | bd | e , then eliminates immediate recursion among A productions and yields the following S  Aa | b A  bdA’ | A’ A’  cA’ | adA’ | e compiler Constreuction

  20. Algorithm 4.1 Eliminating Left Recursion • This algorithm will systematically eliminate left recursions from a grammar. • This is about how to remove indirect left recursions. • Precondition: the grammar has no cycles or e-productions. A cycle means: A + A To avoid getting A  A type of productions during nonterminal replacement. For example, A BA, B  Ab | e when ABA is derived to AeA, a cycle shows up. e-production also makes the algorithm more complex because ABCD may be derived to ACD so handling the leftmost non-terminal only is not sufficient compiler Constreuction

  21. Indirect Left Recursion A  Bb | a B  Cc | b C  Dd | c D  Aa | d A  Bb  Ccb  Ddcb  Aadcb C  Dd  Aad  Bbad  Ccbad Need to expose immediate left recursions and then eliminate them. Some ordering is needed. Suppose we replace ABb by A Ccb and then start with B  Cc  Ddc  Aadc Ccbabc, this would never expose the immediate left recursion in this example. compiler Constreuction

  22. Algorithm 4.1 For i:= 1 to n do begin For j:= 1 to i-1 do begin replace each production of the form Ai  Ajg by the productions Aid1g | d2g .. where Ajd1 | d2 | … are current Aj production End eliminate the immediate left recursion among Ai-productions End Key idea: For each non-terminal Ai, all references to lower numbered non-terminal Aj, (where j < i) will be replaced by higher numbered non-terminals. compiler Constreuction

  23. . A1  … A2  Ai-1 g | Ai+k h | … … Ai  Ai-1a | A2 b | … … An After replacement, there will be no backward references compiler Constreuction

  24. Left Factoring Consider the following grammar A  ab1 | ab2 It is not easy to determine whether to expand A to ab1 or ab2 A transformation called left factoring can be applied. It becomes: A  aA’ A’  b1 | b2 compiler Constreuction

  25. Exercise stmt  if expr then stmt | if expr then stmt else stmt For the following grammar form: A  ab1 | ab2 What is a? b1? b2? • : if expr then stmt b1: e b2: else stmt compiler Constreuction

  26. Syntax Error Handling • Different type of errors • Lexical • Syntactic • Semantic • Logical • Error handling goals • Report errors clearly and accurately • Recover quickly • Fast compiler Constreuction

  27. Error Handling Strategies • Don’t quit after detecting the 1st error. • Avoid introducing “spurious” errors • Inhibit error messages that stem from errors uncovered too close together • Simple error repair will be sufficient due to the increasing emphasis on interactive computing and good programming environment. compiler Constreuction

  28. Error Recovery Strategies • Panic mode • Deleting input tokens until one of a designated set of synchronizing tokens is found. • Phrase level • Local correction to repair punctuation errors • Error productions • Augment the grammar with error productions • Global correction • Globally least-cost correction to a string, costly to implement. compiler Constreuction

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