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International Trade and Health Survey Databases Available for Economists and Researchers

Explore comprehensive trade databases—Country Statements, Country Trade Profiles, and International Merchandize Trade—covering imports/exports between Canada and global partners. The Joint Canada/United States Survey of Health examines health status and service access for 3,500 Canadians and 5,200 U.S. residents. Valuable for economists, government policymakers, trade associations, and health researchers.

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International Trade and Health Survey Databases Available for Economists and Researchers

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  1. Product Highlights – DLI Atlantic, Wolfville, NS Country Statements, Country Trade Profiles, International Merchandize Trade, Joint Canada/United States Survey of Health John Neilson, University of New Brunswick DLI Atlantic April 23, 2009

  2. Country Statements, 2002-2007 • - tracks imports and exports between Canada and its trading partners • - deals with quantity and value of goods • - by commodity code (the Harmonized System to the six digit level) see Canadian Export Classification 2009 65-209-x • - each ‘statement’ covers one trading partner only

  3. What does it look like?

  4. Who would use this survey? - economists, federal and provincial governments (impacts on NAFTA) - exporters/importers, business/marketing researchers • international organizations such as the OECD, the WTO, the FAO and UNCTAD • trade associations such as the Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters and the Canadian Association of Regulated Importers

  5. What else is there? The Country Trade Profiles… • - values based companion database to “Statements” • - statistics for 2002 – 2007 and, like Country Statements, it is in spreadsheet format • - brief survey of two-way trade with Canada • - covers Canada’s six biggest trading partners

  6. What does it look like?

  7. limits to these two trade databases • - covers Canada’s six biggest trading partners • - H.S. 6 is as fine as it gets • - coverage is limited to 2002 – 2007 • - no analysis of trade statistics – that’s up to you • But sometimes that’s all you need…

  8. What if it’s not all you need… • Then there’s the International Merchandise Trade Statistical Program • “…[it measures] the change in the stock of material resources of the country resulting from the movement of merchandise into or out of Canada”

  9. And it’s BIG • - it monitors and records all goods which cross Canada’s territorial boundaries • - provides inputs into the System of National Accounts, especially Balance of Payments and GDP • - trade statistics reported on a customs basis or balance of payment basis

  10. How big is it? • - the import side alone of IMT, using HS to the 10 digit level is 458mb • - variables include all countries of export or destination, mode of transportation, month, province of clearance, quantity, unit of measure, if U.S. then State of origin, value and year • - goes back to 1988

  11. What can you use it for? • governments, to formulate trade and budgetary policies, and the other groups mentioned with “Statements” to: • - monitor import penetration and export performance • - monitor commodity price and volume changes • - examine transport implications & infrastructure

  12. What does it look like? • several flavours including; • - The International Merchandize Trade Data by Commodity Classification (HS) • - Canadian International Merchandise Trade, cat. no. 65-001-x (monthly) • - International Merchandise Trade, Annual review, cat. no. 65-208-x

  13. Joint Canada/United States Survey of Health (JCUSH) • - collaborative project by Statscan and U.S. National Center for Health Statistics • - common set of questions to 3,500 Canadians and 5,200 U.S. Residents • - broad focus is on health status and access to health services

  14. JCUSH – a one-time survey • - collection period, November, 2002 – March 2003 • - cross-sectional design by Statscan & NCHS • - age groups 18-44, 45-64 and 65 and over • - Canadian & American interviews done by Statscan permanent employees

  15. And even more detail... • - questions on self-perceived health, chronic conditions, functional status, life-style factors (smoking and obesity), health care utilization, and satisfaction with health care services • - results available in an analytical report (pdf) 82M0022-XIE and a PUMF from the Statistics Canada website

  16. In addition to the pdf ‘findings’ report...

  17. And these sources • - a summary in ... au courant, October, 2005, cat. No. 82-005-XIE • As well as • - “Comparing Health and Health Care Use in Canada and the United States”. • Health Affairs: the policy journal of the health sphere, v. 25, no. 4 (20060: 1133-1142

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