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Discover how Paul and Barnabas faced persecution while spreading the Gospel in Antioch, Cyprus, Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe. Learn valuable lessons on relying on the Holy Spirit, preaching boldly, and staying faithful in the face of opposition. Find inspiration to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
Boldness in the Face of PersecutionActs 14:1-28 What do you do when you are persecuted for doing the right thing? Barnabas & Paul were set apart by the Holy Spirit & sent by the Church in Antioch
Ministry in CyprusActs 13:4-12 Preached in Salamis Opposed by Elymas in Paphos – Paul blinds him Sergius Paulus believes
Ministry in Pisidian Antioch Acts 13:14-52 Travel from Paphos to Perga to Pisidian Antioch Initial success – But eventually driven out
Ministry in IconiumActs 14:1-7 Went to Synagogue first & many believe
Ministry in IconiumActs 14:1-7 Opposed by Jews who disbelieve – apeiqew / apeitheô – “disobey” Stir up – kakow / kakoô – “embitter” or “poison” They stayed & preached boldly until a mob attempted to stone them.
Principles Must rely on Holy Spirit to guide They were bold in the face of simple opposition Without specific instructions to stay, they leave in the face of physical persecution
Ministry in LystraActs 14:8-20a Paul heals a man who was lame from birth They think Paul & Barnabas are gods
Barriers to Missions Language & Cultural differences cause confusion & misunderstanding These are aggravated when cultural transfer replaces the focus on the gospel & calling people to follow Jesus Christ Paul worked within a culture without violating God’s commandments
Opposition & StoningActs 14:19-20a Opposition instigated by unbelieving Jews from Antioch (100m) & Iconium (20m) They “win over” the fickle multitudes, then stone Paul and leaving him for dead. Luke says they “supposed” (nomizw / nomizô) – incorrectly believe a falsehood
Opposition & StoningActs 14:19-20a This is not the event of 2 Cor. 12:2-5 which occurred 5 or 6 years earlier Paul gets up & returns to the city What must they have thought when the man they “killed” walks back into town?
Ministry in DerbeActs 14:20b-21a They go to Derbe the next day They make many disciples there
Return Trip Acts 14:21b-26 They return back through the same cities
Return TripActs 14:21b-26 They warned the new believers about tribulation Persecution tends to keep the believer focused on God & personal holiness They appointed Elders in each church
Perga to Antioch Preached in Perga Sailed from Attalia Reported to Antioch A door of faith was opened to the Gentiles
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ