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ROMAN GODS. ROMAN RELIGION. Roman religion is based on the Pantheon – 12 Gods and Goddesses that, together, rule the earth and everything associated with it. These gods are: J upiter, J uno, Minerva, Vesta, Ceres, Diana, Venus, Mars, Mercur y , Neptun e , Volcan, and Apollo. JUPITER.

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  2. ROMAN RELIGION • Roman religion is based on the Pantheon – 12 Gods and Goddesses that, together, rule the earth and everything associated with it. • These gods are: Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, Vesta, Ceres, Diana, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Volcan, and Apollo.

  3. JUPITER • Jupiter means Father Jove (Father in Latin is "pater"). • Jupiter was king of the Gods. His weapon was the Thunderbolt • All other gods were terrified of him, although he was a little scared of his wife Juno

  4. Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto were the three sons of Saturn. They divided up the world between themselves. Jupiter took the air, Neptune had the sea and Pluto ruled under the earth, the home of the Dead.

  5. JUNO • Juno was the wife of Jupiter and so queen of the gods. She was the goddess of women and marriage. • The Romans believed that every man had a spirit that looked after him all his life. This was called his genius. Some people believed each man had both a good genius and a bad genius. Women didn't have a genius, they had a juno instead.

  6. MINERVA • Minerva was the goddess of wisdom. Her symbol was the owl. • Minerva was the goddess of arts and crafts. She was particularly good at weaving.

  7. NEPTUNE • Neptune was the god of the sea. He carried a trident, which had three prongs. He rode a dolphin or a horse. • Neptune was also the god of earthquakes. He was called the Earth-shaker!

  8. PLUTO • Pluto was the god of the Dead. • When someone died, they travelled down to the Underworld

  9. APOLLO • Apollo was the god of the sun. Each day he drove his chariot of fiery horses across the sky to give light to the world. • He was also the god of healing, so sick people prayed to him. • He is a son of Jupiter

  10. DIANA • Diana was the goddess of the moon. Her twin brother Apollo was the god of the sun. • Diana carried a bow and arrows. She was the goddess of hunting

  11. MARS • The Romans were great soldiers and thought Mars, the god of War, was very important. • They said that he was the father of Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome. • He is a son of Jupiter

  12. VENUS • She is the goddess of love • Venus was born in the sea and first came to shore at Cyprus, floating on a scallop shell. • She is the mother of Cupid.

  13. MERCURY • He was the messenger of the Gods • Mercury was the god of travellers. He had a winged hat and sandals, so he could fly. He carried a staff with two snakes winding round it.

  14. CERES • Ceres was the Earth goddess and goddess of corn. • Her daughter was Proserpine.

  15. VOLCAN • Vulcan was the smith of the gods, and made Jupiter's thunderbolts. His smithy was in the volcano Etna, in Sicily, where you can see fire from his forge.

  16. BACCHUS • Bacchus was the god of wine. He was accompanied by Maenads, or wild dancing women. • Bacchus was also the god of the theatre, since the first plays in Greece were performed in his honour

  17. SATURN • Saturn was god of Time and his weapon was a scythe. He ruled the gods before Jupiter. He is called Old Father Time. • Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto were his children. They represent Air, Water and Death, the three things that Time cannot kill.

  18. THE DII FAMILIARIS • There was also a private religious worship in Rome. In this cult, the Lar Familiaris (guardian spirit - Genius - of the family), the Lares Loci (guardian spirits of the place where the house is built), the Genius of the paterfamilias (House-Father), the Dii Penates (patron gods of the storeroom), the Dii Manes (spirits of the deceased) and a multitude of other domestic deities are daily worshipped by the members of the family.

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