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The My Lai Massacre March 16, 1968. Jazmine Winfield Humanities Pd.1 June 11,2012. ___________________.
The My Lai Massacre March 16, 1968 Jazmine Winfield Humanities Pd.1 June 11,2012
___________________ • The My Lai Massacre was a shocking event in the Vietnam war that strongly changed the American public's view on the war, as well as the American soldiers. The My Lai also greatly reduced the support of the Americans by the people at home.
____________________ • "We all huddled them up. I poured about four clips into the group. . . . The mothers was hugging their children. . . . Well, we kept right on firing." -Private Paul Meadlo (Danzer)
" I might have killed 10 or 15 of them.." -Paul Meadlo (Shipler)
_____________________ • Q: "What were your orders?" • A: "Kill anything that breathed." (O'Brien) • Soldier Salvadore LaMartina replied to the question as his excuse for the My Lai incident.
__________ " I wanted to get those people. I wanted to reveal what they did." -Ronald Ridenhour (Linder)
______________________ • The soldiers were simply sent on a search and destroy mission, but when they got to the town, the American soldiers went wild. The soldiers, especially those led by Lt. Calley shot at any and everybody. The killings were reported to only be stopped by Hugh Thompson. (My Lai)
______________________ • The news of the massacre in My Lai was said to first be reported by soldiers who refused to take part and stepped up. The news also became public by the helicopter pilots who ferried the soldiers in and out of the area. Calley was the only president that was incarcerated, but he was released on parole by Nixon. (Woods)
______________________ • In order to cover up for his mistakes, Calley tried to say that his superior, Medina, told him to give such command and kill everyone. In attempting to do so, his platoon killed about 504 unarmed men, women, and children. Along with the killings, women were raped and livestock, and property was destroyed. Officials has failed to intervene. (Roberts)
__________ In order to cover up the incident, American soldiers burned down the huts of the My Lai village.
____________________ • The My Lai massacre greatly brought down the American morale and also caused more Americans to grow against the war and continue to request for the American withdrawal out of the Vietnam war. (Roberts)
_____________________ • The cover up of My Lai began as soon as the killings were done. Lies were told and false reports were given. So many people were killed, it was impossible to give an exact number. Many people saw some of the killings, but still no one was sure.(Gado)
__________________ • Though there were claims that no onesaw all the killings. That was not true. Ron Haeberle, the photographer of the war, witnessed and caught on camera all the killing. America was not only devastated and shocked, but also ashamed of the event that took place and what they saw. (Gado)
_________________________ • Ron Haeberle claimed that there were no pictures at all that showed the American soldiers killing anyone. Later, he did admit that he did have the images, but destroyed them. He later also admitted to having two cameras, one for the Army and one for himself. (Theiss)
_________________________ Ron Haeberle was the only man to witness the brutality of My Lai. Many questioned why he did not try to stop the killings or even show the photos that were claimed he captured.
____________________ • In the My Lai, may children fell victim to the attack. Aside from Haeberle having proof, Officer Hugh Thompson also reported seeing the dead bodies of many young children. He also saw children actually being shot. Furious with what he saw, he reported it to headquarters. (Linder)
This image shows Vietnamese women and children trying to protect themselves from the vicious attacks of the Americans.
Citations • Danzer, Gerald. The Americans. Evanston:McDougall Littell, 2009. 962. Print. • Shipler, David K., "Mike Wallace: The Question That Changed American." The Shipler Report. N.p., April 10, 2012. Web. 09 Jun 2012. <http://shipplerreport.blogspot.com/2012/04/mike-wallace-question-that-changed.html>. • O'Brien, Tim. "The Vietnam in Me." NY Times. N.p., 02 Oct 1994. Web. 09 Jun 2012. <http://www.nytimes.com/books/98/09/20/specials/obrien-vietnam.html>. • Linder, Doug. "An Account of the My Lai Courts." Law2. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jun 2012. <http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/mylai/myl_intro.html>. • "My Lai Massacre." World History: The Modern Era. ABC-CLIO, 2012. Web. 10 June 2012 • Woods. Jeff. "My Lai Massacre." In Campbell, Ballard C., Ph.D, gen. ed. Disasters, Accidents, and Crises in American History. New York: Facts on File, Inc. 2008. American History Online. Facts on File, Inc. http://www.folweb.comactivelink2.asp?ItermID=WE52&iPin=DACH0159&SingleRecord=True (accessed June 09, 2012) • Roberts, Priscilla. "My Lai Massacre." Facts on File. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jun 2012. <http://www.fofweb.com/NuHistory/default.asp?ItemID=WE52>. • Theiss, Evelyn. "My Lai photographer admits he destroyed pictures of soldiers in the act of killing". Real Time News. Web. 09 Jun 2012. <http://blog.cleveland.com/pdextra/2009/11/post_25.html>. • Gado, Mark. "Into the Dark." trutv. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jun 2012. <http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/notorious_murders/mass/lai/up_7.html>.