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Ni, Guangheng (倪广恒) Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China

201 3 大高雄治水論壇. Th e Ma n a g e m e n t o f Beiji n g Ur b an F l ood s 北京都 市水患研究與防治對策. Ni, Guangheng (倪广恒) Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China. C ont e nts. ∗ W ater Resources i n Be iji ng ∗ Urban F l oods i n Be iji ng ∗ M anage m ent of Urban F l oods

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Ni, Guangheng (倪广恒) Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China

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  1. 2013大高雄治水論壇 TheManagement ofBeijingUrbanFloods 北京都市水患研究與防治對策 Ni, Guangheng (倪广恒) Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China

  2. Contents ∗WaterResourcesinBeijing ∗UrbanFloods inBeijing ∗ManagementofUrbanFloods ∗FloodResilienceinBeijing

  3. Contents ∗WaterResourcesinBeijing ∗UrbanFloods inBeijing ∗ManagementofUrbanFloods ∗FloodResilienceBeijing

  4. Taking the contour of 100m as the borderline separating into mountain and plain. Total number of calculation elements: 31

  5. 北京市水系圖 Water system map in Beijing

  6. Evaluation of Water Resources in Beijing——Basic Statistic ∗ Total area:16,800km2 ∗ North Haihe River catchment:1,4581km2 ∗ South Haihe River catchment:2,219km2 ∗ District/ County: 18 ∗ Urban area:4 ∗ Suburb: 14 ∗ Water Resources third-class region: 2 ∗ North Haihe River Tributaries: 3 ∗ Beisi River Lower Reaches ∗ Beisan River Mountain Basin ∗ Region from Cetian Reservoir to Sanjiadian in Yongding River Basion ∗ South Haihe River Tributaries:2 ∗ Daqing River Dianxi Plain ∗ Daqing River Mountain Basin

  7. Evaluation of Water Resources in Beijing ——Precipitation, Evapotranspiration, Sediment ∗ Mean annual precipitation (year 1956 ~ year 2000): ∗ 584.7mm(10 sites) ∗ Mountain: 576.9mm; Plain: 597.2mm; ∗ Trend: decreasing ∗ Aridity Index: 1.2~2.5 ∗ Significantly decreased trend in sediment yield ∗ Since 1980, Precipitation decreased and flood rarely took place ∗ The effect of Water conservancy projects on sediment detention ∗ The effect of Water and Soil Conservation

  8. Evaluation of WaterResources in Beijing ——SurfaceWaterResources ∗Basedonrunoffdata from22hydrologicalstations ∗ Total: 1.772billionm3 ∗ Mountain:1.159 billion m3 ∗ Plain: 0.613billionm3 ∗ Inflow:1.606 billion m3(decreased trend) ∗ Yongding River, Chaobai River, Jiyun River ∗ Juma River is in the boundary, so inflow of the river is considered as passing water ∗ Outflow: 1.415 billion m3 (clean water and wastewater) ∗ Beiyong River,Yongding River, Chaobai River, Jiyun River ∗ Outflow of Juma River is considered as passing water

  9. Evaluation of Water Resources in Beijing ——GroundwaterResources ∗ Divided into plain, intermountain basin and mountain ∗ Using 11 water balance calculation regions ∗ Plain:2.289 billion m3 ∗ Mountain (Effective infiltration from precipitation ):1.095 billion m3 ∗ Repeated (double calculated): 0.825 billion m3 ∗ Infiltration replenishment of the mountain side ∗ Infiltration replenishment of surface water based on base-flow in plain area ∗ Total groundwater resources: 2.289+1.095-0.825=2.559 billion m3

  10. Evaluation of Water Resources in Beijing ——LongTermWaterConsumptionPattern 农业用水 工业用水 生活用水 人口 1800 80 总用水量 1600 70 1400 60 1200 50 用水量(亿m3) 人口(万人) 1000 40 800 30 600 20 400 10 200 0 0 1985 2010 1990 1995 2000 2005 年份

  11. Evaluationof WaterResourcesinBeijing ——GroundWaterElevations

  12. TotalWaterResourcesin Beijing ∗ Surface water resources: 1.772 billion m3 ∗ Groundwater resources: 2.559 billion m3 ∗ Total water resources: 3.739 billion m3 ∗ Repeated part: 0.592 billion m3 Wrs per capita: 6833m3/person 205m3/person 17.72 37.39 25.59

  13. Contents ∗BeijingandWater ∗UrbanFloods inBeijing ∗ManagementofUrbanFloods ∗FloodResilienceBeijing

  14. Urban Floods in Beijing ∗ 清代北京水灾记载较详细,堪称“特大”的有5次。 ∗ 分别是顺治十年(1653年),康熙七年(1668年),嘉庆六 年(1801年),光绪十六年(1890年)和十九年(1893年)。 ∗ August, 1959 ∗ August, 1963 ∗ July, 2004 ∗ June, 2011 ∗ July, 2012 ∗ Direct economic loss: 11.64 billion RMB ∗ 79 death

  15. Flood inJuly 2004,Beijing

  16. Flood inJuly2012,Beijing

  17. Flood inJuly2012,Beijing

  18. Damage of the 7.21 Flood ∗Floodpeakat Juma RiverofFangshan=2570 m3/sec ∗Inundatedsites=63, maximumdepth=6m ∗Houses, roads,bridges,hydraulicstructures

  19. Heavy Rainfall ∗ Long duration ∗ 9:00 July 21st – 4:00 July 22nd ∗ Heavy intensity ∗ Maximum 541 mm (RP = 500yrs) ∗ Maximum in urban area 328 mm (RP = 100yrs) ∗ Over whole Beijing 170mm ∗ Over central urban area 215mm

  20. Impact of Climate Change?

  21. Impact of Urbanization? 1985 2005

  22. Urbanization: Increased Ratio of Impervious Area

  23. Urbanization: Social & Economical Development Population Population(104) GDP GDP(108RMB)

  24. Inadequate Urban Flood Management ∗ Lower standard of sewerage system ∗ Most parts, 1-3yrs return period, 36-45mm/hr ∗ Limited areas, 5yrs return period, 56mm/hr ∗ New York 10-15yrs; Tokyo 5-10yrs ∗ Separated regulation of rivers, lakes and drainage

  25. InadequateUrbanFloodManagement

  26. InundationatFlyovers Xinxing Brg Sewer Lianhua Brg Channel 莲花池

  27. InundationatFlyovers Xinxing Brg Sewer Lianhua Brg Inundation Channel 莲花池

  28. Inundation Locations

  29. Contents ∗BeijingandWater ∗UrbanFloods inBeijing ∗ManagementofUrbanFloods ∗FloodResilienceBeijing

  30. Small Watershed Management 封(封禁治理) 补(生态补偿) 封(封禁治理) 移(生态移民) 补(生态补偿) 第一道防线 调(结构调整) 沟道治理 护村坝 农村环境整治 农户改厕 垃圾处置 第二道防线 清(清理河道) 污水处理 农路工程 护地坝 第三道防线 节(节水灌溉) 育(保育植被) 树盘工程 保(恢复河道景观) 移(生态移民) 第一道防线 调(结构调整) 护村坝 沟道治理 绿化 农村环境整治 农户改厕 垃圾处置 第二道防线 清(清理河道) 污水处理 农路工程 梯田整修 护地坝 第三道防线 节(节水灌溉) 育(保育植被) 树盘工程 保(恢复河道景观) 治(河岸带治理)

  31. On-site Infiltration/Storage Facility ∗Perviouspavement ∗Lowergrass land ∗Green roof ∗Infiltrationtrench ∗Retardingstorage

  32. On-siteFacilities

  33. GreenRoofEffectin RunoffReduction

  34. Forecasting and Warning System 出现降雨 实时雨情 天气预报 ∗ 国家防汛抗旱指挥部 ∗ 北京市防汛抗旱指挥部办公室 ∗ 北京市水务局 ∗ 北京市气象局 ∗ 北京市交通局 洪涝灾害 防汛突发事件 Ⅳ-一般-蓝 Ⅲ-较大-黄 Ⅱ-重大-橙 Ⅰ-特别重大-红

  35. Contents ∗BeijingandWater ∗UrbanFloods inBeijing ∗ManagementofUrbanFloods ∗FloodResilienceBeijing

  36. Master Plan of Flood Management

  37. Model Structure & Equations The top layer is two-dimensional grid network representing various urban landscapes (runoff generation areas); The middle and bottom layers are one-dimensional street network and sewer network, respectively; The side layer is one- dimensional ditch/river network. THUmodel ( TsingHua Urban model)

  38. Model Structure & Equations Richards equation: Diffusive wave model of 2D Saint-Venant equation: Dynamic wave model of 1D Saint-Venant equation: Weir, sluiced gate equation for exchange flux between street and sewer nodes:

  39. Model Application in Beijing

  40. Model Application in Beijing

  41. Model Application in Beijing

  42. Impact of Urbanization on Rainfall

  43. UCM (Urban Canopy Model) PrincetonROof z PROM Ta Ta Model Ta z a HR Hcan OrdinaryRoof GreenRoof TR2 TR1 z R TW1 GR,i Tcan zT h G W,i Ti TW2 soil heat storage TG1 TG2 TG3 Asphalt Grass Concrete w r Wang,Z.,Bou-Zeid,E.,&Smith,J.A.(2011),Sunetal (2012).

  44. HighResolutionRainfallEstimationandForecasting

  45. TowardsSmartSystemofUrbanFloodManagement High Resolution Rainfall Estimation and Forecasting

  46. Thanks for your kind attention!

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