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  1. EDU 645 ASH Material - edu645dotcom

  2. EDU 645 ASH Course Material EDU 645 Entire Course EDU 645 Entire Course • EDU 645 Week 1 • Assessment Crisis • No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and High-Stakes Testing (HST) Debate • Response to Intervention • EDU 645 Week2 • Two Classroom Measurement Problems • Three-Stage Model of Classroom Measurement • Learning Outcomes • EDU 645 Week3 • Portfolio Assessment • Performance/Authentic Assessments • Test and Essay Items. • EDU 645 Week4 • Item Analysis. • Marking • Analyzing and Improving a Test • EDU 645 Week5 • Correlation and Causality • Validity and Reliability and Accuracy. • EDU 645 Week6 • Standardized Testing • EDU 645Summary. • oPurpose and Learning Outcome • oAssessment Context • oHolistic Rubric • oTesting Constraints

  3. EDU 645 ASH Course Material EDU 645 Week 1 Assignment Response to Intervention EDU 645 Week 1 DQ 1 Assessment Crisis • Response to Intervention. What is the purpose of the response-to-intervention (RTI) approach? What are the benefits of this approach? What are the challenges? Can you think of any way to overcome these challenges? Why is it important to intervene early in a student’s learning experience? Your paper should be 4-6 pages and formatted to APA standards • Assessment Crisis. Watch the video “Linda Darling-Hammond on Competing Internationally.” Then, explain the current crisis in America with regards to education and assessment. What do you think the cause(s) of this crisis might be? What are the possible implications? Explain your reasoning. Respond substantively to at least two of your peers.

  4. EDU 645 ASH Course Material EDU 645 Week 1 DQ 2 EDU 645 Week 1 Journal Formative • Conduct research on NCLB using the web and the Ashford library, and develop a cohesive and research-based argument for or against NCLB based on the position you’ve been assigned. Then, respond to at least two peers of the opposite group with a critical evaluation of their argument. Comment on the accuracy and clarity of their post and ask follow-up questions if needed. • Formative and Summative Assessment. Compare and contrast formative and summative assessment. What is the purpose of each, as it relates to learning? How might an educator use each to reflect on his or her teaching strategies?

  5. EDU 645 ASH Course Material EDU 645 Week 2 Assignment Learning Outcomes EDU 645 Week 2 DQ 1 Two Classroom Measurement • Learning Outcomes. Create a blog using WordPress or Blogger. This will act as a portfolio for your work in this course, so it is important to make it presentable and polished by using a professional URL and a consistent theme and format throughout the blog. Then, using the information in Chapter 6 of your textbook and the article “Enhancing curriculum and delivery • Respond to at least two of your classmates, offering substantive feedback on their strategies for overcoming these two general challenges. Address whether or not you think their strategies are feasible in the classroom and justify your response.

  6. EDU 645 ASH Course Material EDU 645 Week 2 DQ 2 Three-Stage Model EDU 645 Week 2 Journal Norm-Referenced • Three-Stage Model of Classroom Measurement. What do the authors mean in saying “any good classroom test begins with your objectives” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not? Respond to at least two of your classmates, offering substantive feedback on their interpretation of this quote, and providing your thoughts on why some teachers • Norm-Referenced and Criterion-Referenced Tests. Explain the difference between norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests, and recall a time when you were asked to take one of each. Do you think either test supported your learning? Why or why not? If not, explain what you think could have helped it support your learning

  7. EDU 645 ASH Course Material EDU 645 Week 3 Assignment Test and Essay Items EDU 645 Week 3 DQ 1 Portfolio Assessment • Test and Essay Items. In the portfolio blog you created last week, develop at least three test items that support your outcomes, and write at least one essay item that supports your outcomes. These should be included in the same post as your outcomes. Then, start a new post in your blog that explains your thought process and rationale behind the test items and essay item(s). • Portfolio Assessment. Explain the three challenges to validity when using portfolios as assessments, and evaluate the benefits they offer to the learning experience. Respond to at least two of your classmates, offering substantive feedback on their evaluation of portfolios as learning tools. Do you agree with your classmates’ evaluations? Why or why not?

  8. EDU 645 ASH Course Material EDU 645 Week 3 DQ 2 Performance EDU 645 Week 4 Assignment Analyzing • Performance/Authentic Assessments. The authors state that “there is a temptation to limit the scoring criteria to those qualities of performance that are easiest to rate rather than the most important required for doing an effective job” (Kubiszyn&Borich, 2010). • Analyzing and Improving a Test Using Statistics. In the online course, view the results for a hypothetical psychology test. Then, create a report with the following: • a. The mean score for each question. • b. The mean score for the entire test. • c. A graph that represents the scores for each question.

  9. EDU 645 ASH Course Material EDU 645 Week 4 DQ 1 Item Analysis (Ash) EDU 645 Week 4 DQ 2 Marking (Ash) • Item Analysis. Explain quantitative item analysis and qualitative item analysis. What are their benefits to learning and assessment? What are the risks to learning and assessment if these types of analyses are not administered? Finally, provide two examples of imperfect test items for your peers to qualitatively analyze. • Marking. Why do the authors propose that marks only reflect academic achievement, and not other factors like effort or attitude? Could including factors like these in the marking data affect instructional decisions that need to be made? Explain. Respond to at least two of your peers, providing feedback on their support for or against including other factors in marks/grades.

  10. EDU 645 ASH Course Material EDU 645 Week 4 Journal Marks EDU 645 Week 5 Assignment Validity, Reliability • § What do the authors mean when they say that “it’s all too tempting to use marks as vehicles to reach, or try to reach, other ends”? Do you agree with their perspective on this? Why or why not? What types of “ends” do you think educators might try to reach through marks, other than assessing learning? • Select one of the learning outcomes below and draft a hypothetical assessment that supports the outcome (e.g., multiple choice items, essay items, authentic assessment, etc.). Explain how you plan to promote validity and reliability in your assessment, and how your assessment addresses the four categories of sources of error identified in the text, thereby promoting accuracy.

  11. EDU 645 ASH Course Material EDU 645 Week 5 DQ 1 Correlation and Causality EDU 645 Week 5 DQ 2 Validity and Reliability • Correlation and Causality. According to the authors of the textbook, “one of the most frequent misinterpretations in statistics (and in education) is to infer that because two variables are correlated with one another, one variable causes the other” (Kubiszyn&Borich, 2010). What does this mean? • Using Mindmeister or Microsoft Word, create a mind map that represents the various types of validity and reliability, and explains why they are important in learning and assessment. Then, post your mind map to the discussion forum, either as an attachment (for Word documents) or pasted link (for Mindmeister).

  12. EDU 645 ASH Course Material EDU 645 Week 5 Journal Accuracy and Error EDU 645 Week 6 DQ 1 Standardized Testing • Accuracy and Error. The authors of your textbook state that “all tests and scores are imperfect and are subject to error” (Kubiszyn&Borich, 2010). What do they mean by this? Why is it important to recognize that there is no “perfect test”? Knowing this, what can you do to ensure that you obtain the most accurate assessment results as possible? • Standardized Testing. Watch the video “Comprehensive Assessment: An Overview.” Then, using the Ashford library, locate one journal article related to standardized testing. In the discussion forum, summarize the article, and identify at least two advantages and two disadvantages to standardized testing, utilizing both the article and video in your post.

  13. EDU 645 ASH Course Material EDU 645 Week 6 Final paper (Ash) EDU 645 Week 6 Summary (Ash) • Purpose and Learning Outcome: Describe the purpose of your assessment plan. Then, write a learning outcome that supports the purpose you have described. • Tip: This purpose must involve the learning of some knowledge or skill. • Tip: Refer back to Chapter 6 of your textbook for information on learning outcomes. • EDU 645 Summary. Review the content in the past five weeks of this course and list at least five “take-away” items that you have learned. Identify at least one concept that you had a hard time understanding at first, or still do not fully understand. Review your classmates’ posts, and respond to at least two of them.

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