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Use these graphic organizers to make sense of various political systems throughout history. Explore the left-to-right spectrum from liberalism to conservatism, including examples of anarchy, communism, socialism, democracy, republic, monarchy, fascism, and Nazism.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism Use these graphic organizers to help make sense of the information we are about to uncover.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism Keep in mind, historical examples of various political philosophies are not always black and white. Oftentimes, definitions can be either concrete or abstract; general or specific. There are always multiple opinions and there seem to be as many exceptions as there are rules. Consider the following ten generalizations before looking at the various political systems.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism Generalization #1 about the left-to-right political spectrum There are many ways to analyze the various political systems and philosophies in existence. For instance, they can be studied as they develop chronologically through history. They can be looked at based on the amount of freedom that citizens enjoy. In this case, we are looking at a left-to-right political spectrum, just one of many ways to approach the topic.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism Generalization #2 about the left-to-right political spectrum Political systems further to the right feature states that have more control over its citizenry (monarchs, dictators, etc.).
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism Generalization #3 about the left-to-right political spectrum A political system to the left is, in theory, supposed to have less centralized control over its citizenry(but this has rarely been the case in history).
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism Generalization #4 about the left-to-right political spectrum Political systems in the center are more moderate, while those to the outside (in either direction) are more extreme.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism Generalization #5 about the left-to-right political spectrum Moderates (democracies and republics) often see anarchists, communists and socialists in the same dangerous ‘leftist’ category.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism Generalization #6 about the left-to-right political spectrum Moderates (democracies and republics) often see monarchies as an antiquated system, and view fascism and Nazism as dangerous, extreme right-wing.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism Generalization #7 about the left-to-right political spectrum Typically, right-wing (Nazis, Fascists or even monarchists) see leftist philosophies (anarchy, communism, socialism) as rivals or enemies, and vice versa. This has been the case in countless examples from history.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism Generalization #8 about the left-to-right political spectrum Capitalism, which promotes economic freedom, competition and entrepreneurship, would mean inevitable inequality as some get rich, but most stay poor. Capitalism most commonly exists in a moderate governmental system like a democracy or a republic.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism Generalization #9 about the left-to-right political spectrum Sometimes, extreme governments on the left and on the right can share similar leadership styles. For example, the socialist regime in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, the Nazi regime in Germany under Adolf Hitler, and the Fascist regime in Italy under Benito Mussolini all would be considered authoritarianism. Authoritarian governments seek to control all aspects of the public and private lives of its citizenry.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism Generalization #10 about the left-to-right political spectrum Because extreme governments at either end of the spectrum can have authoritarianism in common (where the state seeks to control public or private lives of its citizenry), moderate governments often consider moderate governments a place of freedom and extreme governments a place of slavery.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism ANARCHY – A SOCIETY WITH NO GOVERNMENT Depending on who describes it, anarchy could be a utopia or a chaos. An anarchist sees anarchy as a perfect and free system where no government is in control. Government of any sort would exist only to impede on liberties. Non-anarchists (everyone else) might see anarchy as a dangerous, lawless, and chaotic state with no order.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism ANARCHY – A SOCIETY WITH NO GOVERNMENT Since Karl Marx, the founder of communism, believed that a utopian society without class and without a state was inevitable, many view anarchy and communism as almost the same thing.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism ANARCHY – A SOCIETY WITH NO GOVERNMENT EXAMPLE: Free Territory, was an attempt at a stateless anarchist society in Ukraine (the red section of the map) from 1918-1921. It was soon incorporated into the Soviet Union during Russia’s Civil War.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism ANARCHY – A SOCIETY WITH NO GOVERNMENT EXAMPLE: This scene from Black Hawk Down presents the Somalian government as an anarchy (from a non-anarchist perspective). Somalia’s lack of government control, armed civilians and general chaotic conditions are reminiscent of anarchy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K47VXTNkE_8
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism COMMUNISM – A SOCIETY WITH COMPLETE EQUALITY Stemming from the philosophies of Karl Marx, communism is supposed to be the result of an inevitable historical cycle, where capitalist countries become socialist, then communist. Communism is a stateless society where there is economic equality. To use some of Marx’s terms, communismis where the “proletariat” (working class), overthrows the “bourgeoisie” (owners, middle class, rich, etc.) in order to communally own the “means of production” (factories, equipment, land, etc.).
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism COMMUNISM – A SOCIETY WITH COMPLETE EQUALITY In theory, if everyone owns everything, all citizens have economic equality. Communism is unique in that it is both a political system and an economic system. In terms of economics, communism, which stresses economic equality, is the opposite of capitalism, which stresses economic liberty. Pure communism is a stateless society, much like anarchy.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism COMMUNISM – A SOCIETY WITH COMPLETE EQUALITY Since communism focuses on the proletariat, the hammer (representing workers) and the sickle (representing farmers) are common symbols. The hammer and the sickle have also commonly been used by socialist regimes. Other names: anarchy, Marxism, Bolshevism
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism COMMUNISM – A SOCIETY WITH COMPLETE EQUALITY EXAMPLE: It is debatable as to whether a true communist society has ever existed in an entire nation. Marx envisioned communism as a utopian, classless and stateless harmony. Karl Marx envisioned communism as a utopian, classless and stateless society Vladimir Lenin sought communism in Russia before his death in 1924
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism COMMUNISM – A SOCIETY WITH COMPLETE EQUALITY EXAMPLE: The Smurfs? Judge for yourself with this clip… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qra0hlO6hZk
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism SOCIALISM – SYSTEM OF SOCIAL OWNERSHIP OF THE ECONOMY Some consider socialism and communism to be one in the same since socialism is also a system of communal ownership, or state ownership. State ownership would mean that, in theory, all citizens share equal ownership.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism SOCIALISM – SYSTEM OF SOCIAL OWNERSHIP OF THE ECONOMY To Marx and his followers (Marxists), socialism is the necessary stage before pure communism. The major difference being that socialism (lower stage communism) requires a state or government, whereas pure communism (upper stage communism) is without state or class.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism SOCIALISM – SYSTEM OF SOCIAL OWNERSHIP OF THE ECONOMY EXAMPLE: The Soviet Union, also called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), was a collection of socialist states that existed in and around Russia from the 1940s to the early 1990s. Joseph Stalin emerged as the totalitarian leader of the Soviet Union in the 1920s
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism SOCIALISM – SYSTEM OF SOCIAL OWNERSHIP OF THE ECONOMY EXAMPLE: American cartoon (1948) presenting socialism as the enemy of capitalism and freedom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz9fX_HfsXA
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism DEMOCRACY – RULE OF THE PEOPLE In Greek, democracy literally means ‘people rule’ (demos and kratos). The key element to a democracy is that citizens can directly participate in government through their voting rights. In a direct democracy, voting allows citizens to directly legislate (make laws) for themselves.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism DEMOCRACY – RULE OF THE PEOPLE In the United States, the political party of democratsdoes not directly correlate to a democracy. However, the democratic party has historically (since the 1930s with FDR) been more liberal (left) and more likely to support laws that border on socialism, such as social security, universal healthcare, higher taxes on the wealthy and so on.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism DEMOCRACY – RULE OF THE PEOPLE EXAMPLE: The State of California is one of many states in the United States that allow direct democracy, where citizens can vote directly to pass laws.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism DEMOCRACY – RULE OF THE PEOPLE EXAMPLE: Switzerland’s Political System… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5W45Va0cPE
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism REPUBLIC – PUBLIC OFFICIALS REPRESENT THE PEOPLE A republic is a type of democracy called a representative democracy. In this case, elected officials are voted into office by the votes of the citizenry. Although not as direct, citizens still have a role in government by electing officials to represent their interests in running the government and making laws.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism REPUBLIC – PUBLIC OFFICIALS REPRESENT THE PEOPLE In the United States, the political party of republicans does not directly correlate to a republic. However, the Republican party has historically (since the 1920s with Harding and Coolidge) been more conservative (right) and less likely to support laws that border on socialism or seek to promote economic equality, such as raising taxes, government aid to the poor, etc.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism REPUBLIC – PUBLIC OFFICIALS REPRESENT THE PEOPLE EXAMPLE: The United States (1776-present) has operated under the same constitution, allowing citizens to vote every few years for representatives, senators, presidents, governors and many other offices to represent their interests.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism REPUBLIC – PUBLIC OFFICIALS REPRESENT THE PEOPLE EXAMPLE: The U.S. Constitution… (the United States is not a pure democracy, but a Constitutional republic). More on this later in the semester! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArC7XarwnWI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVD0bZ5H4MY
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism MONARCHY – RULE BY ONE SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUAL The concept of a monarchy is very ancient, and even Biblical. A monarch may go by a variety of titles, but all are under the banner of ‘monarch’. German Kaisers, Russian Tsars, Japanese Emperors and English Kings or Queens are all types of monarchies.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism MONARCHY – RULE BY ONE SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUAL From a more moderate perspective (democracies or republics), monarchies are often considered ancient regime (old regime), a system that is antiquated or outdated. To a monarchy, a democracy or republic is often considered to liberal or radical. To a monarchy, any form of socialism is considered to be extremely radical.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism MONARCHY – RULE BY ONE SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUAL EXAMPLE: Russia’s Tsar prior to the Bolshevik (communist) revolution of 1917. Leadership by a Tsar is considered an autocracy or monarchy, with power in the hands of one sovereign individual or family. Russia’s last Tsar, Nicholas II
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism MONARCHY – RULE BY ONE SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUAL EXAMPLE: Almost every Disney movie ever made… Aladdin (sultan) Mulan (emperor) Lion King (king) Little Mermaid (king) Snow White (queen) Cinderella (king)
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism FASCISM – AUTHORITARIAN, NATIONALIST AND/OR MILITARISTIC REGIME Exact definitions of fascism are still hotly debated. Fascist regimes were almost exclusively a 1920s-1930s European phenomenon, notably in Italy and Germany. It is similar to a monarch in the sense that it has a single leader, although the leader is typically a charismatic or cult-like leader.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism FASCISM – AUTHORITARIAN, NATIONALIST AND/OR MILITARISTIC REGIME Fascists have been characterized by having authoritarian leadership and a controlling state government. Fascism is also usually associated with extreme nationalism (pride in country), militarism, international aggression, secular (non-religious) rule, and with anti-communist activity and doctrine.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism FASCISM – AUTHORITARIAN, NATIONALIST AND/OR MILITARISTIC REGIME EXAMPLE: Benito Mussolini’s Fascist regime that took power from the Italian king in the 1920s and allied with Nazi Germany in World War II.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism FASCISM – AUTHORITARIAN, NATIONALIST AND/OR MILITARISTIC REGIME Characteristics…Strong nationalism…not recognizing human rights…identifying enemies or scapegoats to unify people…pro-military…male-dominated…control of mass-media…fear for national security…religion and government are blurred…anti-communist…anti-intellectual…anti-art…corruption…no real elections…
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism NAZISM – MILITARISTIC, AUTHORITARIAN NATIONAL SOCIALISM Nazism comes from the German political party called the National Socialists and is usually defined as a specific type of fascism. In addition to the militarism, cult-like leadership, authoritarianism, aggression, secularism and anti-communism of the fascists, Nazis are also markedly anti-Semitic (anti-Jewish) and generally racist.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism NAZISM – MILITARISTIC, AUTHORITARIAN NATIONAL SOCIALISM Although the name national socialist suggests that Nazis are like left-winged socialists, it is certainly a misnomer. Nazis disallowed socialists and/or communists in Germany. Nazis considered themselves to be an alternative to Marxist socialism and to free market capitalism. Whereas Marxists saw socialism as an international class struggle, Nazis focused on socialism only for the (presumably) superior German race, opposing and targeting other racial groups inside and outside the country. In other words, Nazis wanted socialism only for Germans, which is contrary to Marxist philosophy.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism NAZISM – MILITARISTIC, AUTHORITARIAN NATIONAL SOCIALISM EXAMPLE: Hitler’s Nationalsozialismus or Nazi Party that replaced the Wiemar Republic in Germany in 1933 and is largely responsible for starting World War Two with agressive activities.
--- The Historical Political Spectrum --- LIBERAL…….MODERATE…….CONSERVATIVE Anarchy Communism Socialism Democracy Republic Monarchy Fascism Nazism NAZISM – MILITARISTIC, AUTHORITARIAN NATIONAL SOCIALISM EXAMPLE: Hitler’s Nationalsozialismus or Nazi Party that replaced the Wiemar Republic in Germany in 1933 and is largely responsible for starting World War Two with agressive activities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bY8GzJNuz7I