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Welcome to the 2014 Combined Federal Campaign!. What is the CFC?. O nce-a-year , in-the-workplace charitable drive exclusively for Federal employees: Military, Civilian & U.S. Postal Service C reated in 1961 by Executive Order of President John F. Kennedy .
What is the CFC? Once-a-year, in-the-workplace charitable drive exclusively for Federal employees: Military, Civilian & U.S. Postal Service Created in 1961 by Executive Order of President John F. Kennedy. Campaign period: Annually 01 September – 15 December by OPM directive however; Campaigns may select dates falling inside these parameters to support Campaign Kick Off efforts etc.
Why Do We Have A CFC? The mission of the CFC is to support and to promote philanthropy through a voluntary program that is employee-focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing all Federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all.
Why Participate? CONVENIENCE • Once-a-year • In the work-place • Payroll deduction CHOICESelect from more than 2,000 charitable organizations and Contribute to an Agency of your choice CONFIDENCEAgencies are screened by Federal employees. Campaign is audited by independent CPA firmHaigh, Byrd, and Lambert
Understanding the Charity Brochure The charity brochure is separated into 3 sections of 501(c)3 agencies: • International • Local • National An alphabetical index of all the Onslow CFC participating agencies and their 5 digit code to donate is included in the last few pages.
The 25-Word Statement Translation • 5 digit code for that charity, (to be used on pledge form) • Charity name • Charity contact info • Charity’s tax ID # • 25 word statement charity description • % of admin overhead, (amount of $ used for admin costs) • 3 letters- each letter stands for a charity code based on cause, list found in front of the brochure
Every Dollar Makes a Difference!Donating $2 a pay period pays for… • 12 elementary school students with trained volunteer tutors to help with reading and math. • Three 30-minute appointments for health assessment and counseling for individuals facing physical, developmental or mental health challenges. • 1 acre of unprotected tropical rainforest which assures protection of the natural areas vital to our climate and diverse species.
Your Individual Gift Makes Our World A Better Place. • More than 80% of the monies given to Charities come from individual gifts made by people just like you! • Many of our Local Charities are dependent on contributions received directly from the Onslow County CFC
Completing the Paper Pledge Form Step 1:Legibly print rank (if applicable) and name. Step 2:Fill in the appropriate boxes for military or civilian Step 3: Write-in the Federal Agency and Office (e.g. II MEF, NHCL, MARSOC). Step 4: Donors (Military and GS personnel) choosing to pledge by payroll deduction are required to write-in their 9 digit SSN/ MCCS NAF may use their work ID. • Donors choosing to pledge by cash/check may leave this block empty. Step 5: Fill-in the work address by physical location, for example, 1/6 Alpha Company. Step 6: Fill in work phone number or cell number. This number is only called if there is an error or question concerning processing the donor’s pledge form.
Completing the Pledge Form for an Allotment Step 7: Military choosing to pledge by allotment are to write-in their Branch of Service (e.g. USMC, Navy, Coast Guard, Army). Step 7 (Allotment): Donors must write-in the specific amount they want deducted per month in the AMOUNT block in WHOLE DOLLARS; then multiply that # by the corresponding military (12) or civilian (26) interval to the right to calculate their TOTAL GIFT amount. • The total gift amount = the total amount that the donor will have contributed when their last allotment has been deducted from the donor’s last 2015 pay period. • CFC Payroll Deductions start the first Jan. pay period and stop with the last Dec. pay period annually. Step 7 (Cash/Check): Donors choosing to pledge by cash/check write-in the $ amount beneath the allotment information, the date, & the check # (if applicable).
Pledge FormPartial Military Allotment Requirements • Allotments can not be ran for those separating from active duty on or before 31 MAR 2015. • Partial Allotments can be ran for service members who are separating from the military between 01APR 2015- 31DEC 2015. Those who fit this criteria may still choose payroll deduction, if desired. • Donors would simply draw a line through the 12 month interval & write-in the number of full AD months • [Total Contribution = Number of Full Months x Monthly Allotment Amount] Note: The first full month is JAN 2015
Pledge Form 5-Digit Charity Code Step 8: Donors designate specific charities to receive their pledge gifts by writing-in the specific charities unique 5-digit CFC code. • Donors must write the Annual Amount they would like the charity to receive next to the corresponding charity code (e.g. If a donor pledges a total gift of $100, they could give $100 Annual Amount to 1 charity; $50 Annual Amount to 2 charities, $25 Annual Amount to 4 charities; $20 Annual Amount to 5 charities and numerous other options of the donor’s choosing. Donors may pledge gifts to 5 different charities per pledge form. Donors who would like to donate to more than 5 charities may complete additional pledge forms or submit more than 5 charities on one form with one receipt, donors may E-Pledge at www.onslowcountycfc.org.
Paper Pledge Form Information Release Step 9:All donations contributed to charities through the CFC are given anonymously. If the donor would like the CFC to release their contact information to the donor’s designated charities the donor must fill-out the “Information Release Section” on the bottom left of the pledge form. CFC is then required to release the donor’s information written in this section to (and only to) the donor’s designated charities
Pledge FormPayroll Deduction Authorization Signature Step 10: The donor’s signature and date is required for donor’s choosing payroll deduction. If a donor forgets to sign this section on the bottom right corner, the pledge form is INVALID. • Donor’s choosing to pledge by cash/check are not required to sign the pledge form.
MyPay Direct pledging https://mypay.dfas.mil/mypay.aspx 1. SELECT: CFC from main menu 2. SELECT “add new contribution” current contribution will end with last pay period of 2014 2a. Only ACTIVE DUTY Air Force, Army & Navy personnel will need to enter their 4 digit CFC Campaign code: #0651 (Onslow County COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN) Marine Corps not need to enter Campaign code!!! 3. Enter per pay allotment amount & CLICK “save” 4. Search for Charities 5. CLICK on box next to code # to select & CLICK “add selected charities” Repeat for a max. of 30 charities. 6. Enter the per pay period donation for each charity. 7. CLICK “continue” 8. Complete Personal Information Authorization Release REQUIRED INFO: work email OR phone# Command/unit name: example: 2MARDIV 1/6 Charlie Co. 9. Review & CLICK “yes” to submit 10. View/print pdf pledge form for your records.
Questions? CFC Thanks you and more importantly YOUR Charity Thanks you!