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www.kdheks.gov. What is K-SERV. A web-based volunteer management system. Register, verify, & credential Kansans wanting to help during responses. Notify volunteers or volunteer team(s) in case of an incident. History. History. Program was established by Congress in 2002

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Presentation Transcript

  1. www.kdheks.gov

  2. What is K-SERV

  3. A web-based volunteer management system

  4. Register, verify, & credential Kansans wanting to help during responses

  5. Notify volunteers or volunteer team(s) in case of an incident

  6. History

  7. History • Program was established by Congress in 2002 • Created to support states & territories in establishing standardized volunteer registration programs for disasters & public health & medical emergencies • 2001 events showed the need for an emergency healthcare workforce that can be mobilized to respond immediately to a mass casualty event

  8. History • Federal ESAR-VHP is administered by the Health and Human Services (HHS)/Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR). • HHS requires all state recipients of Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) funds to create an ESAR-VHP system • Kansas version is K-SERV administered by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)

  9. Federal Guidelines • HHS guidance requires K-SERV must: • Register healthcare professional volunteers • Apply emergency credentialing standards to healthcare volunteers • Allow for the verification of the healthcare volunteer

  10. Level 1 – Level 4 Credential Levels

  11. Credential Levels

  12. Data Information

  13. Benefits • Reduces the credential verification burden for emergency care delivery; • Allows personnel to be allocated according to need; • Permits volunteers to be used at their highest capacity; and • Facilitates sharing of volunteer personnel.

  14. Verification Timeline • New registered volunteers are credentialed once a month • Volunteers that have been assigned a credential level are re-verified once every six months.

  15. Health Professionals

  16. Step by Step Instructions How to register

  17. www.ksprepared.com

  18. User Agreement

  19. Volunteer Registration Form Required fields are in RED

  20. Form Cont.

  21. Important section for Pharmacy Students

  22. Log In

  23. Home Page

  24. My Password

  25. Contact • KSERV Program Staff • kservadmin@kdheks.gov • 785-296-7100 • URL • https://kshealth.kdhe.state.ks.us/VolunteerRegistry

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