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South America before Columbus S umerica antes Colon. To the East of the Andes Mountains there was no civilized culture, during the Pre-Columbian period. En el este de el Andes no tenian civilizacion de cultura. .
To the East of the Andes Mountains there was no civilized culture, during the Pre-Columbian period. En eleste de el Andes no tenian civilizacion de cultura.
Indian cultures such as the Incas, started to reach mid-level development. Las culturas indiasalcanzaron media-niveldedesarrollo.
The Museum of Gold in Bogota features artwork from Indian cultures.El museo del oro en el Bogota muestra caracteristicasimportantes del arte de lasculturas.
The chibchas developed to a mid-level of civilization.Loschibchas desarrollaron a medio-nivelde la civilizacion.
To the East of the Andes Mountains there was no civilized culture, during the Pre-Columbian period.
Indian cultures such as the Incas, started to reach mid-level development.
The Bogota Museum of gold features artwork from Indian cultures.