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Nominativ – der Werfall. What makes a noun Nominative Case?. It is the subject of a sentence. It may also come in the predicate after a form of the verb sein (to be) – bin, bist , ist , sind , seid / war, warst , waren , wart )
Nominativ – derWerfall What makes a noun Nominative Case? • It is the subject of a sentence • It may also come in the predicate after a form of the verb sein (to be) – bin, bist, ist, sind, seid / war, warst, waren, wart) • Note: may also appear after the verb werden (to become)
Nominativ – Beispiele Die Blumeistschön. Das istmeinAuto. DerJungewirdeinMann. Die Frau istmeineLehrerin. DeralteMannziehteineJacke an. Die Blume – subject of the sentence Auto – predicate nominative (comes after ist) The boy becomes a Man. – Man is predicate nominative Lehrerin – predicate nominative (comes after ist) Mann – is the subject of the sentence. Werden has a double meaning – to become and it is also used to form the future tense.