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Bay Area Resilience Planning January 18, 2013

Bay Area Resilience Planning January 18, 2013. Regional Agency Projects. Collaboration and Integration. Adapting to Rising Tides + Regional Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategy Bay Area Climate & Energy Resilience Project Regional Resilience Initiative Flood Control 2.0

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Bay Area Resilience Planning January 18, 2013

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  1. Bay Area Resilience Planning January 18, 2013

  2. Regional Agency Projects Collaboration and Integration • Adapting to Rising Tides + Regional Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategy • Bay Area Climate & Energy Resilience Project • Regional Resilience Initiative • Flood Control 2.0 • Regional Economic Development • Sustainable Communities Strategy

  3. Collaboration on Equity Sustainable Communities Strategy

  4. Collaboration on Governance

  5. Collaboration on Nature-based Solutions

  6. Collaboration on Economy Engaging the Business Community Healthy Infill

  7. BCDC Adapting to Rising Tides • ART Project Partners • ABAG • Bay Trail • Caltrans • City of Alameda • Alameda County • BART • California Coastal Conservancy • Capitol Corridor JPA • East Bay Dischargers Authority • East Bay Municipal Utility District • East Bay Regional Park District • City of Emeryville • City of Hayward • Hayward Area Rec. and Park District • ICLEI • City of Oakland • MTC • NOAA CSC • Port of Oakland • City of San Leandro • City of Union City Study Area

  8. ABAG Resilience Initiative • Goal: Improve the resilience of the Bay Area by planning to more quickly and efficiently recover from disasters by: • Developing a process through which stakeholders can build resilience • Identifying specific recovery issues that require jurisdictional coordination • Outcome: Four policy papers on governance, economy, housing and infrastructure with recommendations for regional actions to increase resilience • Next Steps: Implement the recommended actions in collaboration with the SCS, Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategy and other regional initiatives as appropriate.

  9. JPC Climate & Energy Resilience Project Santa Clara Valley Water District – Contra Costa County – PG&E – BART – The Nature Conservancy – Bay Area Business Coalition – Pacific Institute – Breakthrough Communities – 9 Bay Area Public Health Departments – Silicon Valley 2.0 – ARUP – EBMUD – Coastal Conservancy – Our Coast Our Future – Capitol Corridor – PRBO Science – East Bay EDA – Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative – City of Berkeley – Contra Costa County Climate Leaders – SPUR – East Bay Dischargers Authority – City/County of San Francisco – California Department of Water Resources – Youth United for Community Action - San Francisquito Creek JPA – Caltrain – Alameda County Transportation Commission – Silicon Valley Leadership Group – Community Food & Justice Coalition – Berkeley Law – Bay Localize – Bay Area Ecosystems Climate Change Consortium – North Bay Watershed Association – Sonoma County Water Agency – SFMTA – North Bay Climate Adaptation Initiative – SF Baykeeper – California Department of Public Health – City of Oakland – Caltrans – Save the Bay – Communities for a Better Environment – NRDC – Integrated Regional Water Management Plan – City of San Jose - Bay Area Council Economic Institute …and more to be scheduled

  10. Bay Area Climate and Energy Project • Convene Partners • Peer Groups • Mixed Groups • Information Center (Ag extension model) • Story & Campaign • Focus Areas (examples): • Align Government Efforts • Focus: 21st Century Regulation Solutions • Focus: Finance • Focus: Public Health Sector • Focus: Community Resilience

  11. Regional Agency Projects Collaboration and Integration • Adapting to Rising Tides + Regional Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategy • Bay Area Climate & Energy Resilience Project • Regional Resilience Initiative • Flood Control 2.0 • Regional Economic Development • Sustainable Communities Strategy

  12. Alliance of Regional Collaboratives for Climate Adaptation • SD, LA, SFBA, SAC Regions + OPR • 4 Reps from each region • Goal: Align State, Regional & Local Initiatives • 1st Quarter 2013 Agenda: • NOAA grant proposal • Collaborative Info/Research Program • Communications strategy to boost adaptation • ARCCA linked to Resources, Cal-EMA, other state agencies • Fundraise and hire part-time coordinator

  13. State of California Adaptation Initiatives • General Plan Guidelines • 2013 California Adaptation Strategy • Local Government Adaptation Planning Guide • AB 32 & Cap and Trade Revenue

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