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Embedding blended learning into mainstream Higher Education “Developments”. Debbie Reynolds Clare Denholm. Session Format. Brief background to the study What we thought we could do using a virtual learning environment (VLE) Capability context and unit design Implementation
Embedding blended learning into mainstream Higher Education“Developments” Debbie Reynolds Clare Denholm December 05
Session Format • Brief background to the study • What we thought we could do using a virtual learning environment (VLE) • Capability context and unit design • Implementation • What we learned, student and staff perspectives • Priorities for the future December 05
Developing the use of VLE Perceived opportunities • Enhance student engagement & use VLE tools to closely monitor student understanding and progress • Provide opportunity to “respond” quickly where students require further support • Exploit the dynamic and responsive nature of the Moodle environment and its functions • Opportunity to meet perceptions that students enter HE “techno savvy mode” and ready to “learn on line” • Develop understanding and inform best practice in teaching December 05
VLE Tool Box Audio Wiki Forums Assessment Feedback Scheduler Quizzes Resources Blog
What we have learned Importance of collaboration and partnerships between academics and learning technologists December 05
What we have learned Lecturer Perceptions and ChallengesDeveloping academic engagement(CPD) “why do we have to keep changing everything every year, we are doing ok aren’t we?” “they [students] won’t do the on line stuff before coming to my workshop so what can I do!!?” “only half of them [students] have ever watched the on line lectures, or done the quizzes so I do it in the lesson with them” December 05
What we have learned Making assumptions: Homogenous learners? Photo by Clevercupcakes Shared by creative commons December 05
Making assumptions Just 52% had had experience with using an on line learning system before entering Solent University Photo by Clevercupcakes Shared by creative commons December 05
“Have you used on line tools to aid your learning before coming to Solent? 5.8% Frequently 54% Occasionally 24% Seldom 16% Never December 05
Did they engage? 54,000 hits from 500 students over a 12 week period December 05
Pre-workshop engagement December 05
Pre-workshop engagementA challenge “Making sure the online work is done before the lesson is a challenge” “Making sure on-line preparation is done before the lesson” “VL sessions are a bit of a hassle, they seem a tad unnecessary to be honest” “Keeping up with what to do prior to each lesson can at times feel slightly overwhelming” December 05
Flexible learningTime, space, place December 05
Flexible learningTime, space, place “The combination of on line study and seminar is excellent” “I can have a basic knowledge through online study first” “The advantage is that I can do my online study whenever I want” “This arrangement gives me more flexibility in time management” December 05
What do they find useful? December 05
Maintaining contact with tutors December 05
Maintaining contact with tutors “Teacher was approachable and to the point” “Good student lecturer interaction and involvement” “Good lecturer, clear about tasks and also easy to contact if help is required” “Most of the learning comes from the lecturer herself, this is a very strong part of the unit” December 05
Virtual motivation ! December 05
Feeding ForwardWhere do we go from here? December 05
Issues and priorities for the future • VLE’s challenge established traditional approaches • VLE’s challenge staff and students • Technical confidence and competency required • Support academics and students • Maintain a “pedagogic” perspective • Don’t get carried away!! December 05
Building on the Blend • Scaffolding students in online learning a priority • Future emphasis on creating transparent and effective relationships between : • Face to face interactions • Virtual learning environments
Thank you for listeningQuestions? December 05