1. Fad DietsPromises & Realities Isabel Valentin-Oquendo
Food, Nutrition & Health Update 2001
3. Center for Nutrition Policy & Promotion Report About 2 of 10 people want to improve their diet.
4. Americans and Dieting 4 of 10 women
2 of 10 men
5. Survey by the Gallup Organization Reasons for dieting
Lose weight (46%)
To obtain general health (16%)
To improve self-esteem (10%)
6. Dieters have tried: Doctor-recommended diet
High-protein/low carbohydrate diet
The Food Guide Pyramid
Low fat diet
7. High-protein diets are back!
9. 1972 ~Dr. Atkins’Diet Revolution
1978 ~The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet
1980 ~Beverly Hills Diet
1995 ~Enter the Zone
11. Theories used to “support”high-protein diets Insulin resistance
Syndrome X
Glycemic index
12. Metabolism during dietingand fasting
13. Metabolism during dietingand fasting continues
14. Hazards of high-protein diets Ketosis
Increase risk for developing atherosclerosis
Shift from lean body mass to fat
Increase risk of osteoporosis
15. High protein diets compared to current weight loss diet recommendations.
16. The Good within some of the high-protein/low carbohydrate plans: Enter The Zone
by Barry Sears, Ph.D.
Drink water, exercise, and snack.
Some fat is necessary.
17. Protein Power
by Michael R. Eades, M.D., and
Mary Dan Eades, M.D.
Recommend exercising and drinking a lot of water.
18. Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution
by Robert C. Atkins, M.D.
Stresses benefits of exercise.
Recommends medical check-up.
19. Sugar Busters!
by H.L. Steward; M.C. Bethea, M.D.; S.S. Andrews, M.D.; and L.A. Balart, M.D.
Allows whole grains and some vegetables.
20. What the consumer needs to know: It’s the low calorie, not the high protein, that causes the weight loss.
Rapid weight loss experienced is WATER weight.
Meaningful weight loss should be slow and gradual.
Long term use of these diets could lead to health problems.
21. The results of these diets are temporary.
Need a maintenance plan.
Negative effects of yo-yo dieting.
High-protein diets are not recommended by professional and medical associations.
22. How to recognize a Fad Diet Magic or miracle foods that burn fat.
Bizarre quantities of only one food or type of food.
Rigid menus.
Specific food combinations.
Rapid weight loss of more than 2 pounds a week.
No warning for people with diabetes or high blood pressure.
23. How about maintaining weight loss?
24. Final words