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Introduction to California Alternative Workweek Schedules for Employees

Introduction to California Alternative Workweek Schedules for Employees. Overview. Under California law, employees are normally due overtime for any hours worked over 8 in one work day.

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Introduction to California Alternative Workweek Schedules for Employees

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  1. Introduction to California Alternative Workweek Schedules for Employees

  2. Overview • Under California law, employees are normally due overtime for any hours worked over 8 in one work day. • Employers may offer, and employees may adopt, by a secret-ballot election, a regularly scheduled alternative workweek that authorizes work for no longer than 10 hours per day within a 40-hour workweek, without the payment of overtime. • An “alternative workweek schedule” is defined as “any regularly scheduled workweek requiring an employee to work more than 8 hours in a 24-hour period.” “Regularly scheduled” means that the employer must schedule the actual work days in advance and give employees notice of the changes to their regular schedule. • There are several steps that employers must take before they may implement an AWS legally.

  3. Objectives • Gain an Understanding of Alternative Work Schedules (AWS) in California • Benefits of AWS to the Employees, Organization, and Communities • Work Unit Goals • AWS Implementation Requirements • Recommended Schedule • Next Steps for Implementation

  4. What is an Alternative Workweek Schedule in California? • Alternative workweek Schedules in California are schedules that have been through an employee approval process to work greater than 8 hours in a 24 hour period without receiving overtime. • The AWS in California requires compliance to the California Labor Code Section 511 & Wage Order 4-2001 • Maximum 10-hour shifts • Affected Employees Secrete Ballot Election • Two-thirds majority required • File with DLSE of California • 30-day waiting period

  5. Alternative Work Schedules Meet Needs of Employees • Caring for young children when both parents are working. • Being able to see children off to school. • Caring for an aged parent. • Having non-weekend time to accomplish errands and other personal business. • Scheduling leisure time more easily. • More flexibility to manage work and personal time • Enjoy regular full-day / half-days off while preserving full-time salary • May provide a longer weekend for leisure time • Reduce travel costs • Improve work/life balance

  6. Alternative Work Schedules Meet Needs of Organization • Having more dedicated employees who are able to maximize their productive time and minimize the effects of outside responsibilities. • Meeting changing and expanding customer expectations and demands, particularly for service and global companies whose customers may be in other time zones or have nontraditional work schedules themselves. • Making better use of facilities and equipment by reducing idle time, energy usage • Reduces absenteeism • May help reduce overtime pay requirements • Retain skilled employees who may have other personal commitments

  7. Alternative Work Schedules Meet the Needs of Communities • Reducing traffic congestion with workers on flexible daily schedules, instead of all arriving and leaving work at or near the same time. • Reducing air pollution and energy demand when employees work a compressed workweek or telecommute

  8. Work Unit Goal • Optimize coverage – 24/7/365 • Minimize labor costs/overtime • Align employee satisfaction with business requirements and customer needs

  9. AWS - Alternate Workweek Schedules • Labor Code Section 511 & Wage Order 4-2001 • Maximum 10-hour shifts • Employees affected need to vote • Two-thirds majority required • File with DLSE of California • 30-day waiting period

  10. 9-hour Shift Recommendation

  11. Next Steps • Employee Secret Ballot Election Meeting. • Meeting is scheduled for: MM/DD/YY at H:MM • If Approved • Implementation will be set for around 30 days after the approval • Employees will be assigned a shift and given a Shift Schedule Agreement

  12. Questions Thank you for your attention and interest! 12

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