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This coaching manual provides principles, strategies, and practical tips for professionals supporting refugees during their integration process. It covers coaching concepts, coaching forms (intercultural, trauma recovery, career), and the coach-coachee relationship.
Coaching-Innovative Approach for Better Integration of Refugees
Introduction Why a Coaching manual for refugees support? • Module 1 Coaching What is coaching Coaching forms: • Intercultural Coaching • Trauma Recovery Coaching • Career Coaching
Module 2 Coach vs. Coachee The coach The coachee • Module 3 Coaching Process How to lead coaching process • First meeting coach-coachee • Contraindications • How to conduct coaching sessions • Techniques for monitoring coachee progress Evaluation of the coaching process
Introduction Why a Coaching manual for refugees support? This manual is intended for service providers, social workers, psychologists, case managers, and all who help refugees for the purpose of facilitating their integration in the host societies, preferably in conjunction with psychosocial processes. It contains principles, concepts, strategies, practical tips and tools on coaching. It proposes key approaches for helping in providing meaningful guidance for professionals to act as coaches for refugees.
Module 1 Coaching What is coaching Coaching, is a teaching, training, development process via which an individual is supported while achieving a specific personal or professional result or goal. In recent times, coaching has been increasingly acknowledged as a viable approach to help people. The use of the coaching approach and the word “coach” is now widely applied and accepted in various other fields that have no relation to sports.
Module 1 Coaching What is coaching Coaching originated in sports and has a frame of reference centered on ambitious targets. Coaching exists to help people to define goals daring more than what initially believed to be reasonable, then develop action plans to turn them into reality. Through the process of coaching, people focus on the skills and actions needed to produce results relevant personal and professional. Coaching is to release the potential of people, to maximize their performance.
Coaching forms • Intercultural coaching • Trauma Recovery coaching • Career coaching
Coaching forms Intercultural coaching • Intercultural coaching involves a transfer of knowledge about other cultures, especially necessary when a person moves from his home country to another country. • Culture is not a static concept where one person can only feel allegiance to one country, can speak only one language or understand only one culture. If a refugee is only accepted as fully integrated when he/she has absorbed all the aspects of a cultural identity typically associated with nationals of the host society, integration becomes impossible as this would mean ignoring all aspects of their original culture. • Refugees need to be supported to integrate by understanding the culture of the host society without loosing their own culture.
Coaching forms Intercultural coaching • Understand the impact of cultural differences host –origin country. • Use pragmatic tools to assess and compare personal and cultural tendencies. • Develop empathy with people from other cultural backgrounds. • Develop communication and management strategies that work in a multi-cultural environment. • Encourage changes in attitude and implement solutions that lead to visible results.
Coaching forms Trauma Recovery coaching Is a set of one-on-one coaching sessions designed to: → Effectively help an individual work through the various mental and emotional response cycles to imposed trauma. → Develop customized systems by which one can regain victory and control over one’s personal and professional life.
Coaching forms Career coaching • Many refugees have difficulties in finding a job. They need guidance in finding it, identify their strong personal and professional points that can help in finding work/adapting to a job in the host society. • Career coaching can assist with your job search, with exploring career options, and with personal issues that may impact your career. Career counseling or career guidance includes a wide variety of professional activities which focus on supporting people in dealing with career-related challenges - both preventively and in difficult situations (such as unemployment).
Module 2 Coach vs. Coachee To be a coach • A coach is a teacher, a mentor, a role model, sometimes a friend and confidant. • A coach helps people to learn themselves, rather than to impose anything. • A professional coach provides a partnership designed to help clients achieve exquisite results in personal or professional life, namely, to improve performance and increase quality of life. A coach is trained to listen, observe and adapt to subjects according to each client. He seeks to apply solutions and strategies considering from the beginning that the client is creative and resourceful. The job of a coach is to provide the necessary support to develop the skills, resources and creativity that each client has inside him.
Module 2 Coach vs. Coachee To be a coach Profile: • Ability to self-knowledge; • Ability to inspire others (encouraging strengths and not the weaknesses; recognizing strengths where others see flaws; passion for helping others to learn and develop their full potential); • Ability to build relationships; • The ability to be flexible;; • The ability to communicate; • The ability to look to the future ; • The ability to be disciplined ; • The ability to diagnose problems and find solutions.
Module 2 Coach vs. Coachee To be a coach Exercise Coach Mirror
Module 2 Coach vs. Coachee Exercise Coach Mirror • Methods used: interactive discussion, individual and group work, individual and group reflection • Time: 60 min. • Learning Objective: Discover the coach inside me !
Module 2 Coach vs. Coachee • Exercise Coach Mirror • Description: Step 1: Begin by facilitated discussion and individual reflection based on the questions below: • Why I want to do coaching for refugees? • What motivates me to be a coach or want to become a coach? • What are my interests in coaching activity? • What is my attitude towards refugees who I am guiding? • Which of my previous experiences can help in my coaching activity for present or future? • What are my skills (knowledge, attitudes / values) when I support refugees? • What are my limitations in working with refugees? • What are the resources available or that I need for coaching activity?
Module 2 Coach vs. Coachee Exercise Coach Mirror Step 2 Present a model of mirror coaching, previously prepared or built on site • Each participant will choose a piece of paper (size A 4) and a set of “skill cards” (are piece of papers on which are represented by drawings and text 30 different characteristics). • On the paper size A 4: stick certain skill cards images to describe how you see yourself as coach. • Finally participants at this game stick the mirrors on the wall / window and take the time to visit this gallery of mirrors.
Module 2 Coach vs. Coachee • Step 3 Group Reflection The trainer will address questions to participants regarding this exercise: • How did you felt when you reflected on yourself? • How it was to work individual and in the same time part of the group when performing this exercise?
Module 2 Coach vs. Coachee • Coach Mirror
Module 2 Coach vs. Coachee The coachee • A person who receives training from a coach. • Active listening is critical for the coachee. Trying to understand what the coach is saying, probing and digging deeper to make sure what is being heard is what is being said. Playing back what the coach is saying to clarify. Asking for clarification, asking for examples are all critical for the coachee.
Module 3 Coaching Process How to lead coaching process
Module 3 Coaching Process Coaching Session • Coaching programs usually last between 6 and 12 months. There are situations in which can last just few weeks depending on the complexity of client’s problem and his capacity to put into practice the action plan to overstep the problems faced. • Each coaching session is dedicated to a specific goal and result, and will end with an action plan. • The results are actually chain reactions: Coaching→Action→Impact on coachee’s life
Module 3 Coaching Process • T-GROW Model • Is a simple model of coaching very structured and efficient. The purpose of this coaching model is to increase awareness of the coachee, to assume responsibility for the results he can get. • Using T-GROW helps identify that first small step that needs to be done in order to achieve the objective on which the coach-coachee need to work during that particular session. • To use this model with maximum efficiency it takes practice, active listening, using intuition, exploring reality and options without judging or offer direct solutions. The role of the coach is to help the coachee to find himself the proper solution to improve his life.
Module 3 Coaching Process • T-GROW Model →TOPIC • What is the topic you want to talk? • Tell me more about it ... • Define the scope of the discussion
Module 3 Coaching Process • T-GROW Model → GOAL • What do you want to get until the end of this session? • What would success look like for you? • How much is this objective under your control? (0% - 100%) • What are the benefits that you will give from achieving this goal? • What would be the consequences if you do not achieve this goal? • What impact would this objective will have over others?
Module 3 Coaching Process • T-GROW Model →REALITY • What is happening now and what is missing in your reality now? • What have you done so far to achieve this objective? • What was the effect? • This initial objective is still relevant for you? • On what do you want to focus during this session? • What are the potential obstacles you may encounter? • What are your main qualities and talents that will help in achieving this goal?
Module 3 Coaching Process • T-GROW Model → OPTIONS • List all the ways you can achieve this goal (give free to creativity and imagination) • What else could you do to obtain this objective? • If you would know in secret what you have to do, what you choose to do? • What are the most creative options you can think of?
Module 3 Coaching Process • T-GROW Model → WILL • Look at your options list! What is the best one, without considering the cost and time? • Which one you feel is best, intuitively? Which one would be the easier choice? • Now choose an option or make a combination of options and take your commitment to implement it. • What will be your first step? • What resources will you need? Where and how will you get them? • On a scale of 1 to 10 what grade you will give to your commitment to achieve this goal?
Module 3 Coaching Process Techniques for monitoring coachee progress The coach need to help the coachee (client) to learn to monitor his progress in relation to the proposed objectives to be achieved, because only in this way will strengthen his commitment to them.
Module 3 Coaching Process • Exercise to monitor coachee progress Scale from 1 to 10 For example a client that becomes aggressive when he feels threated by people around him and automatically less efficient in his daily activity. He wants to develop a capacity to remain calm. It can be suggested to use the scale every day and to give notes to himself ( 10 the target-level of calm / 1 the lowest level ). Ask the person to do this every day for around 2 weeks. After that analyze the results together with the client during the next coaching session. Homework
Module 3 Coaching Process • Evaluation of the coaching process Given that there are numerous stakeholders in the coaching relationship, in principle, several, or all of them could play a part in the evaluation process. • Written feedback from participants • Interviews • Use an external evaluator
Case Study • A refugee having difficulties in adapting to his new job due to language barriers Session 1 • Use questions from T-Grow model to identify the problem. • Ask client to elaborate on paper a list with things that created the problem and what would be from his point of view the best solutions to overstep them. • After the list in created, continue the discussions in guiding the client to develop an action plan for the next 2 weeks until the second coaching session. • Give homework to the client ( enroll at a language course ). The homework needs to be finished until next coaching session.
Case Study Session 2 Ask the client to tell what he did in the last 2 weeks. Ask to write on paper a list with things that he consider that improved at the workplace/obstacles (if any) and what would be from his point of view the solutions to overstep also these remaining obstacles. During the sessions: • We agree on the purpose of the conversation and respect it. • We use all information received from client to guide him. • We maintain a balance between recommendation and interrogation. • Use open questions.