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Order Lepidoptera

Order Lepidoptera. By: Paige Carleton. Meaning behind Lepidoptera. Comes from Greek language: Lepido meaning “scale” Ptera meaning “wing”

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Order Lepidoptera

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  1. Order Lepidoptera By: Paige Carleton

  2. Meaning behind Lepidoptera • Comes from Greek language: • Lepido meaning “scale” • Ptera meaning “wing” • This makes sense because the insects in this order all have wings in their adult stage and the scales refer to the small flakes that coats the wings of these insects.

  3. Life Cycle of Lepidoptera • Moths and butterflies undergo a complete life cycle. • Egg • Caterpillar (larvae) • Pupae- where they undergo transformation • Adult

  4. Life Cycle of Lepidoptera • A female may lay only a few eggs or tens of thousands. • After the caterpillars hatch, they usually develop through 4 to 7 instars over a period of a few weeks. • When the caterpillar is ready to pupate they generally find shelter to spin their cocoons.

  5. Common Characteristics • Two pairs of membranous (transparent) wings that are covered in tiny scales which overlap like shingles on a roof. • Large compound eyes that consists of many light-sensitive lens, each with its own refractive system and each forming its own portion of the image.

  6. Common Characteristics • One ocelli, simple eye with simple lens, present above each eye. • Antennae present. • Butterflies have clubbed antennas. • Mouth parts are formed into a sucking tube known as a proboscis.

  7. Anatomy of a Butterfly

  8. Feeding Habits • Most larvae of moths and butterflies are neroivores • Either eating foliage or wood • Some are carnivorous • Eating other caterpillars • Feeding on soft bodied insects • Adults are generally nectar feeders

  9. Common Members of Lepidoptera Moth vs. Butterfly • Butterflies have clubbed antennas and the habit of holding their wings vertically when at rest. • Moths sit with their wings flat. butterfly moth

  10. General Niche of Lepidoptera • The Lepidoptera insects feed on the nectar in flowers and then they can pollinate the other flowers they go to. The flowers are dependant on these insects for pollination.

  11. Beautiful But Destructive • Insects in this order are usually seen and noticed by their beauty, but they can be harmful for farmer’s crops. The larvae of these insects are destructive to crops and forest trees because they eat plants in this stage.

  12. Why are butterflies so colorful? • Sometimes the colors are bright and are intended to warn away potential predators. • This indicates that they taste bad to a predator. • Other times the bright colors are meant to attract mates. • Some are colored to look very much like a food plant in order to help the insect hide.

  13. Fun Facts • Butterflies range in size from a tiny 1/8 inch to a huge almost 12 inches • The top butterfly flight speed is 12 miles per hour. Some moths can fly 25 miles per hour! • Butterflies cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees

  14. Work cited • Bartlett, Tony. "Order Lepidoptera." Bug Guide. Iowa State University, 15 Jan. 2010. Web. 26 Feb. 2010. <http://bugguide.net/node/view/57>. • "Butterflies and wildflowers." Prairie frontier. Prairie frontier, 2010. Web. 26 Feb. 2010. <http://www.prairiefrontier.com/index.html>. • Compound eyes of a robber fly. Photograph. Inspiration block. 13 Oct. 2009. Web. 26 Feb. 2010. <http://www.inspirationblock.com/photography/amazing-insect-macro-photography>. • "Fun butterfly facts." The butterfly site. Web. 26 Feb. 2010. <http://www.thebutterflysite.com/facts.shtml>. • Hadley, Debbie. "Butterflies and moths." About.com. The New York Times Company, 2010. Web. 26 Feb. 2010. <http://insects.about.com/od/butterfliesmoths/p/char_lepidopter.htm>. • "Interesting behaviors." Moth and Butterfly information. University of Arizona, 1997. Web. 26 Feb. 2010. <http://insected.arizona.edu/bflyinfo.htm>. • "Lepidoptera: moths and butterflies." Insects and their Allies. Web. 26 Feb. 2010. <http://www.ento.csiro.au/education/insects/lepidoptera.html>. • Meyer, John. "Lepidoptera." NC State University. 28 July 2009. Web. 26 Feb. 2010. <http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/course/ent425/compendium/butter~1.html>. • Mrclean. Colorful butterflies. 1982. Photograph. Cool pics blog. 2007. Web. 27 Feb. 2010. <http://www.coolpicsblog.com/colorful-butterflies/>. • Seamen, Richard. Caterpillar. Photograph. Vietnam. The fling Kiwi. Web. 26 Feb. 2010. <http://www.richard- seaman.com/Arthropods/PhotoGalleries/Caterpillars/index.html>. • "Zooming in on a Hoverfly." The Four Ages Of Sand. 29 Aug. 2009. Web. 26 Feb. 2010. <http://iainpetrie.typepad.com/the_four_ages_of_sand/creepie_crawlies/>.

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