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The Market Square Dog by James Herriot

The Market Square Dog by James Herriot. Review. 1. What is first-person point of view?. The narrator is a character in the story. 2. What is third-person point of view?. The narrator is outside of the story. 3. From what point of view is “The Market Square Dog” told from?.

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The Market Square Dog by James Herriot

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Market Square DogbyJames Herriot Review

  2. 1. What is first-person point of view? • The narrator is a character in the story.

  3. 2. What is third-person point of view? • The narrator is outside of the story.

  4. 3. From what point of view is “The Market Square Dog” told from? • first-person point of view

  5. 4. Who narrates or tells the story? • James Herriot, the author and veterinarian

  6. 5. What two things must you combine in order to make a prediction? • You must combine clues from the story and what you know.

  7. 6. What is the dog doing in the market? • The dog is sitting up, begging for food.

  8. 7. What breed of dog is “The Market Square Dog”? • He is a cross-bred of a sheepdog and a terrier.

  9. 8. Why can’t the policeman catch the dog at the beginning of the story? • The dog won’t let the policeman get close to him. He runs away from people. The dog may be frightened because of past abuse.

  10. 9. Why does the policeman bring the dog to the narrator’s house? • He realizes that the dog may die without the veterinarian’s help.

  11. 10. How does the veterinarian help the dog? • He fixes the dog’s broken leg and stitches his wounds.

  12. 11. Why does the veterinarian visit the kennels at the police station? • He has become fond of the dog and hopes that the animal will recover.

  13. 12. How are the policeman and the veterinarian alike? • They both have an interest in dogs and concern for them.

  14. 13. How does the policeman explain the dog’s absence in the kennel? • The policeman tells the veterinarian that the dog has been arrested for begging. The policeman is playing a joke on the veterinarian.

  15. 14. How does the dog’s behavior change by the end of the story? • The dog has learned to trust people because people have helped him and shown him love.

  16. 15. What happens to the dog at the end of the story? • The policeman adopts the dog as a pet for his two daughters.

  17. 16. Define trotted. • ran in a graceful, light way

  18. 17. Define anxiously. • in a worried or uneasy way

  19. 18. Define custody. • protection or supervision

  20. The End

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