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Skills for Managing the Arts: Open Educational Resources and Experiential Learning in Support of Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment in the Arts and Creative Sector (SMART). This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
Skills for Managing the Arts: Open Educational Resources and Experiential Learning in Support of Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment in the Arts and Creative Sector(SMART) This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
DOBRUDZHANSKA ZIMNITSACOMMUNITIES, FAMILIARIZATION, CULTURE ASSOCIATION NikolayPanayotov This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
THE FEAST OF THE POTS– The Culinary Festival of Dobrudzha, Bulgaria This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
THE FEAST OF THE POTSis a unique initiative that: - brings together participants from different parts of Dobrudzha; - isanattractiveone-dayeventdedicatedtothepromotionoftheculinaryphenomenoncharacteristicofDobrudzharegion,anditspresentationto a wideraudience; - focuses on how to prevent the extinction of typical regional products and dishes by promoting them; - is oriented to the wider audience – the local population and local communities, visitors, tourists; - is a multiculturaldomain, presentingDobrudzha’sidentity, traditionandauthenticity.
OBJECTIVE The CulinaryFestivalofDobrudzhaaimstosearchfor, collectrecipesandpromoteauthentichomemadedishesanddrinkspreparedfromproductstypicalofthedifferentseasons, andrelatedtotheDanubianand Black SeaDobrudzhacuisine.
PARTICIPANTS • Eachtime, theCulinaryFestivalisattendedbymorethan 180 participants – communitycenterworkers, students, socialinstitutionrepresentatives, informalgroupsandindividualparticipantsfromallthemunicipalitiesinthedistrictsofDobrichandSilistra, guestsfromVarna, andparticipantsfromRomaniawhopresentdishesfromtheirnationalcuisine. • The shared table abounds in delicious baked dishes, home-kneaded and rolled-out doughs, savory appetizers and salads, meat and fish dishes, boiled jams, pastries, winter supplies, etc. • Traditionally, theFestivalisattendedbyrepresentativesofvariousethnicgroupsinDobrudzharegion - Bulgarians, Turks, Gypsies, Tatars, Romanians, andLipovans, whotogetherrepresentthetraditionalDobrudzhacuisine.
VISION THE FEAST OF THE POTS – The Culinary Festival of Dobrudzha has its own brand - a conceptualgraphicimagethatstandsoutwithitsuniqueandinimitablestyleandmakesthefestivalpromotionalproductsrecognizable: vinyls, posters, diplomas, certificatesofparticipation, badges, dishlabels, registrationcards, flyers, brochures, T-shirts, etc.
CHARACTERISTICS The Culinary Exhibition - Degustation is exploratory and competitive in character, and a special jury accurately evaluates the most original authentic dishes from the various categories. Certificates and a number of awards are provided for the winners by different sponsors. On the day of the Festival, apart from the culinary delights and homemade drinks, the participants have the pleasure to enjoy the beautiful performances of singing and dancing groups from all over Dobrudzha.
THE PROGRAMME of Dobrudzha Culinary Fest traditionally includes: 1. EXIBITION - DEGUSTATION 2. AUTHENTIC DISH COMPETITION AND HOMEMADE DRINK COMPETITION 3. THE BEST STALL’S ETHNO VISION COMPETITION 4. CREATIVE WORKSHOPS – children’s cooking workshop, craft workshops, etc. 5. ANIMATION for children and adults 6. FOLKLORE PROGRAMME – dancing and singing performances of community center representatives - children and adults 7. MARKET for agricultural products from the region
TERMS OF PARTICIPATION Anyone willing to participate in the Culinary Festival of Dobrudzha, should necessarily meet the following condition: to bring a homemade dish, served in a clay pot, stew pan or large baking dish at the shared table. Free entrance.
CULINARY FESTIVAL VENUE The summer editions of THE FEAST OF THE POTS - The Culinary Festival of Dobrudzha take place in the village of Zimnitsa, Krushari Municipality, Dobrich Province with the financial support of KRUSHARI MUNICIPALITY, Dobrich Province. www.zimnitsa.bg
The winter editions are held in different locations throughout Dobrudzha, with the purpose of presenting authentic Dobrudzha dishes from the autumn and winter cuisine of the Danubian, Black sea and other Dobrudzha regions. Since 2016, the Festival has been solely organized by Krushari Municipality. It is foreseen that each year it will take place in different settlements throughout the municipality, thus promoting the particular destination.
MEDIA PUBLICITY ThepreviouseditionsoftheCulinaryFestivalofDobrudzhawerepublicizedbynumerousnationalandregionalprint, radioandtelevisionmedia, andby a numberof Internet publications.
Thefourtheditionof THE FEAST OF THE POTS washeldonDecember 1, 2012 inSrebarna, underthepatronageoftheMayorofSilistra, attheinvitationandwiththespecialassistanceoftheMayorofSrebarna, andwiththefinancialsupportoftheMunicipalityofSilistra.
Atthefifthedition /June 8, 2013, thevillageofZimnitsa, KrushariMunicipality/ forthefirsttimeinthehistoryof THE FEAST OF THE POTS CulinaryFestival, a farmers’ marketwasorganized – producersfromDobrudzharegionarrangedtheirstallspresentingtheirownagriculturalproduceforsale - honeyandbeeproducts, milk, cheese, eggs, fruitandvegetables - freshandcanned, fruitdistillates, souvenirs. A special guest performer at the fifth edition was the famous folk singer, VanyaValkova, with Lira orchestra.
COMPETITIONS: InNovember 2012, a children'sdrawingcompetitionwaslaunchedunderthetitleWITH THE SPIRIT OF THE PAST, astheparticipantscreatedtheirdrawingsontopicssuchasDishesinClayPotsandTheEthnicGroupsinDobrudzha.
The competition was announced by THE FEST OF THE POTS Culinary Festival and supported by Dobrich Municipality, the Art Gallery – Dobrich, The Regional Museum of History – Dobrich, The Art Studio for Graphics and Painted Ceramics – The Old Dobrich, and in partnership with local media.
Itwasattendedbymorethan 100 childrenfrommainstreamschoolsandartschoolsfromnearbymunicipalities. January 2014 – a second children’s drawing competition WITH THE SPIRIT OF THE PAST 2014 in the municipalities of Dobrich and Silistra with the support of the municipalities. Drawing topics - Grandma’s Dishes and The Dobrudzha House. The Art Gallery – Silistra and the Ethnographic Museum – Silistra were partners of Silistra Province.
PRESENTATIONS THE FEAST OF THE POTS - The Culinary Festival of Dobrudzha participated with a presentation in TERRA MADRE BALKANS International Forum which was held in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciencesand the University Botanical Garden in Sofia from June 29 to July 1, 2012. Terra Madre is a global forum of food communities, bringing together small farmers and food producers, culinary specialists, academics and youth to discuss how to improve the food system and food production in a sustainable, environmentally friendly way.
ACCOMPANYING FESTIVALS On February 2, 2013 - THE FEAST OF THE POTS organized THE DOBRUDZHA WINE FEST in partnership with MALL VARNA and The Bulgarian Association of Sommeliers and Wine Connoisseurs.
February 1, 2014 – Second edition of THE DOBRUDZHA WINE FEST, organized in partnership with MALL VARNA and The Bulgarian Association of Sommeliers and Wine Connoisseurs. In 2015 and 2016, the third and the fourth editions took place in partnership with The Bulgarian Association of the Professional Sommeliers.
PARTNERS of THE FEAST OF THE POTS – The Culinary Festival of Dobrudzha: regional historical and ethnographic museums, The Bulgarian Association of Rural and Ecological Tourism, regional and national media, schools and community centers within the region of Dobrudzha, art galleries, internet news sites, etc.
UPCOMING EVENTS A collection is to be issued – a book /in electronic and printed version in Bulgarian, English and Romanian/ with the recipes of the dishes, included in the competition programme of the Festival, together with photos.
THE FEAST OF THE POTS – The Culinary Festival of Dobrudzha is an established event of regional importance which enjoys wide social and media publicity and support. It has been present in the culinary calendar of Dobrudzha for several years now.
PUBLIC SUPPORTMorethan 80 privatecompanies, organizationsandindividualsgotinvolvedassponsorsinthefund-raisingcampaignfortheconductofthevariouseditionsof THE FEAST OF THE POTS CulinaryEvent, andthussupportedtheuniqueculinaryphenomenonpresentingDobrudzha’sethnography, traditionandauthenticity.
Photos: www.zimnitsa.bg https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dobrudjanska-Zimnitsa/ https://www.facebook.com/Добруджанска Зимница For contacts: e-mail: dzimnitsa@abv.bg