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Call of the Wild Chapter 3 ` Vocabulary

Call of the Wild Chapter 3 ` Vocabulary. 1. pandemonium (noun). wild noise and disorder; chaos; confusion Sentence from the book: Page 29 “An oath from Perrault, the resounding impact of a club upon a bony frame, and a shrill yelp of pain heralded the breaking forth of pandemonium .”.

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Call of the Wild Chapter 3 ` Vocabulary

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  1. Call of the WildChapter 3`Vocabulary

  2. 1. pandemonium (noun) • wild noise and disorder; chaos; confusion Sentence from the book: Page 29 “An oath from Perrault, the resounding impact of a club upon a bony frame, and a shrill yelp of pain heralded the breaking forth of pandemonium.”

  3. pandemonium • Pandemonium broke out as soon as the bell rang on the last day of school.

  4. 2. warily (adv.) • watchfully or cautiously; carefully Sentence from the book: Page 30 “At daybreak, they limped warily back to camp…”

  5. warily • Many school districts are stepping warily  into thedigitalfuture.

  6. 3. exertion (noun.) vigorous action or effort; struggle; strain Sentence from the book: Page 31 “Two hours of cursing and exertion got the harnesses into shape, and the wound stiffened team was underway…”

  7. exertion • It required considerable exertionfor the child to lift the cat off the ground.

  8. 4. daunted (verb) overcomewith fear or terrified; intimidated; discouraged; Sentence from the book: Page 31 “It was because nothing daunted him (Perrault) that he had been chosen for government courier.”

  9. daunted • The high school students were shocked by the mounds of homework that daunted them each night.

  10. 5. inevitable (adj.) unabletobeavoided,evaded,orescaped;certain;necessary: Sentence from the book: Page 34 “It was inevitable that the clash for leadership should come.”

  11. inevitable • On the soccer field, an agonizing kick to the shin is inevitable.

  12. 6. rampant (adj.) widespread, unrestrained; growing or developing unchecked Sentence from the book: Page 40 “He (Buck) was mastered by the sheer surging of life, the tidal wave of being…that it was aglow and rampant, expressing itself in movement…”

  13. rampant • The rumor spread rampantly around campus, devastating the young girl.

  14. 7. impending (adj.) about to happen, looming; imminent; threatening Sentence from the book: Page 43 “Only Spitz quivered and bristled as he staggered back and forth, …as though to frighten off impending death.”

  15. impending • The impending arrival of his report card forced Harold into hiding.

  16. 8. covert (adj.) concealed or hidden; secret; disguised Sentence from the book: Page 36 “With the covert mutiny of Buck, a general insubordination sprang up and increased.”

  17. covert • The police covertly searched the building for the criminals.

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