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Frank M. Silvia/North End

Frank M. Silvia/North End. Instructional Leadership Team Presentation “Staying Focused on the Focus”. Role of the ILT. The role of our ILT is to strengthen all aspects of our school HOW?…. Disaggregate data Focus on our school-wide focus Honest conversations

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Frank M. Silvia/North End

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Frank M. Silvia/North End Instructional Leadership Team Presentation “Staying Focused on the Focus”

  2. Role of the ILT • The role of our ILT is to strengthen all aspects of our school • HOW?…. • Disaggregate data • Focus on our school-wide focus • Honest conversations • Make tough decisions (not final decisions) • Share concerns, initiatives, etc. to staff • Plan and implement PD

  3. Membership • Open invitation to ALL staff • no cap on the size of the team • volunteer basis • Principal is an active member - not the leader • We currently have 17 members (most grade levels are represented along with coaches, itinerants, and specialists)

  4. Structures and Protocols • Members of ILT meet three times during the summer months to brainstorm ideas for the upcoming school year • Schedule is set at the beginning of the year • Meet every other week (Thursdays from 3:45-5:00) • Members let principal know if they cannot attend • Agendas set from the previous meeting • Meeting Norms and Roles are followed (keeps us focused) • Sign-in sheet (for PDPs) • Notes taken and given to ALL staff

  5. How the ILT keeps the “Focus on the Focus” • Overview (Example #1) • ELT Leadership Team brings information from network meetings to the ILT • Share discussions, next steps, responsibilities, time lines, etc. • ILT gives valuable input and then decisions are made on how to present information to the staff • Staff receives information and final school-wide decisions are made

  6. Example #2 • ILT has discussions about the school-wide focus and what type of professional development is needed around comprehension (our focus) • Set schedules for PD • ILT members often give the PD - work together • Follow-up at next ILT meeting about how PD went and next steps • Teachers asked to post artifacts after PD given to common planning or next staff meeting

  7. Other Responsibilities... • School Improvement Plan • MCAS Data • ELT Performance Agreement • Budget • Check common planning minutes • New Teachers - check in • Other PD opportunities (science, math) • Oversee other committee work

  8. Lessons Learned... • Principal had always served as the facilitator…now we all share the roles • Attendance taken/consistent - keeps members committed • Distribute notes to ALL staff • Staff input is VITAL to the success of a school • Next steps in place before we leave • We needed meeting norms - created them and now always follow them • Stay on schedule- leave on time (5:00) • Less is more (keep agenda as short as possible) • Challenges around the new evaluation tool-connecting it to our focus

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