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JAR-OPS 1 Course Lecture 10. Lecture 10. Subpart N Flight Crew Subpart O Cabin Crew. SUBPART N. Flight Crew. SUB PART N. JAR-OPS 1/3.940. Composition of Flight Crew. Composition and number of flight crew members are in compliance with AFM
JAR-OPS 1 Course Lecture 10
Lecture 10 • Subpart N • Flight Crew • Subpart O • Cabin Crew
SUBPART N Flight Crew
SUB PART N JAR-OPS 1/3.940 Composition of Flight Crew • Composition and number of flight crew members are in compliance with AFM • Additional flight crew when required by the type of operations are specified in AOM • Procedures are established to prevent the crewing together of inexperienced flight crew members
Type of aeroplane Minimum flight crew • All turbo-propeller aeroplanes with MAPSC > 9 • All turbojet aeroplanes 2 pilots 1 pilot if requirements of Appendix 2 to JAR-OPS 1.940 are satisfied • All other aeroplanes JAR-OPS 1.940 SUB PART N Composition of Flight Crew For operations under IFR or at night, an operator shall ensure that:
Type of operation Minimum flight crew • under IFR using helicopter with MAPSC > 9 • helicopter with MAPSC > 19 2 pilots(commander holds helicopter ATPL) 1 pilotprovided requirements of annex 1 to JAR-OPS 3.940 are satisfied • other helicopters operations SUB PART N JAR-OPS 3.940 (b) Minimum Flight Crew • Not less than specified in AFM
Appendix to JAR-OPS 1.940 SUB PART N • A flight crew member may be relieved inflight of his duties at the controls by another suitablyqualified flight crew member. • Relief of the Commander: The commander may delegateconduct of the flight to: • Another qualified commander;or • For operations only aboveFL200, a pilot qualified asdetailed in subparagraph(c) below (next slide) In-flight relief of flight crew members
JAR-OPS 1.940 SUB PART N (c)Minimum requirements for a pilot relievingthe commander: • Valid Airline Transport Pilot Licence • Conversion training and checking (including Type Rating training) as prescribed in JAR–OPS 1.945 • All recurrent training and checking as prescribed in JAR–OPS 1.965 and JAR-OPS 1.968 and • Route competence qualification as prescribed in JAR–OPS 1.975 (For relief of the co-pilot see Appendix 1 JAR-OPS 1.940 (d)) In-flight relief of flight crew members (cont.)
SUB PART N JAR-OPS 1.943 Crew Resource Management (CRM) Prior to the introduction of CRM skills assessment: • detailed description of the CRM methodology including terminology used • acceptable to the Authority • published in Operations Manual • Operators should establish procedures to be applied in the event that personnel do not achieve or maintain the required standards
AMC OPS 1.945(a)(9) SUB PART N The conversion course should include: • training in the use and knowledge of automation • flight crew member receives training on: • The application of the operations policy concerning the use of automation as stated in the Operations Manual, and • System and human limitations associated with the use of automation CRM Use of Automation
AMC OPS 1.945(a)(9) SUB PART N Objective of the training: • Provide appropriate knowledge, skills and behavioural patterns for managing and operating automated systems • Special attention should be given to how automation increases the need for crews to have common understanding of the way in which the system performs, and any features of automation which make this understanding difficult CRM Use of Automation
SUB PART N AMC OPS 1/3.945 • Type rating training may be conducted separately or as part of conversion training • Operator’s conversion course shall include: • Ground training • Emergency and safety equipment training • Aeroplane training (STD) and checking • Line flying under supervision and line check • Elements of CRM shall be conducted Conversion Course Syllabus
SUB PART N AMC OPS 1.965(d) Emergency and Safety equipment training should include joint practice in aeroplane evacuations so that all who are involved are aware of the duties other crew members should perform. When such practice is not possible, combined flight crew and cabin crew training should include joint discussion of emergency scenarios Emergency and Safety Equipment Training
SUB PART N AMC OPS 1.965(d) Emergency and Safety Equipment training should, as far as is practicable, take place in conjunction with cabin crew undergoing similar training with emphasis on co-ordinated procedures and two-way communication between the flight deck and the cabin Emergency and Safety Equipment Training
SUB PART N AMC OPS 3.965(d) Where life-rafts are fitted for extended over water operations a comprehensive wet drill to cover all ditching procedures should be practiced by aircraft crew: • Actual donning and inflation of a life-jacket • Demonstration of the inflation of life-rafts • Use of all survival equipment Water Survival Training
SUB PART N AMC to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.965 Pilot incapacitation training • Procedures should be established to train flight crew to recognise and handle pilot incapacitation -This training should be conducted every year and can form part of other recurrent training -It should take the form of classroom instruction, discussion or video or other similar means 2. If a Flight Simulator is available for the type of aeroplane operated, practical training on pilot incapacitation should be carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years
SUB PART N IEM OPS 1/3.965 • Line checks, route and aerodrome competency and recent experience requirements are intended to ensure the crew member’s ability to operate efficiently under normal conditions • The line check is performed in the aeroplane Recurrent training and checking
SUB PART N IEM OPS 1/3.965 • Line checks. The line check is considered a particularly important factor in the development, maintenance and refinement of high operating standards • Proficiency Training and Checking. When an STD is used, the opportunity should be taken, where possible, to use Line Oriented Flying Training Recurrent training and checking (cont.)
JAR-OPS 1.968 SUB PART N 1. A pilot who may be assigned to operate in either pilots seat completes appropriate training and checking 2. The training and checking programme is specified in the Operations Manual and is acceptable to the authority Pilot qualification to operate in either pilot’s seat An operator shall ensure that:
JAR-OPS 1.981 SUB PART N When a flight crew member operates both helicopters and aeroplanes: • An operator shall ensure that operations of helicopter and aeroplane are limited to one type each • The operator shall specify appropriate procedures and/or operational restrictions, approved by the authority, in the Operations Manual Operation of helicopters and aeroplanes
SUB PART N JAR-OPS 1/3.985 An operator shall: • Maintain records of all training checking and qualification prescribed in JAR-OPS 1.945, 1.955, 1.965, 1.968 and 1.975 undertaken by a flight crew member; and • Make the records of all conversion courses and recurrent training and checking available, on request, to the flight crew member concerned Training records
SUB PART N IEM OPS 1/3.985 A summary of training should be maintained by the operator to show a flight crew member’s completion of each stage of training and checking.- Training records
SUBPART 0 Cabin Crew
SUB PART O JAR-OPS 1/3.988 Applicability An operator shall ensure that all crew members, other that flight crew members, assigned by the operator to duties in the passenger compartment of an aeroplane, comply with the requirements of this Subpart except for additional crew members solely assigned to specialist duties
Additional crew members assigned to specialist duties SUB PART O JAR-OPS 1.988 The additional crew members solely assigned to specialist duties to whom the requirements of Subpart O, are not applicable include the following: • Child minders/escorts • Entertainers • Ground engineers • Interpreters • Medical personnel • Secretaries • Security staff
SUB PART O JAR-OPS 1.990 Number and Composition of cabin crew • If the MAPSC is 20 or more, and at least one passenger is carried: • ONE for every 50 (or fraction of 50) seats installed on each deck; or • The number who participated in the evacuation demonstration; or • A number specified by the Authority • Whichever is the greatest
JAR-OPS 1/3.995 SUB PART O (1) Is at least 18 years of age; • Has passed an initial medicalexamination or assessment and is found medicallyfit to dischargethe dutiesspecified in theOperations Manual(See AMC OPS 1.995(a)(2)); • Remains medically fit to dischargethe duties specified in the Operations Manual Minimum requirements • An operator shall ensure that each cabincrew member:
JAROPS 1/3.995 SUB PART O (b) An operator shall ensure: • thateach cabincrew memberiscompetent to performhis duties inaccordance with procedures specifiedin theOperations Manual Minimum requirements
JAR-OPS 1/3.1005 SUB PART O • An operator shall ensure that each cabin crew member successfully completes initial training • The training programme must be approved by the Authority, in accordance with Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.1005, and the checking prescribed in JAR-OPS 1.1025 before undertaking conversion training Initial training (See Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.1005) (See IEM OPS 1.1005/1.1010/1.1015/1.1020)
IEM to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.1005/1.1015 SUB PART O • The nature of operations as well as the associated crew operating procedures and areas of operations which produce particular difficulties. Adverse climatological conditions and unusual hazards should also be addressed Crew Resource Management Training Crew Resource Management training should include:
JAR-OPS 1.1005/1.1015 SUB PART O IEM to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.1005/1.1015 • Awareness of flight crew management of various emergency situations and consequential effects on the operation of the aeroplanes and • Where practicable, the participation of the senior cabin crew member in flight simulator Line Orientated Flying Training exercises Crew Resource Management Training (cont.)
JAR-OPS 1.1005/1.1010/1.1015/1.1020 SUB PART O Training may include the use of mock-up facilities,video presentations, computer based training and othertypes of training A reasonable balance between thedifferent training methods should be achieved Training Methods
JAR-OPS 1/3.1012 SUB PART O An operator shall ensure that: • following completion of conversion training, each cabin crew member undertakes familiarisation prior to operating as one of the minimum number of cabin crew required by JAR-OPS 1.990 Familiarisation
JAR-OPS 1/3.1015 SUB PART O An operator shall ensure: • that each cabin crew member undergoes recurrent training, covering the actions assigned to each crew member in normal and emergency procedures and drills relevant to the type (s) and/or variant (s) of aeroplane on which they operate in accordance with Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.1015 Recurrent training (See Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.1015 and IEM OPS 1.1015) (See IEM OPS 1.1005/ 1.1010/1.1015/1.1020)
JAR-OPS 1/3.1015 SUB PART O (b)An operator shall ensure that the recurrent training and checking programme, approved by the Authority, includes theoretical and practical instruction, together with individual practice, as prescribed in Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.1015 (c)The period of validity of recurrent training and the associated checking required by JAR-OPS 1.1025 shall be 12 calendar months in addition to the remainder of the month of issue. If issued within the final 3 calendar months of validity of a previous check, the period of validity shall extend from the date of issue until 12 calendar months from the expiry date of that previous check Recurrent training
JAR-OPS 1/3.1035 SUB PART O An operator shall: • Maintain records of all training andcheckingrequired by JAR-OPS 1.1005, 1.1010,1.1015, 1.1020 and1.1025; and • Make the records of all initial,conversionandrecurrent training and checkingavailable,on request, to the cabin crew memberconcerned Training
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