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JAR-OPS 3 Training Course Lecture 4a. Subpart B - General. Lecture 3. JAR-OPS 3. Subpart B 3.005 (a),(b),(c),(d),(e),(f),(g),(h),(i). 3.005(a)- CAT in accordance with JAR-OPS 3 3.005(b)- CAT helis comply with JAR-26 3.005(c) – Flight Manual Limitations 3.005(d) – HEMS Operations
JAR-OPS 3 Training Course Lecture 4a
Lecture 3 JAR-OPS 3 Subpart B 3.005 (a),(b),(c),(d),(e),(f),(g),(h),(i)
3.005(a)- CAT in accordance with JAR-OPS 3 3.005(b)- CAT helis comply with JAR-26 3.005(c) – Flight Manual Limitations 3.005(d) – HEMS Operations 3.005(e) – Hostile outside congested areas 3.005(f) – VFR ops. Helicopters <3175kg 3.005(g) – Local area ops. Helicopters >3175kg 3.005(h) – Helicopter Hoist Operations 3.005(i) – Operations to restricted Public Interest sites Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005
Appendix 1 to 3.005(c) Allows momentary flight within the H/V envelope during T/Off and Landing when operating to : To heli-decks and elevated heliports Performance Class 2 , Restricted Public Interest Sites (Hospitals, lighthouses) Hostile non-congested areas (eg North of 45°N) Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005(c)
Appendix 1 to 3.005(d) Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS). “A Flight to facilitate medical assistance where immediate and rapid transportation is essential” By carrying : Medical personnel, or Medical supplies, or Ill or injured persons. Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005(d)
App 1 to 3.005(d) HEMS Operating base – Where crew and helicopter are on standby, (Hospital, heliport etc.) HEMS Operating site – A site selected for landing and T/Off during a HEMS operation. Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005(d)
HEMS crews. DAY – 1 pilot and 1 HEMS crewmember (Who must be trained in accordance with Sub Part O), NIGHT – 2 pilots (OR 1 pilot and 1 trained crewmember, operating in specific geographic areas approved by the Authority and with provisions eg. Adequate ground reference, MET information, crew qualifications etc.) Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005(d)
HEMS Operations Manual Requirements : Performance Selection of crews Operating minima Specific requirements : Medical Equipment – a/c installation and procedures Training and checking HEMS crewmembers Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005
HEMS Crewmember Training : HEMS duties Navigation Use of radio equipment On-board medical equipment Helicopter and Med. Equipment preparation. Use of a/c instruments and checklists Understanding of a/c systems and its equipment Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005
HEMS Crewmember Training (continued): Crew coordination, Practice HEMS response, Refuelling, Operating site selection, Handling of patients Marshalling, Rotors running – dangers Inter-comm system Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005
ACJ to App 1 3.005(d) HEMS Philosophy. RISK. To : Third parties, Passengers and Crew members. Where : En Route, at the accident site, at a restricted hospital site (eg. Elevated helipad) Mitigation : Crew Experience, specialist training, two-crew operation. Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005(d)
AIR AMBULANCE “A normal transport task with no higher risk than on a Commercial Air Transport flight” For the transfer of a patient (or equipment) where life or death is not an issue. Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005
THE HEMS PRINCIPLE – “The Aviation Risk should be proportional to the TASK” Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005
MEDICAL DECISIONS. HEMS OR AIR AMBULANCE????? Must be made by the Medical Experts. Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005
HEMS OPERATING SITES : Pick-up site – Can be anywhere could need alleviations from regulations. Hospital sites – Generally in congested areas, In hospital grounds OR on hospital buildings Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005
App 1 to 3.005(d) Performance : Hostile areas (and congested?) – Class 1 (or Class 2 with 3.005(i) approval) HEMS op.site – Class 1 ( where possible) HEMS op. site – large enough to provide adequate clearance from obstructions Operations manual guidance for unsurveyed sites. Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005(d)
App 1 to 3.005(i) – Public Interest Sites. “A site used exclusively for operations in the public interest”. Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005
App 1 to 3.005(i) – Public Interest Sites. Where these sites are restricted :- Requires Authority Approval specifying: The site, Helicopter type The operation. Applicable to : Multi engine turbine helicopters, MAPSC of 6 or less Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005
App 1 to 3.005(i) – Public Interest Sites. Why needed? – Existing P/I sites present RISKS due to : Helicopters not meeting Class 1 performance, FATO size less than minimum required for the helicopter, Obstacles preventing use of Class 1 procedures, Obstacles which prevent recovery from Eng. Fail in critical take-off phase. Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005
App 1 to 3.005(i) – Public Interest Sites. SHORT-TERM SOLUTION. Grant an alleviation for existing Helicopters and Sites, (This was done up to December 2004) BUT : Supply of replacement helicopters too slow, SO - Extension possible (where an operator could showan aircraft replacement programme in place) Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005
App 1 to 3.005(i) – Public Interest Sites. LONG-TERM SOLUTION (From 1st January 2005 )– Can operate existing helicopters to existing PI sites provided that : i) For non-congested hostile (lighthouses etc.) hover possible on 2 engines OGE, ii) Congested hostile (hospitals in urban areas) 1 eng. Climb gradient = 8%, still air, max. con. Power, VTOSS. Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005
App 1 to 3.005(i) – Public Interest Sites. ACJs to App 1 to 3.005 (i), - (a) (1) and (d) 2. Approval to operate to restricted PI sites with old generation helicopters MUST be conditional upon an improvement programme for new generation helicopters and improvement OR removal of non-compliant sites. Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005
Subpart BJAR-OPS 3.005 End of Lecture 4a Any Questions?...