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Delve into the Romantic period with this quiz covering key concepts from Wordsworth to Shelley. Test your knowledge on the poets and their works.

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  1. Romanticism ETP QUIZ

  2. 1 The Romantic period derives its name from what genre? a) Roman tragedy b) Roman poetry c) Medieval romance d) Romantic comedy

  3. 1 KEY c)

  4. 2 According to Wordsworth, who do poets write for? a) the underprivileged b) the well educated c) other poets d) everybody

  5. 2 KEY d)

  6. 3 Wordsworth suggests that a poem tends to get worse when what happens? a) It is edited too much. b) It uses unnatural language. c) It is read aloud. d) It gets too long.

  7. 3 KEY b)

  8. 4 Wordsworth writes that poetry is the spontaneous overflow of… a) subconscious thoughts b) powerful feelings c) sublime images d) intense dreams

  9. 4 KEY b)

  10. 5 Wordsworth declares that a poet is… a) a man speaking to men b) a worshipper of God c) a prophet d) a critic of society

  11. 5 KEY a)

  12. 6 Which of the following does Wordsworth suggest that poets possess more so than ordinary people? a) a knowledge of nature b) a knowledge of history c) a knowledge of human nature d) a knowledge of moral philosophy

  13. 6 KEY c)

  14. 7 What does Shelley define as “the expression of the Imagination”? a) reason b) emotion c) poetry d) logic

  15. 7 KEY c)

  16. 8 According to Shelley, the “great instrument of moral good” is which of the following? a) imagination b) reason c) feeling d) tradition

  17. 8 KEY a)

  18. 9 Which of the following completes this famous declaration from Shelley’s A Defence of Poetry: “Poets are the unacknowledged … of the World.” a) prophets b) judges c) legislators d) leaders

  19. 9 KEY c)

  20. 10 Shelley’s A Defence of Poetry was written as a response to what work? a) William Wordsworth’s “Preface” to Lyrical Ballads b) Edward Young’s Conjectures on Original Composition c) Samuel Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria d) Thomas Love Peacock’s “The Four Ages of Poetry”

  21. 10 KEY d)

  22. 11 • Where is this extract taken from (writer/title)? Who is ‘I’? • My person was hideous and my stature gigantic. What did this mean? Who was I? What was I? Whence did I come? What was my destination?

  23. 11 KEY • Mary Shelley, Frankenstein • The Creature

  24. 12 • Where is this extract taken from (writer/title)? Who does the word ‘thou’ refer to? • Cold Pastoral! When old age shall this generation waste, Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe Than ours, a friend to man

  25. 12 KEY • John Keats, ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’ • The urn

  26. 13 • Where is this extract taken from (writer/title)? Who do the highlighted words refer to? • I met a lady in the meads Full beautiful, a faery's child; Her hair was long, her foot was light, And her eyes were wild.

  27. 13 KEY • John Keats, ‘La Belle Dame Sans Merci’ • The knight and the lady

  28. 14 • Where is this extract taken from (writer/title)? Who is ‘thou’? • Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams The blue Mediterranean, where he lay, Lulled by the coil of his crystalline streams, Beside a pumice isle in Baiae's bay, And saw in sleep old palaces and towers Quivering within the wave's intenser day,

  29. 14 KEY • P. B. Shelley, ‘Ode to the West Wind’ • The West Wind

  30. 15 • Where is this extract taken from (writer/title)? What does the highlighted word refer to? • Earth has not any thing to show more fair: Dull would he be of soul who could pass by A sight so touching in its majesty: This City now doth, like a garment, wear The beauty of the morning, silent, bare

  31. 15 KEY • W. Wordsworth, ‘Sonnet: Composed Upon Westminster Bridge’ • London

  32. 16 • Where is this extract taken from (writer/title)? Who are ‘they’? • For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude…

  33. 16 KEY • W. Wordsworth, ‘I Wandered Lonely’ • The daffodils he saw on an excursion

  34. 17 • Where is this extract taken from (writer/title)? Which book is this text from? • I met a little cottage Girl: She was eight years old, she said; Her hair was thick with many a curl That clustered round her head.

  35. 17 KEY • W. Wordsworth, ‘We Are Seven’ • Lyrical Ballads

  36. 18 • Where is this extract taken from (writer/title)? Which book is this text from? • Piping down the valleys wild Piping songs of pleasant glee On a cloud I saw a child. And he laughing said to me.

  37. 18 KEY • William Blake, ‘Introduction’ • Songs of Innocence

  38. 19 • Which poets collaborated on Lyrical Ballads?

  39. 19 KEY • W. Wordsworth • S. T. Coleridge

  40. 20 • Which philosophers had a particular influence on Coleridge?

  41. 20 KEY • Immanuel Kant • Friedrich Schelling

  42. 21 • Define ‘bard’ and give the name of at least one romantic writer who makes extensive use of this concept.

  43. 21 KEY • A prophet-like artist-figure or a visionary poet inspired by medieval (especially Celtic) professional poet-singers • W. Blake

  44. 22 • List at least two members of the first generation of romantic poets.

  45. 22 KEY • W. Wordsworth • S.T. Coleridge • Robert Southey • Sir Walter Scott

  46. 23 • List at least two members of the second generation of romantic poets.

  47. 23 KEY • Lord Byron • P. B. Shelley • John Keats

  48. 24 • List at least two members of the Lake School of romantic poets.

  49. 24 KEY • W. Wordsworth • S. T. Coleridge • Robert Southey

  50. 25 • List at least two members of the Cockney school of romantic poets.

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