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Crayons to Careers

Crayons to Careers. Lyn Haywood haywoolm@mlc.vic.edu.au Careers Coordinator CEAV Committee Member Outline: Developing a view of Career Planning Widening perception of students’ options Resources VTAC application process “How to” slides. What's in a Day?. $. At Home. Free Time.

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Crayons to Careers

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  1. Crayons to Careers Lyn Haywood haywoolm@mlc.vic.edu.au Careers Coordinator CEAV Committee Member Outline: • Developing a view of Career Planning • Widening perception of students’ options • Resources • VTAC application process • “How to” slides

  2. What's in a Day? $ At Home Free Time They need artistic fulfilment in their lifestyle

  3. They need to have a fallback plan Art Students aim to earn their living with an Artistic job Down side is the difficulty of entry into courses and employment $ At Home Free Time They need artistic fulfilment in their lifestyle

  4. Portfolio approach Creative Fulfillment in Free Time if not in job Job for $ use Creative “flair” $ At Home Free Time Free time activity could become part or all or $

  5. Portfolio approach need Eventually set up own business would need entrepreneurship

  6. Expand idea of their options (start in year 10)The following activities help identify 3 career interest areas: • Career Key at http://www.ncsu.edu/careerkey/ • Job Guide Try combining their interests eg artistic with Outdoor- Landscape, computers or developing the “mind set” for a Portfolio approach

  7. Preparation for VTAC Application 1. Find courses leading to job use: OZJAC for Victoria and National VTAC Guide Index of Major subjects VTAC CourseLink on Web page Check out courses on Open Days See “How to” slides at the end of presentation

  8. 2. Read the VTAC Guide Applied DesignBox Hill, Box Hill: 51931 RMIT Uni, City: 72951 Title and lengthCertificate IV in Arts (Applied Design) : FTI Provides the opportunity to develop and enhance skills in graphic art, graphic design, Prerequisites: There are no prerequisite studies. Selection mode: Folio, interview Extra requirements: All applicants must contact preferred institutes in October for interviews and information regarding presentation of folios. Telephone Box Hill (03) 9286 9644…..Late applicants must telephone the institutes by 16 November for information on interviews/folios. This course may be added at Change of Preference only if the extra requirements are met in October. Major Subjects: Design principles and elements, introduction to design process, three-dimensional Studies, drawing, consumer psychology and marketing, thematic studies in design Read the course entries

  9. 3. Complete Extra Requirements Get them to Check the VTAC Guide & start the Extra Requirements early • Do as many as possible in their interest areas because courses could then be added at Change of Preference time • A compulsory part of the application • Interview, folio, supplementary form attendance at Information session etc

  10. Follow the instructions to get a pre-selection KitFOR ALL COURSES • Encourage, insist, demand, make, force, stand over BUT make sure they get the KIT As a fallback even get some yourself

  11. Helpful year 12 sessions: • Understand the “Kits” • Ensuring they have the Kits • Folio Preparation session • Start early to get slides ready • Interview preparation • Practice interviewsa few minutes to talk about their work • Have a selection officer out to talk to them

  12. Interview PreparationResearch and understand: Practice Interview • The course • The courses’ “competitors” • Need to be able to say why they prefer the course – “Ego Massage” • Career & Job opportunity from the course • Ups and Downs of the Industry Need to be able to talk about their art

  13. VTAC Guide Page 50 Types of courses 1 – 2 - 3 Course Type Fee First Round Data per year

  14. 4. Put in VTAC Application on Time VTAC Preferences Get on to the VTAC system early List Preferences in order of personal preference 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Max of 8 of one type - HECS “1” or Fee “2” No more than 12 courses in total Safety Net use Clearly In ENTER Local Full Fee, if this is an option

  15. Advisory letter - type 'A[i]‘ VTAC application number: Following your recent interview and review of your folio,I am pleased to inform you that you have met the pre-selection requirements to enter: the    (course name)   (VTAC course code) This means that    (institution)    is prepared to make you an offer for this course in the first round of VTAC offers published on 22 January 2002 provided that you also meet the tertiary entrance requirements and the specific requirements of the course. Fulfil the requirements for the VCE

  16. Advisory letter - type 'A[ii]‘ VTAC application number: Following your recent interview and review of your folio, I am pleased to inform you that you have met the pre-selection requirements to enter: the    (course name)   (VTAC course code) This means that    (institution)    is prepared to make you an offer for this course in the first round of VTAC offers published on 22 January 2002 provided that you also achieve an ENTER of at least an ENTER of at least       

  17. VTAC Change of Preference ABCletters change order of preferences 1. B 2. B 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A 9. 10. 11. 12. “B” letters need to be in the top preferences to have any real chance of an offer “A” letters will receive an offerif requirements have been fulfilled. Safety net may be a year of Folio preparation

  18. Offers - Two first round offers are possible 1. No 2. No 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. Yes 7. Yes 8. Yes 9. No 10. Yes 11. Yes 12. Yes HECS offer “1”courses HECS Full Fee offer “2”courses Local Full Fee

  19. 12 noon, 24 December: Institutions make selection, based on what is outlined under Selection Mode Clearly in produced for courses selecting on ENTER only Offers made via VTAC Data sent to institutions Change of Preference and Selection 7am, 17 December 2001: ENTER available Change of Preference Opens Advisory letters “SHOULD” have been delivered REORDER COURSES ADD Courses if Extra Requirements have been done

  20. Page 443 Selection two stage process ENTER order First Round Offers 80% Clearly - in ENTER Middle Band 20% Fringe ENTER VTAC form “S” looked at in Middle Band selection

  21. VTAC “S” FormsStudents should put one in if: • If they have applied for Consideration of Disadvantage through VCAA • They need to draw the selection officers attention to some strengths ie a VET course similar to the courses they are applying for • Art students may need “Following up” to put in their “S” Forms

  22. VTAC Guide Page 23 • Irregular Offers • “Application for irregular offer” • is posted with the offer • Used after first round offers to apply for : • Course lower on their preference list • New course if Extra Requirements have been completed

  23. Second Round Offers for HECS and Local Full Fee courses not for Overseas Fee courses Courses “Top up” with either Irregular or 2nd Round offers 1. 2. 3. Offer 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Second round offer possible from courses “above” offer Game plan: Accept 1st Offer

  24. Resources • Job Guide given to all year 10’shttp://www.deetya.gov.au/jobguideonline/ • http://www.detya.gov.au/archive/ty/careers/ciproducts.htmfor Bullseye A4 posters • OZJAC computer program or online at http://www.curriculum.edu.au/ozjacweb/ • VTAC CoursLinkhttp://www.vtac.edu.au

  25. Available for network, in CD and on the Web

  26. Sort Courses using

  27. Use Field of study for all courses in the area

  28. Use Entry Requirements – Year 12 to focus the search

  29. Use Related Job Name to find courses leading to a job

  30. Click “Add” to select the jobClick “OK” to do the search

  31. 1. Option to print all courses and providers2. View and print course descriptions

  32. Name, number and phone number are displayed VTAC CourseLinkwww.vtac.edu.au If year 11 or 12’s put in their VTAC / VCAAnumber and pin and it will display their subjects

  33. Students need to put a complete VCE in

  34. Course Search: VICTERType 1 = HECSRegionField of Education Use ENTER Range at C of P Time

  35. Click on “INFO” for information of what is in the Field of Education

  36. The Career Teachers modulewill have a graph of the range of ENTER’s in the “I” courses List of CoursesClearly In’s or “I”

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