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RTH Sofia: Meteorological Telecommunication Success in Balkans

Learn how RTH Sofia successfully connects NMCs in Balkan states for GTS data exchange, implementing VPN technologies. Includes details on network infrastructure and system operations.

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RTH Sofia: Meteorological Telecommunication Success in Balkans

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  1. NIMH, Bulgaria RTH SOFIA STATUS OF RTH Sofia Submitted by Mariana Grueva, Head of Telecommunication Division, NIMH Sofia, Bulgaria ISS/ICM-MTN & ET-OI 2008/Doc. 2.15 Geneva, 23-26 September 2008

  2. NIMH, Bulgaria RTH SOFIA • RTH - Sofia’s zone of responsibility as appointed to the regional meteorological telecommunication plan are: Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Syrian Arab Republic. • RTH - Sofia successfully migrated to the RMDCN IP/VPN MPLS (OBS) on 18.06.2007 • RTH – Sofiause TCP/IP as the data transport protocol, with FTP, to all connections.

  3. NIMH, Bulgaria RTH SOFIA In the latter years RTH Sofia work successfully on the connection of the NMCs of its zone of responsibility and some NMCs of Balkan states into the GTS through RTH Sofia. NMCs in Tirana (Albania), Podgorica (Montenegro) and Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) were connected into the GTS. The connections were accomplished by WMO VCP Coordinated Projects implemented in the relevant country to solve the significant problems of some NMCs to fulfill their requirements for international exchange of data and products keeping balance of costs, availability and functionality. The connections provide exchange of data/products on the GTS through RTH Sofia based on public Internet and VPN IPSec technology. However the realized Projects provide an effectiveness exchange on the GTS .


  5. NIMH, Bulgaria RTH SOFIA • RTH – Sofia/NMCs of the zone of responsibility implementation status on GTS circuits:

  6. NIMH, Bulgaria RTH SOFIA

  7. NIMH, Bulgaria RTH SOFIA

  8. NIMH, Bulgaria RTH SOFIA

  9. NIMH, Bulgaria RTH SOFIA

  10. NIMH, Bulgaria RTH SOFIA

  11. NIMH, Bulgaria RTH SOFIA

  12. NIMH, Bulgaria Zone of responsibility DMZ Intranet Gateway Firewall Extranet users Transmet + DB RTH SOFIA Basic infrastructure of RTH Sofia Internet access and servers DMZ Web Mail DNS FTP anonymous VPN + IPSec Proxy Application level Real IP addresses Интернет Web / FTP Rest network Intranet Internet Gateway Firewall tunnels IPSec Internet unnels IPSec NIMH RBSN/RBCN stations Operative sub network Intranet VPN+IPSec Firewall VPN+ IPSec NIMH corporate network (branch offices) Intranet Operative sub network RMDCN

  13. NIMH, Bulgaria RTH SOFIA Details RTH Sofia Message Switching System MSS  TRANSMET (Meteo France) running on OS Linux (Slackware) and Intel based PCs.To be assured stable operation the MSS consists of two sub-systems: operational and standby. Installed in 2002 by RTH Sofia. Data base system - developed by RTH Sofia.  Other systems: RETIM2000 METEOSAT MSG Internet RTH-Sofia implements all of Internet services and Internet technologies as VPN, security methods and technologies, etc. RTH-Sofia implements WWW and Web technologies in operational mode for data/products collection using authentication procedures. NMC Bucharest Circuits √ RMDCN WMC Moscow ECMWF √ NMC Chisinau -a PTT analogue link (19.2 - 33 Kbps) Message Switching System MESSIR-COMM (Corobor) Other systems: RETIM2000 NMC Belgrade Circuits RMDCN; RTH Vienna RTH Offenbach NMC Budapest ECMWF Message Switching System MESSIR – Comm (COROBOR) Satellite distribution systems: DWDSAT NTSADIS KONGSBERG SPACETC’S MSG Ground receiving station IPSec VPN over Internet The VCP Coordinated Projects for the connection of the NMCs Tirana/Podgorica/Sarajevo into the GTSthrough RTH Sofia on public Internet; The Projects propose: ■ IPSec VPN over Internet ■ PC -based file distribution system at NMCs AFD The Projects were implemented in: NMC Tirana, Albania on March 2006 NMC Podgorica, Montenegro on April 2008 NMC Sarajevo, BIH on May 2008 NMC Skopje AFD Installed by RTH Sofia. NMC Damascus AFTN - V.35 RETIM2000 - receiver,MESSIR VISION application. MSG system by COROBOR - 2006

  14. Basic POP POP LAN Intranet N e t w o r k C o n f i g u r a t i o n RTH-Sofia VPN+IPSec+ Firewall PC FreeBSD/Linux DMZ optic Internet leased line/ satellite NMCs-Tirana/Podgorica/Sarajevo VPN+IPSec+ Firewal + NAT DMZ PC FreeBSD/ Linux Internet Access Device PC Linux FTP server + AFD PC Windows IPSec Tunnel + IPSec operator work place

  15. NIMH, Bulgaria RTH SOFIA RTH SOFIA Back-up systems • Transfer of bulletins to RTH-Sofia by using of HTTPS protocol • Exchange of data by using of e-mail

  16. NIMH, Bulgaria RTH SOFIA x.txt Server WWWSSL HTTPS browser PC Windows file x.txt DMZ Internet D a t a C o l e c t i o n S y s t e m RTH-Sofia DMZ RBSN/RBCN/NMCs

  17. RTH SOFIA Problems About connection to the GTS √ There is a NMC not connected to GTS yet: NMC Damascus NMC Damascus has a problem in receiving data through AFTN. Due to high cost of the GTS connection’s offering they have not plan about. Proposal: Based on the recommendation of RAVI WG PIW, fifth session а VCP Project: VPN/IPSec over Internet connection between RTH Sofia and NMC Damascus to be announced. √ NMC Larnaca uses low speed connection to GTS via NMC Athens The attempt of RTH Sofia could be apply in NMC Larnaca for the VPN/IPSec over Internet connection between RTH Sofia and NMC Larnaca by the implementation of a relevant project;

  18. NIMH, Bulgaria RTH SOFIA TRAINING During the Project implementations all NMCs expressed request for an additional training about the new installed systems and technologies, the current GTS and it in the near, data formats and so on. Their requests are reflected in the relevant final reports sent to WMO. In regard to this I suggest a workshop to be carried out in Sofia under assistance of WMO where the experts from RTH Sofia to lead the training course (in practice as well) by programme confirmed to WMO. OTHERS The relevant Vol. C1 are not updated for some countries of the RTH Sofia’s zone of responsibility. In result the list of stations for monitoring is not correct and the results from the monitoring, too.

  19. NIMH, Bulgaria RTH SOFIA Migration to WIS NIMH plans to become a DCPC in the WIS structure.


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