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Evaluation of Socioeconomic Data Collected from Population Censuses

This outline provides guidance on evaluating socioeconomic data collected from population censuses, including core characteristics, main groups, and data quality checks. Examples are given for household size, marital status, literacy rate, and unemployment rate.

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Evaluation of Socioeconomic Data Collected from Population Censuses

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  1. Evaluation of Socioeconomic Data Collected from Population Censuses United Nations Statistics Division

  2. Outline • Core socio-economic characteristics as defined by the UN guidelines • Examples of data checking for the following data obtained from censuses • Population by household size • Population by marital status • Literacy rate • Unemployment rate

  3. Main groups of socio-economic characteristics from censuses • Household and family characteristics • Household and family composition • Demographic and social characteristics • Age • Sex • Marital status • Educational characteristics • Literacy • School attendance • Educational attainment • Economic characteristics • Activity status • Occupation • Industry • Status in employment Core topics from the Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Rev. 2

  4. What could be done to check data quality? • Check internal consistency of the data • Whether plausible, when tabulated or when cross tabulated with other characteristics • Compare with other sources (tabular form, indirect comparison) • Make sure that definitions used are consistent • Graph the derived indicators • Cohort analysis of certain indicators • Disaggregate by sex • Compare with other sources, direct comparison • Re-interview surveys, where people were re-interviewed and content of the census responses is verified

  5. Examples of data checking – population by household sizecomparing with other sources Data source: graph produced based on data from United Nations Demographic Yearbook and Measure DHS country report

  6. Examples of data checking – population by marital status (1)comparing multiple sources Data source: graph produced based on data from United Nations Demographic Yearbook

  7. Examples of data checking - population by marital status (2)Always check definitions Data source: graph produced based on data from United Nations Demographic Yearbook and Measure DHS country report

  8. Examples of data checking – population by marital status (3) Comparing value of SMAM from different sources • Singulate mean age at first marriage (SMAM): Proportion single in age group a

  9. Examples of data checking – population by marital status (4) Comparing value of SMAM from different sources Data source: graph produced based on data from United Nations Demographic Yearbook

  10. Examples of data checking – literacy rates (1) comparing data from multiple sources Data source: graph produced based on data from United Nations Demographic Yearbook

  11. Examples of data checking – literacy rates (2) comparing data from multiple sources Data source: graph produced based on data from United Nations Demographic Yearbook and Measure DHS country report

  12. Examples of data checking – literacy rates (3) comparing definitions • 2000 Philippines census long form on literacy: • P16. Can _____ read and write a simple message in any language or dialect? • 2008 DHS:

  13. Examples of data checking - literacy rate (4) cohort analysis Data source: graph produced based on data from United Nations Demographic Yearbook

  14. Examplesof data checking - unemployment rate (1)Comparing definitions • 2000 Turkey census questionnaire:

  15. Examplesof data checking - unemployment rate (2)Comparing definitions • Among the ones who are not employed, and who have been seeking a job and who have used at least one active method in seeking a job in the last three months and the persons who are 12 years of age and over in the reference period. Besides the ones who found a job or who established their business but waiting for starting the job are also considered as unemployed. • Referring to the last 7 days Source: Turkey 2000 Census of Population Social and Economic Characteristics, State Institute of Statistics, Turkey

  16. Examplesof data checking - unemployment rate (3)Comparing definitions • Turkish labour force survey: • Persons unemployed: the unemployed comprises all persons 15 years of age and over who were not employed during the reference period had used at least one channel for seeking a job during the last three months and were available to start work within two weeks. • Persons who have already found a job and will start to work within 3 months, or established his/her own job but were waiting to complete necessary documents to start work were also considered to be unemployed. • Unemployment rate: the ratio of unemployed persons to the labour force. Source: Turkey Labour force survey meta-data

  17. Examplesof data checking - unemployment rate (4)Comparing definitions Source: Graph produced based on data from the United Nations Demographic Yearbook and from Turkish Labour force survey data available online

  18. Examplesof data checking - unemployment rate (5)sex distribution Source: Graph produced based on data from the United Nations Demographic Yearbook and from the Turkish Labour force survey data available online

  19. Examplesof data checking - unemployment rate (6)Comparing with Labour force data Source: Graph produced based on data from the United Nations Demographic Yearbook and from Turkish Labour force survey data available online

  20. Examplesof data checking - unemployment rate (7)by age and sex Source: Graph produced based on data from the United Nations Demographic Yearbook

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