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Quality of Age Data in Recent Arab Population Censuses

Explore the accuracy of age-sex reporting and digit preference patterns in ESCWA Arab countries' censuses. Evaluation using UN indices and Whipple's index. Importance of census data for estimates and projections.

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Quality of Age Data in Recent Arab Population Censuses

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  1. The quality of age data from some recent Arab population censuses First Conference of Al Khawarezmi in the Arab States Ismail LubbadDoha, 6-8 December 2010

  2. Introduction Census in ESCWA countries- An overview Objectives, data source and methodology Results Age-sex reporting Sex ratio with age Age heaping - digit preference Conclusion Contents

  3. Importance of population census data Stock data for population estimates/projections Data for sampling frames Only source of data on small areas (localities) Long history of census taking in the region Quality of census data – rarely evaluated Importance of age and sex data Introduction

  4. Census taking in ESCWA countries Table 1: Census taking in ESCWA countries

  5. Objectives and Methodology • Objectives: To examine the accuracy of age-sex reporting and the patterns of digit preference in censuses of population in (ESCWA) Arab countries. • Source of data: Tables on age-sex reporting from the two most recent censuses - NSOs • Methods: Descriptive analysis – common indices: • UN age-sex accuracy index, • Whipple-type indices • and descriptive charts Software: Population Analysis Spreadsheets (PAS)

  6. Results Table 2: Age-sex non-reporting in population census in ESCWA countries

  7. Accuracy of age-sex reporting • United Nations Age-Sex Accuracy Index measures sex-specific omission of persons in addition to age misreporting • Based on 5 year age groups Criteria of the U.N. INDEX Under 20 → Accurate • to 40 → Inaccurate Over 40 → Highly Inaccurate

  8. UN age-sex Accuracy index Table 3: Results of UN Age-Sex Accuracy Index in ESCWA countries (nationals only)

  9. UN age-sex accuracy index (cont…) UN age-sex Accuracy index

  10. Patterns of sex ratio with age

  11. Patterns of sex ratio with age

  12. Age heaping and digit preference • Data required: Population by sex and single year age • Index of measurement: Whipple's index

  13. Age heaping and digit preference • Table 4: Totals of Whipple and Myer's Indexes in ESCWA countries

  14. Population Pyramid in Yemen 2004

  15. Population Pyramid in Syria 2004

  16. Population Pyramid in Qatar 2004

  17. Conclusion – Looking forward • Preliminary results - PC 2010 will enrich the study and give a full picture; • Improvement in age reporting in all the countries • No problems in age heaping except for Yemen • Age sex structure is considered inaccurate in a number of the ESCWA countries

  18. Thank You lubbad@un.org

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