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*with input from a lot of others

SURFfederatie & SURFconext Federated identity system for scientific collaborations 9-10 June 2011 CERN Remco Poortinga – van Wijnen*, SURFnet remco.poortinga@surfnet.nl. *with input from a lot of others. Overview. SURFfederatie In 3 slides SURFconext Background Features Architecture

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*with input from a lot of others

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  1. SURFfederatie & SURFconext Federated identity system for scientific collaborations9-10 June 2011 CERNRemco Poortinga – van Wijnen*, SURFnetremco.poortinga@surfnet.nl *with input from a lot of others

  2. Overview • SURFfederatie • In 3 slides • SURFconext • Background • Features • Architecture • Services • TBD/Future development SURFnet. We make innovation work

  3. Federation Models • 1-1 • Business: SAML 1.x • de-facto • NxN (‘distributed’) • Shared trust, pt2pt • Education VS/Europe • Shibboleth • 2xN (‘hub-and-spoke’) • Central gateway (CFC) • Protocol translation • Attribute filtering & enrichment • Easier configuration for IdPs IDP SP IDP SP IDP SP IDP SP IDP SP IDP SP CFC IDP SP SURFnet. We make innovation work

  4. SURFfederatieFunctional View Identity Providers SURFfederatie CORE Service Providers Central Federation Components A-Select Cross A-Select Cross Credentials Applications Shibboleth SAML 2.0 SAML 2.0 WS-Fed / ADFS WS-Fed / ADFS SURFnet. We make innovation work

  5. Some numbers • IdPs (79) • 36 SAML 2.0 • 22 (30*) WS-Federation (ADFS) • (* 8 proxied) • 13 A-Select • SPs (55+) • Google apps, foodle, live@edu, CLARIN (7), several publishers, libraries, webshops, SURFconext, … • ≈ 700k users • (Technically) connected to eduGAIN SURFnet. We make innovation work

  6. SURFconextsome background • Goal of SURFnet is to enable collaboration • Across (institutional) borders • Used to be done by SURFgroepen service • Sharepoint • User defined groups/spaces • But: • Monolithic • No domestication (then) • Single (specific) service  no choice • No way to extend groups to other services • (exception: AdobeConnect) SURFnet. We make innovation work

  7. SURFconext • Allow users from different institutions to work together using their own preferred combination of tools • Using groups across services • Using SURFfederatie (trust, identities, attributes) SURFnet. We make innovation work

  8. SURFconextplatform features • IdP and SP (SAML 2.0) proxy • Group Relation Provider(s) • IdP and SP and oAuth registry • OpenSocial ‘Gadgets’ for GUI handling • OpenSocial ‘Social Data’ API • VO Registry  VO IdP • Uses OSS components where possible • Apache Shindig – OpenSocial Container • Apache Rave (incubator) – OpenSocial Portal • Corto – Idp/SP proxy • Janus – (SP/IdP Metadata) registry • Is Open Source itself – http://www.openconext.org SURFnet. We make innovation work

  9. SURFconext architecture SURFnet. We make innovation work

  10. SURFconextservices • Confluence • Alfresco • Liferay • WebEx • BigBlueButton • Sympa • Lobber • … https://wiki.surfnetlabs.nl/display/domestication/Overview SURFnet. We make innovation work

  11. What’s missing/TBD? • Group Management across boundaries • NREN and/or VO-platform boundary • On the agenda of GN3-JRA3-T2 • Production ready VO support • Group Management in context of a VO • virtualIDP for services supporting only single IdP endpoint (Google apps etc) • Roles and Rights • Roles group management ≠ roles services • Service usage (licenses for guest users) SURFnet - We make innovation work

  12. Questions? • http://www.surffederatie.nl • http://www.surfconext.nl • http://www.openconext.org remco.poortinga@surfnet.nl SURFnet. We make innovation work

  13. Backup slides SURFnet. We make innovation work

  14. OpenSocial - overview App’s Virtual Organization Consumers ‘Social Network’

  15. https://portal.surfconext.nl → http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/RaveProposal https://os.surfconext.nl → http://shindig.apache.org/ https://engine.surfconext.nl → http://code.google.com/p/corto/ https://serviceregistry.surfconext.nl → http://code.google.com/p/janus-ssp/(SURFteams) https://www.surfteams.nl → http://www.internet2.edu/grouper/

  16. SURFconext & eduGAIN IDP eduGAIN IDP IDP IDP IDP SP GuestIDP SP SURF-federatie IDP SP IDP Groups SP SURFconext/Corto VOs IDP SP Service Service Service SURFnet - We make innovation work

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