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The Eightfold Way: Art and Math Beyond 8

Explore the symmetry and beauty in math and art, from heptagons to hyperbolic Escher tilings on different surfaces. Discover the significance of the number 8 in geometric patterns and tessellations.

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The Eightfold Way: Art and Math Beyond 8

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  1. Art and MathBehind and Beyondthe 8-fold Way Carlo H. Séquin EECS Computer Science Division University of California, Berkeley

  2. Art, Math, Magic, and the Number 8 ... “Eightfold Way” at MSRI by Helaman Ferguson

  3. The Physicists’ Eightfold Way

  4. The Noble Eightfold Path -- The way to end suffering (Siddhartha Gautama)

  5. Siddhartha Gautama

  6. Helaman Ferguson’s The Eightfold Way 24 (lobed) heptagons on a genus-3 surface

  7. Visualization of Klein’s Quartic in 3D 24 heptagons on a genus-3 surface; a totally regular graph with 168 automorphisms

  8. 24 Heptagons – Forced into 3-Space Quilt by: Eveline Séquin(1993), based on a pattern obtained from Bill Thurston;turns inside-out ! • Retains 12 (24) symmetries of the original 168 automorphisms of the Klein polyhedron.

  9. Why Is It Called: “Eight-fold Way” ? • Petrie Polygons are “zig-zag” skew polygons that always hug a face for exactly 2 consecutive edges. • On a regular polyhedron all such Petrie paths are closed and are of the same length. • On the Klein Quartic, the length of these Petrie polygons is always eight edges.

  10. Petrie Path on Poincaré Disk • Exactly eight zig-zag moves lead to the “same” place

  11. My Long-standing Interest in Tilings in the plane on the sphere on the torus M.C. Escher Jane Yen, 1997 Young Shon, 2002 Can we do Escher-tilings on higher-genus surfaces?

  12. Lizard Tetrus(with Pushkar Joshi) Cover of the 2007 AMS Calendar of Mathematical Imagery

  13. 24 Lizards on the Tetrus One of 12 tiles 3 different color combinations

  14. Hyperbolic Escher Tilings All tiles are “the same” . . . • truly identical  from the same mold • on curved surfaces  topologically identical Tilings should be “regular” . . . • locally regular: all p-gons, all vertex valences v • globally regular: full flag-transitive symmetry(flag = combination: vertex-edge-face) • NOT TRUE for the Lizard TertrusThe Lizards don’t exhibit 7-fold symmetry!

  15. Decorating the Heptagons Split into 7 equal wedges. Distort edges,while maintaining: • C7 symmetry around the tile center, • C2 symmetry around outer edge midpoints, • C3 symmetry around all heptagon vertices.

  16. Creating the Heptagonal Fish Tile FundamentalDomain DistortedDomain Fit them together to cover the whole surface ...

  17. “Infinite” Tiling on the PoincaréDisk

  18. Genus 3Surface with168 fish • Every fish can map onto every other fish.

  19. The Dual Surface • 56 triangles • 24 vertices • genus 3 • globally regular • Petrie polygons of length 8

  20. Why is this so special ? • A whole book has been written about it(1993). • “The most important object in mathematics ...”

  21. Maximal Amount of Symmetry • Hurwitz showed that on a surface of genus g (>1) there can be at most (g-1)*84 automorphisms. • This limit is reached for genus 3. • It cannot be reached for genus 4, 5, 6. • It can be reached again for genus 7.

  22. Genus 3 and Genus 7 Canvas tetrahedral frame octahedral frame genus 3 , 24 heptagons genus 7, 72 heptagons 168 automorphisms 504 automorphisms

  23. Decorated Junction Elements 3-way junction 4-way junction 6 heptagons 12 heptagons

  24. Assembly of Genus-7 Surface Join zig-zag edges Genus 7 surface:of neighboring arms six 4-way junctions

  25. EIGHT 3-way Junctions • 336 Butterflies on a surface of genus 5. • Pretty, but NOTglobally regular !

  26. The Genus-7 Case Can do similar decorations -- but NOT globally regular! Perhaps the Octahedral frame does NOT have the best symmetry. Try to use surface with 7-fold symmetry ?

  27. Genus-7 Styrofoam Models

  28. Fundamental Domain for Genus-7 Case • A cluster of 72 heptagons gives full coveragefor a surface of genus-7. • This regular hyperbolic tiling can be continued with infinitely many heptagons in the limit circle.

  29. Genus-7Paper Models 7-fold symmetry

  30. The Embedding ofthe 18-fold Waystill eludes me. Perhaps at G4G18 in 2028 … Let’s do something pretty with the OCTA - frame: a {5,4} tiling

  31. Genus 7 Surface with 60 Quads • Convenient to create smooth subdivision surface based on octahedral frame

  32. {5,4} Starfish Pattern on Genus-7 • Start with 60 identical black&white quad tiles: • Color tiles consistently around joint corners • Switch to dual pattern: > 48 pentagonal starfish

  33. Create a Smooth Subdivision Surface • Inner and outer starfish prototiles extracted, • thickened by offsetting, • sent to FDM machine . . .

  34. EIGHT Tiles from the FDM Machine

  35. White Tile Set -- 2nd of 6 Colors

  36. 2 Outer and 2 Inner Tiles

  37. A Whole Pile of Tiles . . .

  38. The Assembly of Tiles Begins . . . Outer tiles Inner tiles

  39. Assembly(cont.):8 Inner Tiles • Forming inner part of octa-frame arm

  40. 8 tiles Assembly (cont.) • 2 Hubs • + Octaframe edge inside view 12 tiles

  41. About Half the Shell Assembled

  42. The Assembled Genus-7 Object

  43. S P A R E S

  44. 72 Lizards on a Genus-7 Surface

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